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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. I believe that some aspects about the missing book of Enoch needs to be addressed and understood in how it aligns with the Protestant Bible, but until the deception is revealed then the truth about what happened during the time of Enoch will continue to be a confusion. Here are a few points that I believe need to be clarified in order to better understand why the Protestants rejects this lost book of Enoch: [1] There are two distinct ancient men named Enoch and this is the beginning of understanding true history. One man named Enoch lived much earlier than the other Enoch and the second Enoch also became very famous, however, the history of the two different men became merged and a confusion. The first Enoch was a descendant of Cain, in fact, he is the famous son of Cain that the Bible says the city of Cain was named after. His other popular name is CHANOCH. So sometimes he is written as Enoch-Cain and my research, if anyone knows, always revolves around an understanding of REVERSE SCRIPT and some words even today reveal how history has still remained intact through some words that have retained their earlier meanings and can be seen in reverse script form. And the name of ENOCH is one of those earlier words that has this feature. There are many variations of this name and by understanding the time periods of certain written variations can lead to a confirmation of true history. Chanoch reveals that this man was BI-CULTURAL meaning, his father was of the western and priesthood origin but his mother was eastern and matriarchal. The root word NOCH in both names is the origin of his name as ENOCH meaning he was BLACK or NOCTURNAL. His city carried a two-city theme and for thousands of years. If first developed in is original land, NORTHEAST but he depended on the southworld black people to be able to develop it and this brings us to the second Enoch, ENOCH-SETH of whom was born hundreds of years later. [2] The Sethworld or SOUTH WORLD Blacks of ancient Egypt became the foundation of the earliest civilizations or cities. So for this reason, even the first city that formed in the NODEAST or NORTHEAST in ancient Turkey Anatolia had to exploit the Southworld Blacks for such material as metals and agriculture. For this reason, the great city became defined by a dual theme and on the premises of equality. Therefor all ancient cities whether in the southworld or in the far flung world of the Ancient Americas has this same naming system and were known by names that go right back to this very origin of the very first civilization of planters and agriculture, where people went from being hunter-gatherers to planters. So, names like Chan-Chan, Tenoch-titlan, Chancun, Tolteca, Sudan [South Dan], Catal-Huyuk, Huni-huni, Hero-Cleo politan, etc have this dual feature. Even if it was not obvious in the name of the ancient cities, it was so until the southworld Seth people became so oppressed that a revolt occurred. But even after the northeast world Blacks infiltrated the southwest world of Blacks in Egypt and dominated and were soon overthrown, still the origins of this method of city development continued because the south world Blacks continued to embrace the northeast world idols and saw them as being more supreme. [3] This two themed city civilizations came to a pinnacle around the AD 3000s when Enoch-Cain died. So based on the Bible Enoch-Seth was set to become a victim of human sacrifice at the age of 365. However the scriptures say that 'he was not, for God took him', meaning he was not killed by this ritual because God took him. However, his death coincided with the same time of the death of Enoch-Cain and at this time, many tombs were unearthed to see that huge numbers of servants were killed and burled with theleaders they were forced to serve. It would be this time period that an Oriental man named Narmer came up from the south of Egypt and warred against the Asiatics and unified Egypt. He was a black man and also, he was bi-cultural. He was eastern in his male origins and western in his maternal origins. But after he led the southworld into a successful revolt and overthrow of the Asiatics in Lower Egypt, later his descendants led the southworld back into depression again. Anyway unless this confusion about the two distinct Enoch men are understood, the Book of Enoch does not need to be part of the Bible, IMO. [4] Around the 2700s BC when after Seneferu overthrew the 3rd dynasty and changed the naming system to reflect that he was a Theban man, this Enoch-Enoch world had existed for over a thousand years and continued to rise up over and over throughout history and compete with later systems. Seneferu's naming system became known as 'Ben names' or in reverse, NEBTY NAMES or Black names. But like the earlier Narmer and/or Menes, Seneferu also embraced eastern women and soon, he was overthrown and murdered. Thousands of years later, the Chaldeans of Neo-Babylon re-instituted the Black names or ancestral Theban names and from that we have stories with the names of Daniel being renamed Beltesshazzar, and then Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego.
  2. I've heard about missing books in the Bible and definitely heard about the missing book of Enoch. There are several books taken out of the KJV and are in the Catholic Bible, I think one is called The book of Judith. There is a descriptive name title for a group of books extracted from the Protestant Bibles and are based on the fact that certain books are proven to be books written by a confirmed author and were written much later in time than when certain events really happened. For example, there is a book attributed to Solomon, however, it was written much later in time proving that it was definitely NOT written by Solomon. I think one term is 'anachronistic' meaning books written about a certain historic time but the events describe clearly reveal the author(s) didn't even live back when the events really occurred. I've heard of The Book of Jasher and this book doesn't seem to be discounted but, it is not evident as being part of the compilation in the KJV. I've heard about the Ethiopian books in that they have records of The book of Enoch and other books that the Protestants rejected. As for the lost Book of Enoch, I have a lot to say about that book and agree that it should not be part of the Protestant Bible due to a lot of deliberate misinformation that has been weaved into scriptures even in ancient times. I could actually write a long book myself, on what I have found out about the deceit that surrounds the ancient Book of Enoch and some of the misinformation.
  3. Never thought about it from this perspective. But now, this makes so much sense in this Democracy. Yes this is what I remember about its' beginning. However, I thought, though, that its' origins went back before George Floyd and began as a result of Trayvon Martin. Really!? Now this points to perhaps who was funding them.
  4. Interesting! It does seem like a movement to re-counter Black Power Movement and overtake Black led communities. Senator Nicole D. Porter, Senior Director of Advocacy and The Sentencing Project said it could be repeated in her state of Texas. She spoke about the prison system too and it was also mention how minor offenders are put with more serious offenders and how this is a detriment. Dr. Larry J. Walker, Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida spoke about how it is a continuous cycle and how Black people continue to be oppressed. He said that Mississippi could be used as a template for other states to follow if we don't fight it. But he says this is mainly an attack against the political structure and the vote rights.
  5. This is just amazing! We need so much more of this. He looked serious! @Troy meant business!
  6. This is the first time I've seen and heard about Rep Jasmie Crockett. She is well spoken and awesome.
  7. LOL Jesse Lee Peterson was the first person I thought about when after I heard this video. They are both total clowns. When Manning said something like "can I get a amen and a BOOMSHACKALACKA go right there!" at the end of his sermon, I thought i was going to die of laughter.
  8. I've not heard of him. From reading the article, I suppose he has been an actor for Marvel. But if he is guilty then, he should pay for his crime. I wonder too why we, in general as Black people, don't realize how we are targeted for crimes more so than other kinds of people. Sometimes too though, I believe that we are given a false sense of security in that we can commit crimes and get away for the very purpose of setting us up to be defined as the most violent people on earth.
  9. Yes, I read it and I do believe that for the most part, the two parties are two sides of the same coin. absolutely. Say it again! It seems insane to ALLOW immigrants and then even the illegal immigrants are allowed to stay for years. I saw a report of how the illegal immigrants are given a trial date years away and this status of 'waiting for the trial' gives them a legal right to work jobs here! The homeless numbers have grown especially after Covid pandemic and so has the poverty amongst Americans. There is a specific reason why even though this seems crazy that thousands of immigrants are allowed to cross the southern border and then given bus rides way up north to asylum areas set up for them in New York and other cities where poor people are many. Something is wrong with American government.
  10. Yes, this is strange!!! I hear the news reports of thousands upon thousands of immigrants coming into North America, but they are NOT illegal. From what I hear is that it is the Biden administration that opened the borders especially for people from South America and Mexico. What is going on!? How can this government welcome them in the face of all of the problems already part of our government?
  11. @Pioneer1 I guess it depends on who they are shouting at and what are they saying. I did not think that type of street preaching still goes on. I remember a few decades back when the Nation of Islam men would be in Black communities on the streets but they weren't shouting at anybody or inciting. They would pass out flyers and very pleasant to me anyway. I think that there are a lot of groups still today but I have not seen any and don't know where they are concentrated here in America. I believe though, that those groups need to become familiar with the kind of Hebrew Israelites that live in Africa and are leaders of their own countries and government and are dealing with other countries and cultures on a political basis. Most of them, I think, don't identify as being Hebrew Israelite but go by other name titles because of the historical places they have lived and had to be part of other civilizations. They have fostered diplomatic relations with other African peoples and also other countries in other parts of the world in order to maintain their unique identity as being Hebrew Israelites. They have centralized their government and developed a military system, schools, trade relations, airports, hospitals, etc. and interact with other cultures that help them and respect them for who they are. So when I think about the groups over here shouting in the streets, well, it may have been effective in the 1960s but maybe today, they may need to try other methods to develop their identity as being Hebrew Israelites. What do you think?
  12. Lol. No. smoking clouds the brain, imo. I hate the rabbit hole I go into when it comes to the internet and I believe that this is my problem.
  13. My problem is I buy books but will take a long time before I can sit down and read them.
  14. My birth state is Pennsylvania and I honestly do not know! Yes, I stumbled across Black HIstory in Hawaii some years ago and was shocked! Love this post!
  15. Yes, there is proof but the Creator can prove himself, he doesn't need mankind. I can understand why Black people would discount the Bible if supports White Supremacy but to discount Black origins is ridiculous. Anyway, the Bible does not support the month of December as being when Jesus was born anyway nor does it support Easter as being when Jesus was Crucified. This past OCTOBER 14, 2023, the solar eclipse is the mark of the Crucifixion. That is the proof that aligns with the ancient scriptures.
  16. Black Unity is needed yes, and KWANZAA was a great movement, however as you have shown, in your post, there has been a lot of division that continues to thwart Black unity. I think that ever since America set up a bait and switch system and used the Church to confuse many Black people and because of Child slavery, the division used to keep us divided on this basis is very damaging. But however, the Creator knows this and that is why he said that there will be a great falling away from the Church that must happen before the Second Coming. He knows what to do about deception.
  17. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Holiday! -- Revisiting Native American History—The Yamasee Chief Se’khu Hadjo This video is amazing! Instead of a focus on the American aspect of the Thanksgiving holiday, however, this video shares some fascinating history about the American Indians. Furthermore, it addresses my passion in research in that thousands of years ago, the Ancient Americas was inhabited by a dominant presence of many ancient people of African descent. Even though the modern term ‘African’ and other terms have been misused to erase true history, nevertheless, these descriptions should not be a problem if used within a proper context. At about the 6-minute mark, the European description of Native Americans as being the color of CINAMMON, was also later addressed along with the term RED SKIN and I find this to be very crucial because this physical identity also addresses the presence of many natives of America of African descent. I was also surprised to see at the 11:50 minute mark, a picture of the late Richard Roundtree. His traits were compared to a Native American man. I believe that his origins are from East Africa Sudan, from the Horn of Africa though. But at about the 9:30 minute mark some of the most important comments were made that gives depth to the presence of ancient Black Americans that are native to this continent: “Everybody on the earth came to the earth as followed Black folk. The only natives you got on the earth are Black people. They were the original natives. Everybody else came here, they were followers. They came here and were raised in either Asia or the European … continent … or in the Pacific Islanders as Free Loaders. They got some of the free benefits … Blacks were the original people on the earth. And so, whether you call them Native Americans or Original People, that’s their title.” It has always been a subject of much controversy as to who were the first kind of humans to inhabit the ancient worlds in such continents such as in the ancient Americas and even in far eastern countries such as ancient China in the Eurasian continent. And this question has also been one of much contention even in the continent of Africa. However, what makes the history of places like North America a standalone, so-to-speak, would be the willingness of today’s European scholars to completely erase the true presence of African people ever even being here in North America in the earliest of time. Their definition of the ancient American would be a light skinned people with very straight hair and their physical description completely omits any likeness, traits, or identity of the presence of people of African descent. Nevertheless, the last person interviewed at the 12:50 minute mark was a man with straight hair that we know today to be an American Indian and he was gracious enough to sum up this entire video! All in all though, I believe that the whole truth about history here in ancient North America will not be completely understood until an accurate connection has been made with the origins of all Native Americas as they at one point migrated from the Old World. Even though Native Americans would obviously not have any direct connection to Africa or the Old Mediterranean World, however, I believe it would be importannt to know when they left the Old World and why they left. For example, the name 'Yamasee' has a syntax similarity with the root word 'Yam' and in West Africa the root 'Yam' has been a major part of many cultures so much so, there are major festivals so, for this reason, it would be beneficial to research to know if there was some kind of connection of the Yamasee to West Africa. Also, until the history and prophecies written in the Holy Bible can be understood therefore, the complete truth will not be understood.
  18. No. This is the first time, I've seen this commercial.
  19. Never seen those early flicks that made him famous. Not my genre but I saw him in later films. He's absolutely gorgeous even at 81. May he RIP.
  20. I do not understand how Israel maintains military supremacy on a deeper level other than what I've heard from some people. I believe it has something to do with western support, but if you can share, please do. I am aching to know more about what is going on with this Hamas and Israel conflict. It is so depressing to think that the hospital in Gaza is being bombed. How can this be allowed? Why won't the international leagues stop this kind of attack on civilians?
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