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  1. I celebrated it having drinks with a group of Astrologers. We talked about free will. I was the lone voice saying it doesn't exist. Believing in the efficacy of Astrology is incompatible with the belief in free will. One Astrologer was somewhat swayed by my argument.
    2 points
  2. Man....look at all them educated sistas on the cover grinning! If they were sitting on a couch together, it would make you wanna just DIVE right in between them, kick your shoes off, and enjoy a good conversation!
    2 points
  3. Statistics clearly show that Blacks commit about 60% of all violent crime in America despite them being 14% of the population. Why is this? No family structure and a community that condones young girls having babies. Other minorities that come to this country without money and without speaking our language still surpass blacks. Its amazing !!!! Maybe black women need to find a moral compass and black men have to stop committing violent crime and serious drug offenses?? I think so ! Lets stop making excuses and start acting like mature adults. By the way, using some big words doesnt do anything either. We need to take personal responsibility. Lets stop blaming white people especially since they invented almost everything that makes our lives better.
    1 point
  4. Well, Black people got a huge basket of good news on Thursday, June 8. Because the U.S. Supreme Court did not shatter what’s left of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Instead, by a 5-4 margin, a coalition of conservative and liberal justices reaffirmed the court's 1986 precedent interpreting how legislative districts must be drawn under the landmark voting rights act, as amended in 1982. After years of court defeats and being battered backwards by state after state when it comes to voting rights, the Supreme Court did something so surprising, even that dreaded oaf Clarence Thomas filed a 50-page complaint-objection. The court said that in Alabama, a state where there are seven House seats and one in four voters is black, the GOP-dominated state legislature had denied African American voters a reasonable chance to elect a second representative of their choice. The decision could affect other states, with reconsideration of how congressional lines are drawn in areas with significant Black voters. But unless these other state cases get before the high court and are actually heard before 2024, this ruling only benefits Black voters in Alabama. Supreme Court does a good thing for Black voters in Alabama
    1 point
  5. Yes. A necktie would not work for Roland, as that requires a neck
    1 point
  6. @Delano cool and thanks for sharing
    1 point
  7. Obama and Biden "succeeded" the same way Clinton did......moving closer to the right-wing. Which isn't really a success so much as it's a capitulation. Or as Kwame Brown would say, "Go along to get along".
    1 point
  8. @Pioneer1 You mean you actually DO NOT know the long and tortured history of how Black people actually won their right to vote in the U.S.? A lot of it was fits and starts. A lot of violence. Read "Eyes on the Prize." I always knew you were a dullard. But that statement actually surprises me. It shouldn't though. Since you were the clown who swore the fortunes of Black Americans would vastly improve immediately if they abandoned their current religious beliefs and adopted the worship and veneration of African spirits. And you did say that. Let me see. What else did you demand? That ALL Blacks leave California because you're still butthurt over a jaywalking citation you got in that state years ago? Hard to let that simmering anger go, eh? Do you know when I first realized you were just plain stupid? It was after the May 2022 Buffalo Tops supermarket massacre in which 10 innocent Black men and women were murdered. The killer, 18-year old Peyton S. Gendron, had already been disarmed, subdued and arrested. Pre-trial hearings were underway and a bevy of news columnists and opinion writers were busily trying to make sense of the hate that drove Gendron. I knew that dude would never be free again. But YOU wanted a group of armed-to-the teeth Black men to travel to this northwestern New York State city to take revenge. Kinda stupid. What were they supposed to do? Hang out on different street corners and gun down any Whites happening by? You don't think Black people needed the Supreme Court during their Civil Rights battles? By the way, the name of the court is a title. I just refer to it in my writings so readers understand what federal court level I am referring to. So knock it off with your juvenile strawman and personal attacks. It is unbelievable how silly and immature you can be.
    1 point
  9. I was gonna enter the conversation but you are doing such a great job....I just sat back and enjoyed your facts and eloquence
    1 point
  10. This debate is so silly. One would have to be extremely ignorant to not realize that black males are the largest criminals in the United States. We can debate why, or what caused this, we can debate that they idolize toxic gangster culture, the lack of father figures, low iq, their propensity for crime and violence. We could debate many many things...and that would be a great conversation ...but to argue that black people don't commit more crime than any other race in America is laughable. I don't even care why at this point...and this whole idea that 13% of the population commits 50% of all violent crime is not correct. When you remove black women, small black children, and black senior citizens the figure is more like 6% (black males aged 15-55) of the population is committing 50% of a violent crime.
    1 point
  11. If you want the world to stop calling you that and treating you as equals, then stop acting like n*ggers! There is a reason why your community hasn't contributed a single shred to American society since the Reconstruction Era, and hint hint, it is not the White devil behind your ills, its yourselves.
    1 point
  12. The only way to deal with these people is to put them in their place, like they did back in the 1920s. The moment you give them leeway and show them basic courtesy, they start acting all uppity being the low IQ narcissistic chimps they are. What is more sad then the fact that most members of this forum are in complete denial of basic statistics, is the fact that this is probably the most intellectual top 5% lot of Black Americans considering they can read and afford internet.
    1 point
  13. Slavery started in the colonial days in 1619. And was abolished in 1865. That is 246 years. If you consider yourself a slave in 2023, that's on you I won't judge. People identify as black lesbians when they are white males these days...you do you.
    1 point
  14. This day and age, I gotta say there are more racist black people than whites. And no I'm not racist, I just cut through the B.S. Good luck with your reparations and " feel bad for a n***a" and "white privilege" indoctrination. What a privilege it is, to work for everything I have in life. "The truth, is rarely pure and never simple." -Oscar Wilde
    1 point
  15. All all these things, they are designed to keep the black man down? this country is pretty diverse. in less then a generation whites will also be a minority. All these things you speak of, why is the Latino community not experiencing these same afflictions? I have lived long enough and experienced enough to form my own beliefs. And it's your culture..no other culture raps about "smacking a hoe" or "robbing a n***a" my family came from nothing, no money, self made. It's called work. Ask the Mexicans, they know what hard work is. They are one of the hardest working people. Stop making excuses. No one feels sorry for your great X10 grandfather picking cotton. It did not effect you. You know a lot of black culture is beautiful, but some of it is ugly. Stop acting like it isn't at least PART of the issue.
    1 point
  16. There are a couple other things to address here. Your post has multiple grammar issues to include obvious misspellings. The more important issue is your endless use of "supremacists" accusations when faced with a truth you don't want to admit to or discuss rationally. How do you know I'm even White? I could be one of the Asians beaten by Blacks, who are guilty of assaulting Asians the most. The same applies to Jews. While they're White, they're not typically associated with being supremacists. Unless you're a Black Supremacist though, then anyone of Caucasian decent is. Right? Maybe I'm one of the Black women I mentioned who was brutalized by Black men in the Congo? Here's the typical pattern I see among Blacks. Commit the most violent crime (rape, assault, torture, murder) Deny that Blacks commit the most violent crime Make excuses for it if you admit the truth Some combination of the above What color were the Nazis? They were White Germans. Does saying that make someone a racist or a supremacist? It's stating the truth, just like saying Blacks are guilty of the most violent crime is the truth. Despite what the liberal media likes to say, they also comprise the most serial killers, which is logical considering they commit the most violent crime. You come across as a typical Black Supremacist who believes the Nation of Islam lies and is too lazy or stupid to research the facts or face the truth you see before you. Another thing you don't understand is that, by denying the truth, you're making things harder for Black people, because you're the ones who deal with violent Black crime the most. It's not the "White Devil" causing you to behave badly. It's your own behavior. Funny how you think Whites exert so much control over you that they can cause you to commit so much crime, but you think you've got enough control to overthrow them. Like I said, typical Black Supremacist propaganda? Caves? No. While Whites were busy creating everything you Blacks stole and tried to pass off as your own, you were living in caves shrinking heads. Look up the Barbary Slave trade, you uneducated fool. You seem to have about a 5th grade intellect at best. You aren't going to do a damn thing to overthrow Whitey. You're too busy having kids that your daddies don't take care of because they're too busy raping and murdering other Blacks. Every comment you make continues to prove the points that I and others have made, that Blacks are violent and intellectually inferior to everyone else.
    1 point
  17. I'm 40, I've been around the USA, lived in several states and my experiences tell me that parts of the black culture are violent and even criminal. The black community needs to take a look on the inside and clean up their own culture before pointing fingers at everyone else. Cameras are everywhere. You cannot hide anymore. There are so many videos of blacks, getting pulled over, not listening to the cops orders, just asking "why you pull me over?" And ignoring the cops orders, then reach around when the cop told him to keep hands where he can see them and get shot. Sure there are whites that do the same thing, but not as many as blacks, ask yourself this: the police are out on the beat everyday, why are police not as hyper vigilant with whites as they are with blacks? Maybe blacks tend to run more, tend to resit arrest more, tend to carry guns for nefarious reasons and kill cops..If blacks weren't such a threat, they wouldn't be treated like one with law enforcement...hard truth
    1 point
  18. Using the source I showed you originally that you think is not accurate (which is the 2nd result I get on Google searching "average IQ Africa") https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country I made a spreadsheet and found the weighted average of African countries IQ and it was 70 exactly. You can just google it dude. Every source I've seen was 68-75 IQ for the average IQ of Africa. NO ONE disputes that the average IQ of Africans is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than white people. Its like 20-30 points lower. Here is a journal saying literally that the average IQ of Africans is 70 and they're mentally retarded basically. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/008124630603600101?journalCode=sapc
    1 point
  19. I think you're missing other factors of this equation such as IQ. IQ directly correlates to income (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/11/does-iq-determine-success-a-psychologist-weighs-in.html) Africa is the lowest IQ continent in the world (https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country) Black people in the USA also have the lowest IQ of any race. Libs cope about this and cry all day that its mean racist whities but if you look at every Euro country and African country there is a massive IQ disparity. Its not even close. How would US issues make random countries in Africa super low IQ and other random Euro countries super high IQ? It makes no sense. Its just Leftist talking points to bully whites and manipulate them. Race hustling. Blacks just simply cannot keep up with Euros and Asians in general. Obviously, there's exceptions when talking about hundreds of millions of people. There's smart black people and dumb white people but the on average is what truly matters here. Black people do not trust police, the legal system, etc. more than any race as far as I know. They also go by the "no snitching" code more than anyone else so if crime stats are underreported its black people underreporting them and so yes black crime probably is even higher than what we see. Deal with it old man. Keep coping and explaining away THE TRUTH! These are all commonly known statistics. You shouldn't even engage in this conversation if you can't comprehend this. You are wildly delusional. Most likely thanks to braindead Leftists coddling you and telling you that all your problems stem from mean whities. You black people are so low IQ and gullible you fall for the Left's brainwashing every time. I know its easier for you to sit back and cry racism, but stop being so intellectually lazy and dishonest. Deal with reality you delusional boomer.
    1 point
  20. Its astounding to me that the media and black leaders ignore all the violence by blacks. You can take the guns away but you are still left with violent thugs who will use other weapons. A violent thug is a violent thug with or without a gun. Removing guns doesn’t change their violent dna .
    1 point
  21. Blacks commit more violent crime than anyone else and its a fact we all have to face. Its due to poor impulse control and lack of family values and structure in our very dysfunctional black community.
    1 point
  22. Honestly, I think the fbi stats under report Black Violent crime. I think its much higher than 60%.
    1 point
  23. The FBI reports don’t lie. Blacks commit 60% of all violent crime. Every single immigrant that comes to our country and can’t even speak the language somehow finds a way to succeed even with little or no money. But Blacks just can’t seem to get it together.
    1 point
  24. I agree that it's usually VERY important to understand how people who disagree with you think. However the problem with most Caucasians is they are so deceptive they usually won't tell you what they REALLY think or the TRUTH about why they disagree with you. Take politics for example......... You have millions of Caucasians in the Republican Party who swear up and down they are against abortion because they find "all" life sacred and believe abortion is murder. Yet you notice they never protest abortion clinics in Black and Brown communities, nor do they object to capital punishment and war which kills millions of lives. It doesn't make any sense from otherwise smart and logical people....... UNTIL you realize that they are lying and being deceptive! It's WHITE LIFE that they care about and see as sacred and are against abortion for WHITE WOMEN...not all women! But they almost never say that, so you wouldn't know they thought it unless you were privy to secluded conversations among them. The Whites who debate with and argue points with you WILL NOT tell you the truth about how they really feel and what motivates them. They'll bash the 'hood and cry about how terrible crime is all day then log off, drive TO the hood to get some dope to use, then come back home and bash the 'hood some more online. They'll talk about how ugly Blacks and Latinos are all day, but go to some of the poorest places on the planet and risk getting kidnapped or contracting HIV just to PAY for some Black or Brown coochie from women they call "ugly"....lol. We can watch them and study them but there's little to be gained by having debates with them unless there's some sort of monetary compensation involved.
    0 points
  25. Chev. Furthermore...... I didn't follow this thread too closely but if I recall correctly Troy TOLD you on one thread NOT TO FEED THE TROLLS. He told you to ignore them....which you didn't. And then you end up tussling and wrassling with them and got your feelings hurt.....you start hollering. This is another issue we have to deal with in our community....... Some of our sistas are so inlove with these bastids that it creates a SECURITY ISSUE. We say stay inside and let us take care of it.....yall wanna run yall ass outside and "engage" with these racist demons. Don't wanna listen to a Black man or let "some nigga" tell you what to do....and end up paying the price.
    0 points
  26. BUT you have made many interchanges with racist in this community @Pioneer1 so I could understand why you would not censor them. However, your limits on a racist attack may be different from others. Again, I believe it may be difficult to distinguish from a debate as oppose to a racist attack. I was SO--NOT INTERESTED IN THIS THREAD and if you go back and look, you will see that I never commented until it was 'BOT'. However, when I read this comment: Yet you still live in a country founded by whites with a majority of whites in it. Why? If we're so mean and evil why don't you leave? Why all the brown/black want to come here so bad? You stupid delusional bitch. Everything here is just some dumb old black bimbo making up excuses for why her worthless offspring do nothing but ruin society. Y'all suck! THAT WAS MY LIMIT. No, I don't believe that this should be overlooked. This is not a debate going on here, this should be obvious. Some ole goat haired freak can come into a Black community and insult a Black female, and you don't believe he should be banned!? @Pioneer1 You got problems!!!
    0 points
  27. Why are yall wasting time going back and forth with these assholes? Do you REALLY think you're going to sway them or change their minds? And do you really want to? It's not like they're going to give us some money or donate to the site after being "reformed" of their racist beliefs...lol. I'd only argue with racists if I have something to gain from it, like winning over a neutral audience, or scoring points with a fine sista I'm trying to impress.....lol. Other than that.....fuck 'em.
    0 points
  28. The affects of slavery did not end in 1865 and you know this. The affects of Columbus Day did not end and that is why White Americans still celebrate it every year. The affects of your Santa Claus holiday did not end and that is why White Americans still celebrate it every year. The affects of your Thanksgiving holiday did not end and that is why White Americans still celebrate it every year. The affects of your halloween holiday never ended and that is why White Americans still celebrate it every year. Again, the affects of slavery, emprisonment and captivity did not end in 1865 but you know this, you are just a White Supremacist. Black women like me have had their children stolen from them, just has I did back in the 1990s, long after 1865 on a complete American lie. And Black women like me had had their families broken up long after 1865 because this system is still actively doing that. Black women like me have had their income stolen over fighting for their children and even after years of trying to make a lie stick, the American courts had to return my kids and with no apology. No restitution. So please, don't come into a Black community and try to act like you know the plight of African Americans. This government is still benefitting from slavery just as they are benfitting from the massacres of the Native Americans. smh.
    0 points
  29. Black folks should not allow themselves to be put on the defensive and subjected to specious arguments where their opponents set the standards and make the rules. Screw IQ scores which can't predict how any given person would respond at any given time to any given situation. Even with the leg up of privilege and entitlement, whites cannot best African Americans when it comes to surviving and even thriving under adverse conditions. I'm sure these nit picking trolls are INCEL members. They are so full of hate because they are frustrated losers who women are repulsed by.
    0 points
  30. Yes, cameras are everywhere, script is everywhere about how Whites have brought blacks to America as little children and exploited us and now deny this. Your end though, it very near. Yes, and you know why but being a supremacist you want to believe in a lie. But your end is very near. America will not continue to exploit Black people and set them up to kill each other for long. @SpeakHerTruth is not lacking intelligence at all because she understands you're origins. The continent of Africa is where the Slave Ship Trade was set up BY WHITE DEVILS who have been in that continent for thousands of years bringing in their deception. So it's not hard to understand that Africans have the same pattern of Black Hatred. Big Deal. All of this will end though. White Supremacy will end. The mistake our ancestors made was to let you into our lands but they were decieved.
    0 points
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