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Everything posted by Troy

  1. I know special education is often used against Black boys, removing them from the classroom and eliminating any potential for an education. But 56% Black illiteracy rate seems high where did you get this figure @Gibran I'd be willing to bet 56% of Black people can't get through a literary novel, but I'd also be willing to bet that better than 80% of us are "functionally" literate -- they might not be able to read and comprehend an article in the New York Times, but they can complete a job application, read signs, etc.
  2. @Gibran Amazon has already won man. It is over. Even the amount of money I make as an Amazon affiliate has dropped substantially over the years. I could see it coming years ago -- I just could not do anything about it. Amazon is the greatest hustler there ever was. Rather than being locked up, they are rewarded. They have even convinced us "marks" to believe they are good. Again, authors, the ones with the most to gain, were the harshest critics against boycotting Amazon. No, the KDP consolidation was far from seamless there are countless articles by writers complaining about this, but again there was nothing any of us could do about it. Amazon is a monopoly for online sales of books and they are a monopoly in eBook production and sales -- they are even a monopoly in the eBook reader hardware and software sales and manufacturing. Collectively Black people are not sophisticated enough to see the problem. We are not dumb, but it is something we don't know enough about to have an opinion. See everybody feels they can have an opinion about, say, the game last night, but once you start talking about monopolies people eyes glaze over. It is not only Black people who are being effected, but we suffer more than other group as a result of Amazon's dominance. The other problem we have is that we do not have have the platforms (websites, newspapers, TV, Radio) with the resources, ability, or consciousness to teach enough people why Amazon's dominance matters. Sure, they can cover the antics of Cardi B or Kanye West, but when it comes to stuff that really matters which requires a bit of explaining -- forget about it.
  3. This was before my time. I heard about it from old timers and sometimes saw this acted out in films featuring old school gangsters. The Wire fans will recognize characters like Marlo Stansfield, the most ruthless sociopath on the series succeed, while the criminals who followed a code all ended up dead. Even as a kids I could never understand why we robbed each other. Just down the street there were wealthy folks (Harlem is adjacent to the the hyper-wealthy upper East Side). Part of the reason for engaging in crime against ourselves is how the different communities were policed. Of course there are many other reasons... @Gibran is was the above an excerpt from your book?
  4. You got that right. It liken it to the wild west where there is no rule of law and only the most ruthless succeeds and nice guys finish last. I have my bouts of doubting humanity them someone comes along and does something to restore my faith in humanity. Bottom line: never give up; after doing 35, I know you are not a quitter. Here is to a great 2019 Gibran!
  5. Hey @Gibran it has been a minute. I trust all is well. I'll add your latest book to your AALBC profile: https://aalbc.com/authors/author.php?author_name=Gibran+Tariq After looking at your website, I see that I'm missing a few other titles. Would you mind posting the ISBN13s of the books that I'm missing in reply here, and I'll add all of them to your page. Peace, Troy
  6. The Power of Presence by Joy Thomas Moore Publication Date: Sep 18, 2018 Format: Hardcover Classification: Nonfiction Page Count: 304 ISBN13: 9781538743805 Imprint: Grand Central Life & Style Parent Company: Hachette Livre Read Tony Lindsay's Review Description: “For single parents, working parents, and caregivers who worry about the time they spend away from their children, the mother of The Other Wes Moore shares strategies to raise happy, well adjusted kids.” As the mother of Wes Moore, whose memoir about overcoming the obstacles that face a fatherless young black man was a huge bestseller, Joy is constantly asked: How did you do it? How can you be a good parent, have a career and stay healthy when you don’t have a partner to pick up the slack? How do you connect with a child when you can't always be there? Joy's answer is "presence." Specifically, seven different ways of being a force in a child’s life, ensuring that they feel your influence. We can’t always be physically there for our children, but the power of presence can help us to be a voice in the back of their minds that guides them through difficult times. In The Power of Presence, Moore explores seven pillars of presence — heart, faith, mind, courage, financial freedom, values, and connectedness — that all parents can use to positively influence their children. Using compelling stories from women who have been there and practical advice on everything from savings accounts to mindfulness, this book is a compassionate look at what it takes to raise great kids even in less than ideal circumstances.
  7. @Delano no one wins all the time man. Even "losing" can be a win if you look at it the right way. Any one wanna bet 45 serves out his full term and wins again in 2020?
  8. Hi @Milton I published a review here: https://aalbc.com/books/bookreview.php?isbn13=9780999278925 unfortunately it was the reviewer's "...favorite cup of tea..."
  9. It is also not supported by the numbers, for most women are not lesbian. We have so many things adversely impacting brown people, more profoundly, lesbianism does not even register.
  10. You can sent the $50 to me via PayPal troy@aalbc.com I won't even rub it in
  11. Hey @Cynique thanks. Consider what you would have needed to do to get a tattoo 60 years ago. Today an 18 years girls can walk into any suburban mall and get a tattoo. Also when you were a teenager, in high school, how many of your girls friends had tattoos? Often we are manipulated in ways were don't see, perhaps in ways we don't want to see it. Today, I would still discourage a young person from getting tattoos on their face -- there are still some jobs you can't get while sporting visible tattoos. There are still enough people that would prejudge you, negatively, based upon having a face tattoo. When a popular rap artist has a face tattoo we have to appreciate it does influence the people who watch their videos. go to their concerts, and following them online.
  12. @Pioneer1 these is no science to support this because there is only one race. Now it is possible you may find, or are using, information from a century ago. This was pseudoscience used to justify the subhuman hyper-sexualized Black male. A creature that white women had to be protected from and who it was perfectly acceptable to "breed" indiscriminately with other enslaved women. Again so called Black people are the most genetically diverse people on the planet. There are white people more genetically similar to Black people than other Black people. Again, if you believe in the "Myth" (forget that BS definition of a "myth" being something that is true that never happened) of race you'll come up with flawed conclusions. Of course there are cultures that practice polygamy, but this is cultural and as nothing to do with one's skin color (how you define "race").
  13. Man @Delano this would be much easier if you stopped going off on tangents and answered simple questions. After pointing out that your conclusion from the article was baseless The article never even used the word "fact." You failed to acknowledge this point and proceed to find some other point to take issue with -- even going as far as to discount the importance of Darwin's observations regarding the theory of evolution -- a first as far as I'm aware. Then again you are the first to assert MLK and homosexual affairs, so anything is possible. What? So you dismiss the importance of Darwin's work because he was unaware of someone else's -- a contemporary no less? That would be like dismissing Newton's work because he was unaware of the relationship between space time. Even Mendel's work started with observations indeed most scientific theories do. Math is a tool brother Newton's laws was ultimately found be be incorrect because of observations. The math supported his theory until it didn't. Now we have new math to explain the force of gravity that works under more conditions. Ultimately even these formal will change to account for the quantum world... Again, you seem to be more concerned with finding me wrong. Indeed, the above statement is a testament to that. If it helps, you win. Facts are not based in bedrock, all science is based upon math, and I could not be more wrong about everything
  14. Del a response to this simple question does not require you following the entire thread. You were the one saying that you were "being supportive of @Chevdove." I'm saying that you were actually not being supportive of her because you are not being forthright with her. Indeed, I suggesting I'm being more supportive of her that by telling here how I feel and trying to understand her perspective. Arguing/! Del Chevdove and I are having an open and honest exchange. Unlike you I actually know what she believes -- why because she tells us. You instead dodge questions with superfluous quotes. You say that the Immaculate Conception is a "Myth that is both "true" but "never happened." Rather than explain what is true about it -- in your opinion -- you condescend and bore us by copying from the dictionary. Man tell use what YOU believe that is where the beauty lies.
  15. @Delano if you spent more time justifying your responses rather than copying and pasting what I wrote, this conversation could advance. Because according to you the theory of evolution was not based upon Darwin's observations but "math" from a 2nd cousin -- another unsupported claim which you can not substantiate. Again I'm fine with that.
  16. Of course the tatoo business is booming! It used to be done by drunken sailors and bikers, now suburban teenage whites girls are getting tattooed.
  17. @Delano, ok so you are implying the immaculate conception never happened; what is true about it?
  18. I hope you and your family had a great one!
  19. So now you want ME to research some dude you brought up our of thin air? Dude, if make a point YOU have to explain it. If you don't want to, or can't, do it, that is fine, but don't expect me to. Look saying, "If you remove math and statistics you have very little science left in any field." is very different that saying, "What scientific theories don't involve mathematics?" You can construe almost anything to involve math. If that is you point, I'm not going to argue it. So if you want to say evolution was based upon math rather than observation, fine. I'm not going to debate, it we'll just agree to disagree
  20. No. The clip was posted at least 4 times and on old and completely unrealeted posts. It was clearly a mistake either a bug or a mistake on your part. I NEVER delete posts just because I dont like what written. @Delano the answer is simple. Introducing mythology is subterfuge and clouds the issue. I was talking about women giving birth asexually and how Chevdove mixes science with religion. After all your copy and pasting you STILL have not said if you believe that virgins can give birth to boys. You refuse to be clear. @Delano Is the "myth" of the virgin birth of Christ true in your view true?
  21. I hear you @Cynique. In some circles the values are indeed carved in stone, however one could not divine this based upon behavior. Consider orthodox communities, evangelicals or even the NOI. Their rules are crystal clear. However don't try to judge this based code based upon any individual's behavior in that group. People are unique and will live by their own rules even risking great punishment. I'm basically saying what you're saying but moving the emphasis from the values and placing in solely on the individual.
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