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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. @Pioneer1I just read over the references you provided within the entire chapter to better understanding of the full context. II CORINTHIANS Chapter 12:15-16 and the entire chapter seems to me to be Pauls addressing the Church people in Corinthia in their deeds of 'uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed'. HIs word 'crafty' means to you that he 'tricked them' but in context, it could mean that he was wise enough to question them to get at thier deception and he saw that they were trying to justify deeds that are sinful. He was trying to set up 'THE CHURCH' on values that are in the Old and New Covenant. If th people wanted to be part of the Church and continue to commit adultery and be lewd then, tht could contradict the church foundation. I CORINTHIANS Chapter 9:19-22 and in the entirety of the chapter seems to me to be Paul defining himself as 'A servant of God' and making a total sacrifice to make an appeal to anyone and not just, one particular kind of people. He says that he 'as a Jew' made an appeal to Jews and discussed Jesus Movement of Christianity by the 'LAW OF THE OLD TESTAMENT' that they, the Jews, were familiar with to show them how it correlates to the Gospel. And then, he appealed to others from their basis, whether Gentiles or Greeks and appealed to them from that perspective to win them over to Christ. You say, that he was 'two-faced' and pretended to be a Jew and then he turned to the Gentiles, and pretended to be a Idol worship of Jupiter and Juno. But that is not what he was saying in context.
  2. @Pioneer1 So do you believe that they existed? And, do you believe that they existed for a long time? As far as roaming the entire earth, doesn't seem to be significant, but scientist do say that skulls are found all over the earth that are not the modern mankind. Okay, but what are you basing this on? I too believe that Black people have been in existence for many years beyond documented civilizations and I base this on what I read and regarding archeology. This doesn't make any sense because, if these so-called Jews had the Talmud, and based on THE PENTATUCH, then it would not have been orally. Your dates are off. LOL! STOP! Believing that they existed or not is one thing, but the script clearly details Solomon, as he wrote himself, in that he was very, very Black skinned! Come on! Can you show me any references to this? The term 'Original Black population' that you just used would agree though, to this very term. LOL. But yes, 'Original Jew' would be more correct. But here is where I will leave off because if you don't accept the references I provided about the dated term JEWRY during the time that David and Solomon were scripted to have existed, then tht would be the contention. My reference again is THE BOOK OF SONGS OF SOLOMON as he described himself as being a very, very, Black man with African origins. But oh well... You just kicked my scholarly references about the term KARITE JEWS to the curve and now, you are just debating on 'beliefs', with no references. Oh well, thanks anyway for your response.
  3. Ugh . . @Pioneer1 This is the most taxing statement of all in this dialogue, for me. While I understand exactly what you mean about the Catholic priest as you said earlier in this thread, and I understand completely what you mean about Caucasian men and how the media uses ploys to drown out this great evil, however, it would dangerous to compare this to Pan-Africa, just based on a few historical facts with regards to slavery and the common term of 'the Slaveyard Buck'. And, don't even bring up the Greek culture because many of those Spartans were actually Black! Who was it that attacked Kalief Browder!? What do you think is going on in the prisons? But more importantly, the history about the very term that you use 'Caucasian' has this dark history too, attached to it. But most of all, this issue is personal for me. So, I don't really care about the percentages of White pedophiles versus Blacks. It is hard for me to deal with a grown Black African American man who could rape a little African American boy and steal away a baby's chance to choose to be a man in accordance to his birth gender. You know, if I was given a choice to do away with only one or the other . . . If I could only choose to judge a few Black African pedophiles or either many White pedophiles, . . . I would immediately annihilate each and every one of the Black pedophiles. I can't believe that a Black man would move to hurt a little Black African child, whether a baby girl or a baby boy. That is unthinkable for me.
  4. @Pioneer1 I think he moved past what an assault may be though. I may be wrong on this, but this is what I remember as it was explained to me. I think it went something like this; if a person raises their hand or approaches in a threatening mode, then that would be AN ASSAULT. But if they actually came through and hit you, then that would be BATTERY; hence a criminal charge of Assault and Battery. But, in this situation, I may be wrong. Anyway, he didn't even give her a chance to say no, 'get you creepy arms off of me', because he did it in public and put her in an awkward position. But again, she doesn't need to speak out, he was wrong. It's not about her, it is about him and what he did. I definitely can appreciate assertive men, but he acted the part of a pervert. As Mel Hopkins said, he became 'a predatory monster'. She could have had a male friend or brother and then, what if the minister was retaliated against, knocked out for his act by her friend or maybe her father or uncle? They may not consider what she felt, but just respond. @Pioneer1 You wouldn't get upset if your girlfriend was groped? Umh . . . . . . That is interesting take, but @Pioneer1 hence . . . The Roman Empire . . . Do you realize that was the justification used to throw down the Original mankind? JUlius Ceasars' tactic was to appeal to a Matriarchal position because the needs of the ethnic and Black women were not met by their own mankind, and for that matter, isn't that why it is said that Jesus came? The priesthood ignored their own womankind? So, they were uprooted. So, now Black women had more freedom to get away from aggressive Black men behind the cloak of the priesthood who think that they can just 'take liberties' and go from one woman to the next . . .. without giving us . . . complete fulfillment? They must have went a little more farther than just being 'a little too aggressive with their touching'... I can't help but think about the 7 DEMONS that MARY OF MAGDALENE had... Jesus healed her of being vexed by those 7 perverts that left her wanting' . . . smh. So now, after the Church as set up, now here we go again... dealing with the Eddie Longs and what ever else...
  5. LOL. okay. @Pioneer1 Thank you for taking the time to read my input!
  6. @Troy yes, I've spent hundreds of dollars on specially made orthotics and they didn't work, more over, they actually made my feet much worse. It took me years of trial and error to finally stumble across these particular pair of NIKE Running shoes and the last pair wore out about 2 years ago, but I just didn't have the money to replace them but last week, after complaining relentlessly to my family for help, I was finally able to buy them. I had to call all over to find them as they are hard to find in stock, believe it or not. They don't seem to ever be on sale. I tell my family that what I really need to do is to get my membership back at a community pool or something because that would really help more. But, my health is not good, so I feel pressed to do something now. It is so sad about how just because of NAME BRANDS that companies like NIKE and more, have blood on their hands. I have to say, I agree with you on how you feel though. But, I angry too, about being ripped off in the medical field as well. I wish I could find a better way. But as for Colin Kapernick, I know he going to be exploited, however, what he did, IMO was so amazing. He's one in a million, and then some. He is so young too. In the back of my mind, I am hoping that NIKE or someone behind this company chose to do this for the right reasons. @Cynique absolutely! ... car rims.... keep going.... LOL
  7. LOL! @Troy NIkes are too expensive for me, but before I even knew that they supported Colin, I just recently broke down and scratched my pennies to buy a pair that I need because of my problematic feet. They happened to make a pair that I can use without causing me more damage due to a job injury. And, I don't think this will make up for Colin's financial loss either. From what I understand, he was really good at his sport, so I know he made a sacrifice. I hope his parents will be proud of him though, I believe it is tough on them too. There are already some angry people though, mad at Nike.
  8. LOL @Pioneer1 But yes, seriously though, we are not talking about the entire Earth regarding Specifically, well documented ancient city-civilizations. We don't know yet, what kind of civilizations occurred during the time the Neanderthals roamed the entire earth or lived in caves in the far east in Siberia and etc. except to say that the Neanderthals themselves mark a period primitive existence for hundreds of thousands of years. So prior to these remote time, we are not able to say what the Denisovans or other kinds of Black hominids did in Turkey. There are archeological evidence that dates back to certain time periods beyond 6,000 years ago showing the many unearthed obese figurines of 'the earth mother' in lands in East Europe and farther east. We read about the pottery of the ancient JOMON civilization in the far east and etc., we read about the huge massive long head skulls unearthed in Northeast Africa and etc. but in regards to TURKEY, all of the earlier city-civilizations with SCRIPT revolves around a Black African-typed presence. Ah! But @Pioneer1 THIS IS COMPLETELY WRONG!!! The first date that this term 'JEW' was written was way long before the Talmud was translated in Babylon. The Babylonian-Talmud did not even come into fruition until after the Roman Empire. It’s dated to be around AD 200 to 500!!! That is almost 1000 years after the Original Jews lived in Babylon! You are squeezing in history in a very small period what actually unfolded over hundreds and hundreds of years. The first time the term ‘JEW’ came about was way before the Persian Empire times! This term ‘JEW’ was based from what happened during the time of David and Solomon and due to a Civil conflict that led to a major division amongst the 12 tribes of Israel-Jacob. The term ‘JEWRY’ is in the Bible and it defines the SOUTHERN ISRAELITES of the tribes of JUDAH and BENJAMIN. Paul was from the tribe of BENJAMIN, one of the 12 tribes of Jacob. The NORTHERN ISRAELITES were called THE TEN TRIBES or JOSEPH. The headquarters for the Northern Israel was the Capital, Samaria, and the Southern Capital and headquarters was JERUSALEM in the south. Then was Daniel brought in before the king. And the king spake and said unto Daniel, Art thou that Daniel, which art of the children of the captivity of Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Jewry? DANIEL 5:13. After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him. ST JOHN 7:1. So the term ‘JEW’ would be ‘an ethnicity’ and has a cultural origin. There was conflict between the tribe of Benjamin and Judah due to Saul, the Kishite was from the tribe of Benjamin. But later, David became king and the Capital was Hebron for about 7 years, then it was moved to Jerusalem and David became King over all Israel. But after he died and due to his son Solomon, later the Hebrews split. So the JEWS of JEWRY would be based on their culture in Jerusalem and, this time period lasted for a long time, over a hundred years. @Pioneer1 The Hasmoneans yes. The Idumaeans yes. But, Again, you are combining what happened in Babylon with issues that span over a very long period of time. The so-called Jews that published the TALMUD came after the Roman Empire had formed. Their ‘new religion’ is was sparked violence amongst the Original Jews, but at this time, they called themselves KARAITES or KARAITE JEWS, which means ‘BLACK JEWS’. The kinds of European Jews that did eventually became associated with this TALMUD and other terms like TORAH and the TANAKH did begin after the overthrow of the Neo-Babylonian Empire though, so I understand why you have made these statement about Paul. After the overthrow of Neo-Babylon, Cyrus of the Medo-Persian system lived during the 400s BC. He marks a time when many Jews remained in Persia-Iran and also went farther east too. But at this point, the Hebrew script was still in tact due to the Neo-Babylonian system they came out of. This was the time their scripts were codified because that was a Cush-Babylonian custom. There are a lot of gaps in our western format of educational system about this very issue, but still, this can be understood based on certain perspectives. My one main approach would be to regard a historical timeline. 900s BC--- Solomon 600s BC—the Downfall of Northern Israel 500s BC—the Downfall of Southern Israel-JEWRY 450s BC—Scriptures Codified 400s BC—the Downfall of Neo-Babylon Empire 300s BC—the Downfall of Medo-Persia Empire 300s BC—the rise of the Greek Empire 200s BC—the Conflicts of the Greco-Roman period AD 200s- 500s—the formation of the TALMUD *** What is important about this confusion about the mixed Jews of those times and their script would be to not concentrate on them but rather the Original Jews and Israelites of Northern Israel. The Ten Tribes play a vital role in this issue. After they were overthrown and scattered, many of them became defined as GREEKS by the time the SEPTUGAINT was published. And the KOINE GREEK was used in the translations from their old language to the language at that time. The Septuagint was based on that KOINE GREEK LANGUAGE. **** 200s BC--During this time the SEPTUGAINT was published, based on scholars in North Africa, which consisted of JEWS, HEBREWS, GREEK-HEBREWS... and Pharisees. And yes, the Original Jews had long been overthrown by this time too. However, many of them that migrated back to Jerusalem at the time of Cyrus and later, Darius-the-Mede, became apart of the translations of the Septuagint. It was during this time that the Hellenes began to be significant due to the Ptolemy dynasty. And the Hasmoneans and Idumaeans also come into this conflict during the Roman time period too. Paul would have been influenced by the Septuagint as would Jesus about 200 years later when they were alive. Between the time of the Septuagint and Paul though, the Jewish National Movement occurred and during that time, holidays were superimposed on top of ancient Biblical holidays and this too became a confusion. But Paul became in agreement with the works of Jesus and this movement. Today, the scholars admit that there are numerous contradictions to the Talmud that do not agree with neither the Septuagint nor the Masoretic text. It is just like today, even though there is a serious movement to define many immigrants as being ‘African American’, it doesn’t change the original KJV Bible that the Original AfroAmerican Descendants of Slaves have been using for hundreds of years. *** The most important point in understanding the authenticity of the earlier translations would be completely based on the definition and description of the Original Israelites as written in the PENTATUCH. The ethnicity of the Original Jews and Israel of Northern Israel MUST possess and retain a certain trait over the span of their generations for the third and fourth generations of any government that they are a part of and this is detailed in the scriptures. This would be the key conflict with the Talmud. The definition that Moses wrote to define his people would be the very contention of the Talmud. Another feature in order to validate the original ancient scriptures would be contained in the Pentatuch in that all scriptures must agree. The Old Testament authors writings must agree with the Gospel which would be the New Testament writings. So, Paul’s writings agree with this basis. So if you still believe that Paul is a fraud, then hopefully, you will be able to share your references so I can see.
  9. @Pioneer1 I forgot to comment on your question about 'African hair'. I don't know about 'the components' about African hair. All I know is that when you study the microscopic slides, African hair is completely unique as opposed to any other hair type in the world. I agree with you in that 'Native American or Asian hair' is somewhat distinct from European hair too. But the terms regarding 'race' makes this science of hair difficult to even explain. Even the slides I viewed during my training was wrong, IMO. The slides referenced what you call Native American, and what I call 'Asian' hair as MONGOLOID! The 'Mongoloid' slides showed the hair fiber as being thicker than all hair types, very black in color, and rounded. Like I said, my husband is 'Black Indian' and he has this on both sides of his family origin. His mother is Blackfeet and she has nappy hair. His father is Sioux and he comes from a huge family. Some of his sisters, have straight, long, very black hair, and his hair is sandy brown and straight-typed. HIs mother's hair is very straight and sandy brown. One of his brother's hair is straight-curly and very black and stands up, but NO NAPS AT ALL. So Native Americans have a distinct presence and it's difficult to use the term 'race' for me, because that is so NOT SCIENTIFIC. My husbands hair is very, very black, and very bushy. HIs strands are rounded though and blunt. He can grow a beautiful afro that is so easy to cut and shape. HIs cornrows are thick. So, I just don't know how to really categorize 'MONGOLIANS', But African hair is the only kind of hair on this planet that NAPS--- as far as humans to. The only thing similar to AFrican hair is THE WOOLY SHEEP and CAMELS, a certain breed and then of course, I wonder about the extinct WOOLY MAMMOTH. This may seem kind of funny but, this is a significant issue.
  10. @Pioneer1 Yes, but it has been awhile. What I vaguely remember about Sigmund Freud, the pschologist, and his conclusions and others, for this matter, is that they all are in the same 'secret organization with regards to misdating history' and therefore, their books are all based on this extremem false basis. @Pioneer1 Other scholars speak about this misdating that was done around AD 1500s in the European league before they set sail with their Exploration MOvement and their Transatlantic Trade Movement. So, the accounts they provide about MOSES, MONOTHEISM, ATENISM, AKHENATEN, and etc. is extremely and deliberately misdated and wrong. And, accept for the Arabs and fareastern civilizations and especially Iran system, of which reveal this in their dates and publications, it would be very difficult to prove this. It was a complete BLACKOUT on obvious historical facts regarding the education or miseducation of African Americans. Western Civilization has poisoned our minds with complete lies about the history of what happened during the 18th Dynasty of the RAMASIDS and they have misplaced MOSES to be in conflict with this system with their movies and even recent movies. How in the world can MOses be in the Ramesids Dynasty when his very name is MOSES--- Jusl like the many pharaohs of the 19th Dynasty!!!? How can Moses be Akhenaten of the 19th Dynasty when Moses loathed the Egyptians so much that he took off for about 40 years and initially refused to even go back? How can Moses choose to bond with Akhenaten wife, Nefertiti when the wife of Moses was clearly CUSH, ETHIOPIAN--- Black African? These Europeans have completely lied to hide well dated historical facts.
  11. @Mel Hopkins Thank you so much! And, your post was so on point! @Cynique You are welcome! @Pioneer1 Thank you. @Pioneer1 I think it is because that was only step 1. I am speaking on a personal basis here. I can't believe that you can't see this for what it is. Ms. Grande's smiling mean noting to his behavior. He borderlined if not crossed the line on what is criminal, and that is why the news reports showed the clip. It's obvious. I was taught that a person doesn't even have to touch you, and certain behaviors is considered 'AN ASSAULT'. Ms. Grande may have smiled and kept up an decent reaction due to being 'caught off guard' and for the sake of the situation being public, but she was clearly tensed up at his grabbing her like that.
  12. Hmh.......... Let me see .......... When my high school history teacher and football coach seemed to turn up in places when I got off the city bus in big ole San Diego, way on the other side of the city ....... there he was in his van------ offering me a ride...... when he told me I had to do after school study or I'd fail and could not graduate, and even though I took my friend with me..... he demanded that she leave because she was passing and then, she left....... he pressed against me..... i was 16 years old..... a virgin...... and I beg him to get off of me..... and later find out that he did this before and was basically just 'slapped on the hand' and sent to another school......my school.... to do it again!!! Fortunately, he did not continue and he did leave me alone that day.... or 9 months later, I would have had a half White-Italian baby. I was terrified. I did not like it at all. I felt like Kizzie..... as this was the rage during that time. Yes, I do find assertive men attractive, but not creeps. In college, too, and like this situation, there are many creeps. But to do this to ARiande Grande on such an occasion, is unbelievable. Come on, @Pioneer1 on national television! Yes! That is awful. Did you see how he was holding her? That was just ridiculous. Is he married? If he is, then how would you expect his wife to respond. I would completely flip out.
  13. @Mel Hopkins YITES!!! Touchez!!!! On Guard! @Pioneer1 Yes, She did pull away. She absolutely looked uncomfortable. @Pioneer1 Come on. Well, what about the other way around. This comment reminds me of one of my past favorite movies '9 to 5' starring Dolly Parton and Jane Fonda.
  14. @Pioneer1 Wow! Is that the same person? Interesting point you make. But the Pulsular Psoriasis or rather ALPHOS LEPROSY does never remain but it actually goes in and out of remission. It is a different pathology from Viitiligo, however, have to say, that based on your observation, I am now wondering if like 'psoriasis' today's medical professionals have changed the facts about VITILIGO too! The kind tht MOses had, came and went, and even though, the description was about a certain point in time when Moses was 80 years old, many people can't recognize that it probably wasn't the first time Moses had this issue! We've been brainwashed to read the Bible by the White's man's limited perspective-- 'or at least I have been brainwashed-- and so, I am trying to free myself from this slave mindedness and look at past history from another perspective. Did you see the first line of the reference I quoted? It actually has that very word 'VITILIGO'! It does seem like Vitiligo may be a variation of leprosy! WOW.
  15. @Pioneer1 LOL! OKAY! i am going to leave well enough alone. Yes, I agree. But here is the issue with 'the blue eyes' regarding modern mankind--- It is the gene arrangement that is specific and can be seen under a microscope exacly where on the chromosome, the specific chromosome, that connects to EUMELANIN in the cells of the eye and the position of the mutation-gene that blocks this EUMELANIN causing for blue or other eye colors. This same arrangement can be seen in anthropology in BLACK AFRICAN MALE SKELETONS; The gene arrangement of the NEANDERTHALS and earlier HOMONIDS with the huge BROW RIDGE and SLOPING LOW SKULLS do not show this Blue Eye Mutation, at all. Believe me, if White people could own it, as coming from the Denisovans or other earlier Black hominids, they would. Tlhey would gladly separate themselves from the modern mankind and say that they do not come from the origin of Africa. But they can't, this mutation is specific. Now, in this, you may be right! But so far, scientist have not detected this Blue eye mutation in the earlier hominids with the huge brow ridge, low sloping skulls, and etc. They do know, however, that Blue eyes stem from BLACKNESS. Albinos, pure albinos, have no blue eyes, and according to what has been reported, it was the Neanderthals that roamed the earth long after the other hominids had been extinct for a very long time. And for certain, Neanderthals did not have tht mutation. The re-creation of a specimen of the Neanderthal man- shows he has dark hair and eyes, and based on my research, this is partly true, but again, thier gene arrangement is specifice and very detailed and easy to see based on other proven facts. However, a true Neanderthal would have been a 'true Albino' mutation from a Denisovan typed earlier Black or darker skinned Hominid. It is a recessive trait though, because it is a mutation, meaning, an abnormality, and that is why it pops up from time to time and is not common among Black Africans. White Europeans show this recessive trait a lot because of 'sex selection' and interbreeding. What they did to express this correlates to a lot of other manifestations of recessive traits on thie eartn too. But again, I agree, in that it could have happened way before 6000 years ago.
  16. @Pioneer1 I hope that, even in other threads and post, we can discuss this by and by because I think this is a broad subject. It is so great for me to have this opportunity to go deeper into this topic than I have been able to with anybody, even in the Church. I agree that Paul was helping out the Romans, Greeks, Hellenes and etc. against the Jews, but @Pioneer1 Paul was not from that origin, however, he was a Jew himself from the tribe of Benjamin. He was Hebrew Israelite-Jew. I am fascinated that you can speak about Antioch, Turkey, Asia Minor, and etc. But from what I can see, Paul, who changed sides, did not stray from the teachings of Jesus at all. I don't see Roman and Greek mythology in the core Christian followings. But, if you do, I would like a chance to think about what you recognize. Jesus too, had no intentions of freeing the Jews from 'the Roman occupiers' because it was the original people of the land that kept embracing these Romans. The so-called 'stewards were worse than the masters they came to serve'; [a parable of Jesus]. Jesus was up against a bunch of half-breed Jews that sorely oppressed the original Jews, but at one time, it was these original jews that embraced these foreigners and therefore, the Romans used the mixed-race JEws, and other ethnic peoples to further suppress them. It has been a cycle, and if we don't stop it, it would be useless for some god almighty to free us from the people we continue to embrace. The MOvement that JEsus started was to operate alongside of the Roman system, to offer relief to those who chose not to support it, a system that the Jews themselves chose and elected to have. The movement that Jesus started was due to the choice of the Jews and half-Jews, and Hebrews of Samaria, and Paul worked to set up this ‘Church’ [Christian] movement. Antioch, where the disciples were first called 'Christ followers', I agree with you, was once Syria and today, the western world has changed the map! The Romans dominated Turkey-Anatolia [ie. Asia Minor] and I think @Pioneer1 that Paul concentrated in this area because it was the Roman seat of power, but tht doesn't mean tht the other disciples didn't do significan works in Ethiopia, Gaul, and Lusitan, and Russia and elsewhere. Like Jesus, Paul conflicted with Simon-Peter [ie. Simon-the Black] and pressed him to go north up into Western Anatolia [northeast--BLACK SEA area] to set up the Church [the 7 Church Headquarters in Asia Minor] there to kick against White Supremacy. I think Paul was born in Turkey. As you said, they changed the map. Turkey now, includes the very land that their ancestor, Abraham was born--UR OF THE CHALDEES [ie. the land of Mesopotamia--- Cush Ham---Black lands] West Turkey near the Black Sea --- is ancient TROY area---THRACE---BLACK LANDS--- that very land of the descendants of AbraHAM---- Jesus called SIMON--- PETER. Paul needed Peter to go up there to start the Church to deal with Roman agression and suppression of the Original Greeks like the Carians and more. All of Turkey was once BLACK LAND, even in the east on the other side of LAKE VAN. Kultepe was found many, many CUNEIFORM CLAY TABLETS of Cush Babylon times when the Sumerians were masters of trade and dominated the trade language. Paul changed sides. I have heard it said, that Paul may have been part-Hellene himself, but nevertheless, he did not support the Romans and the Greeks [ie. Hellenes] anymore. This is why the Jews concentrated on Turkey--- it was once Black lands--- the names and history of Turkey goes all the way back to the HURRIAN times and the land, all of it, ---- was Black lands as the names do show. Yes, your right the Romans and White Greeks and Hittites fought for this land of the Lusitanians, Spartans, Luds, CARIANS,.... for thousands of years. it is Armageddon--- that is why the SELJUK TURKS [ie. HUNS] raged into this land over a thousand years after the Roman Empire. and also ATILLA- the HUN did too in the AD 400s. There is a reason why Paul concentrated on this land. Anyway, thank you for opening up, one of my favorite subjects!!! LOL. I do understand that Jesus was a NAZARENE--- I understand too--- that this custom went way back to CUSH HAM---SUMERIANS---- during the days of the epic of Gilgamesh--- when the Sumerians [ie. INKIDU, a Sumerian legendary man] were suppressed in their own lands in and around present day Iraq. So, they began an oath to grow out their hair, and other customs, and strove to be freed from oppression and upon their freedom, they shaved their heads. And so, many Jews followed this custom because they were mixed with Cush Ham and other Hamitic peoples in their origins. But this doesn't mean that they were not called 'CHRIST FOLLOWERS' too, don't you think? Syria, Antioch and much of Syria was the origin of the Hebrews and the Jews, descendants of Shem. The Assyrians were separatists and they dominated the north during the days of Terah and AbraHam, so it would be probable tht the ‘JESUS’ MOVEMENT’ [IE Christian movement] would start in this country. Assyrians [ie. As-Syria-- WHITE SYRIA--SYRO-PHOENICIAN] were White Supremacist and AbraHam's father, Terah embraced them. This is why AbraHAM was told to break off from his father. And too, this is why Stephen was stoned to death because he AMPED on the Jews about this very issue of COLORISM and Paul [ie. SAUL] stood by that day and did nothing, but later, this was what weighed on his soul. So Abra-Hams’descendants embraced the SYRIANS [ie. Original descendants] and it was after NEO-BABYLONIAN TIMES and after NEBUCHAD that the Assyrians dropped their name and became known as Syrians. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE WORDS OF STEPHEN Before he was stoned to death ACT CHAPTER 7, Verse 1-4. [1] Then said the high priest, Are these things so? [2] And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, [3] And said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee. [4] Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell. ACTS 7: 1-4. *** The Land of THE CHALDEANS means 'The Land of the BLACKS'!*** ***Kali means BLACK**** *** the CHALCOLITHIC ERA**** ********** Abra-Ham was part Shem + part CHALDEAN!!!*******
  17. He is disgusting. What a creep. me too. lol. but she was not dressed properly for a funeral.
  18. @Pioneer1 I've look more for references and confirmed. I have confirmed that Psoriasis is exactly that, ALPHOS LEPROSY [ie White Leprosy]. So, the reference you gave about 'NAAMAN' would be the exact same as described for Moses and Miriam. As I wrote, it is called CLEAN LEPROSY in the Old Testaments to distinguish it from the ROT LEPROSY. Alphos Leprosy or White Leprosy or Pulsular Psoriasis, is inherited and that is why it was said it would be throughout Naamans lineage. And, it can be all over. There is no other kind of leprosy or psoriasis that has this definition. Anyway, here is the main reference and some pics of Vitiligo, the patchy skin condition that is not white: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ On Diseases of the Skin. Second edition By Sir Erasmus Wilson CHAPTER XIV ALPHOUS INFECTIONS ALPHOS, the lepra alphos of the Greeks, is of the three vitiligoid or spotted affections of Celsus. “It is called alphos,” he says, “when it is white, rough, and dispersed, resembling drops sprinkled on the skin; ... Willan adopted the term “lepra” to distinguish this disease, and, at the same time, employed the word “psoriasis” for one of its forms, ...The question therefore arises: Which is the mere correct, and, at the same time, the most convenient title for the affection? Is it lepra? Is it psoriasis? ... We prefer the latter alternative, and propose to restore the specific term “alphos,” by which the disease was known to the fathers of medicine. This term was given to the disease by the Greeks, was adopted by the Latins, and was only disturbed by the confusion of literature which occurred during the dark ages. Lepra alphos is undoubtedly the most correct appellation of the disease; ... https://books.google.com/books?id=wntaAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA398&lpg=PA398&dq=alphous+leprosy,+psoriasis&source=bl&ots=4AjNKpCdZf&sig=JgRSjDFlM6nQITOsaHBotm2zsgo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwix2_Kn_pfdAhWHVt8KHeqoD9IQ6AEwDnoECAAQAQ#v=onepage&q=alphous leprosy%2C psoriasis&f=false @Pioneer1 So therefore, today, the medical field has separated the terms and defines Psoriasis separately because it is not the contagious kind but still, this is detailed in the Bible. Whenafter a few days, the people affected with Clean Leprosy could live amongst others, but the contagious kind, they were not. One king in the Bible of the Jews, had to live in a Several house and his son had to reign in his stead because he had the contagious kind. So the confusion today is that they define the clean leprosy as a form of PSORIASIS and state that it has a different pathology, of which is no different than the Bible: What’s the Difference Between Leprosy and Psoriasis? Leprosy vs. psoriasis https://www.healthline.com/health/psoriasis/leprosy-vs-psoriasis Leprosy and the natural selection for psoriasis Author links open overlay panelloannis D. Bassukas a GeorgiosGaitanis a Max-Hundeiker b … https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2011.10.022 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987711005366 *** Today, they don't want to connect the past to the present, but it is the same pathology, the very same description. And again, Vitiligo does not show as being 'white as snow' as some of these pics show;
  19. @Pioneer1 Vilitigo is not 'white as snow' in appearance. Isn't it patchy?
  20. @Pioneer1 Thank you! You know, I really don't see myself as being 'religious' because well, too much confusion, but I search for the facts behind the purpose these religions came about.
  21. @Pioneer1 Interesting. I like your break down on Medulla. Regarding HAIR STRUCTURE, that was my thesis, partly, for my college degree. I wrote my thesis on bird feather types and compared and contrasted with human hair fiber, especially that of African hair fiber. Also, I was trained on the diffeent types of hair structure for my job at one of several naval bases and shipyards where I worked in radiation, nuclear science, and all types of environmental hazards. I was employed as in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST [associate Industrial Hygienist] at one, and was trained on the various types of ASBESTOS FIBERS. Part of my training included studying many prepared slides under the microscope on how to identify asbestos fibers and included in the process was that I had to be able to identify and distinguish between the different types of HUMAN HAIR FIBER and ANIMAL FUR and hair fibers, and etc. So, African hair fiber is absolutely unique from Asian hair fiber. the term 'NATIVE AMERICAN' is very subjective as my husband is Native American and also Negro [Black Indian].
  22. @Pioneer1 I read your conversations sometimes , and @Cynique cares enough to take the time to debate with you so, I hope you can respect that. Right? I think it is worth it to hear other viewpoints, even if we disagree. @Pioneer1 Yes and no. Based on the facts through study, it has been proven to be 'A MUTATION'. This mutation has been traced back to having occurred around 6000 years ago and the archeology points at an origin of Africans. Therefore, it would be 'an African trait' that is RECESSIVE TRAIT based on the mutation steming from EUMELANIN, meaning Black pigment in 'brown eyes', and in which the gene blocked the pigmentation, causing for blue eyes. The Eumelanin and PHaemelanin [ie spelling] acts the same way in all living, and White people do NOT make EUMELANIN. Therefore it has become obvious to scientist that BLUE EYES ARE INDEED, AN AFRICAN TRAIT in origin. You can't have Bue eyes without Eumelanin. This is why they have to admit its origin. Eumelanin is the same pigmentation that gives color to hair and also skin and etc. So, it is not that it is 'not enough melanin' but that it is 'blocked pigmentation' at a specific point on the gene that gives eye color like blue, grey, hazel, green and light brown. there are more than one type of 'blue eyes' but they all stem from this MUTATION that occurred about 6000 years ago. Prior to this, the primitive mankind, homonids, never expressed blue eyes!!! Their gene arrangement is significantly different from modern mankind!!!
  23. @Pioneer1 Yes, at the very least. In terms of psoriasis, yes there are many differnt kinds of psoriasis and, in terms of leprosy, yes again there are many differnt kinds of leprosy. But in terms of the reference you put about 'Naaman' are you referring to this or about Miriam, being 'as white as snow all over'? The reason why I am wondering because, this type of 'PSORIASIS' can be just that pervasive, in that it can be all over and so far, there is no other kind that is that white in color? In terms of leprosy, again, this is the very description in that it is INHERITED and it is a form of CLEAN LEPROSY. So this would be easy to understand that it would be in all of the lineage of Naaman. The term for leprosy in this very description was given other terms, but again, this is the only kind, 'PULSULAR PSORIASIS' that is that white, as I have shown in pictures. If you know of a type of leprosy other than this kind, I would be interested in you offering some reference. The term 'ALPHOUS LEPROSY' has the same description as PULSULAR PSORIASIS.
  24. @Troy LOL. Oh this is too funny. Really now. I get your point too. Trump is now complaining and now, he singing our song... so now we might drop our guard!... As if we didn't know about Google already! LOL. @Cynique Well said. But @Delano What can he do? What can 'we' do for now? America claims they are a Democracy of free enterprise, but this doesn't seem so to me. They claim they were against Communism but, I know i don't understand 'Communism' completely but it seems to me that it means something like 'Community property' and if so, it seems they have underhandedly forced most of us Americans to become dependent on this basis. They forced most of us out of business and free enterprise... but some people are smart enough to know how to use the best resources for now to get where they need to be later. So many of us still need to make our dollars count and go to the Walmarts and McDonalds and the Ford.... used car dealers, but only for now!
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