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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. No doubt about it, the mother is being charged because both she and her son are Black. When it comes to mental health issues, the community i.e. all parents. family members, friends and associates need to be honest and realistic when it comes to identifying potential psychopaths. 1) The mother knew her son had mental health issues. She had no business with having a gun in the house. 2) The child should have been in an alternative school that was better equipped to deal with his issues. Unfortunate things will happen to innocent people as long as we try to normalize folks with mental health issues and/or pretend they don't exist. Also, there is a reason the US has done away with mental heath facilities and built more prisons. That little boy is headed to prison one way or another. They're going to send his mom too. 2 for 1.
  2. Mr. Harry "Day-O" Belafonte made it to a few years short of 100. Back in the day, he wasn't shy in Black activism either. Another real one left the planet. RIP Mr. Belafonte.
  3. I grew up playing video games. They were a fun time sink. I have a Sony PlayStation 4 that is mainly used to watch DVDs and for streaming. Haven't had time to fire up and play Madden football in several years now.
  4. It is no secret that America is being flooded with immigrants to further marginalize AfroAmericans. The real question is what are Black elected leaders going to do about it. The answer is obvious starting with the Vice POTUS.
  5. Thou shalt not kill is one of the 10 commandments. I've already mentioned that white folks do not follow the same book when it comes to killing folks. Black folks are afraid to kill white folks. They instinctively know the punishment will be harsh and severe. Black *leadership* has always tried to operate within the parameters of the system of racism white supremacy. They have never sought to overthrow and/or dismantle it. No need for apology. You did not type the world all Black folks. You used the word majority. That is the only reason white folks allowed him to be POTUS. They knew he would not do anything to to help Black folks nor dismantle the system of racism white supremacy. Nat Turner was the last Black man willing to put in the work that needed to be done in order to truly liberate Black folks from their white oppressors. The example white folks made out of killing at Turner; lynchings, state sanctioned executions and assassinations of Black men throughout history has discouraged any and all ideas of a race war an/or a violent protest. For 400 years and counting, Black folks have been trying to to peacefully coexist, survive and thrive within the system of racism white supremacy even when it literally kills us.
  6. I've read you making that point a few times. Of course, NF Jr. has taught *why* white folks like having us around too. There's no shortage of places for *whites only* on the planet. Yet, some white folks have to be around Black folks in order to feel better about themselves. It's even evident here on the forum where the random white person stumbles in like a lost drunk in bar and offers nothing constructive to the dialog.
  7. Since the religion most Black preachers practice was handed down to them from white supremacists, they are playing the game from a compromised position. Religion forbids violence by way of its commandments. Yet another reason that Black leaders of the Christian faith didn't believe in using violence against the oppressor. Regardless of their religious beliefs, white folks will kill anybody who gets in the way including their own kinds when it comes to maintaining power which is the system of racism white supremacy. To date, Black folks all over the planet through indoctrination (religion) and fear have been trained not to use violence in order to dismantle the system of racism white supremacy. POTUS Obama was a Black leader by virtue of his skin color but as stated, he did not represent the wants, needs and desires of AfroAmericans and/or Black people throughout the world. POTUS Obama did what the system of racism white supremacy allowed him to do which for the majority of Black people was symbolism. He sat in the seat. For 8 years, white folks let POTUS Obama pass laws for every other minority group but when it came to Black folks, he was sitting behind the sit behind the wheel of a vehicle parked in neutral, revving the engine and flashing the lights.
  8. Schools (pre-K thru high school) exist to teach students the basics of how to read, write, count and communicate in order to function in a developed society. Otherwise, schools are also glorified day care centers. Colleges and universities exist to provide 1) employment for a whole lotta folks, 2) networking center and 3) hand out degrees which are lottery tickets into the workforce. There's no guarantee that a job exists on the other side of that lottery ticket, er, degree. See #2 above. Technical schools are fading fast and there's a reason for that too. Most blue collar jobs can be learned via apprenticeship which is on the job training. It only takes a company's willingness to hire amd train individuals who have a desire and/or ability to learn that particular trade. Teaching a trade was farmed out to institutions. However, once blue collar jobs were shipped overseas and/or automated and cheap labor could be imported from other countries, there goes Made in the USA. In a few years, the American workforce is going to be in a whole lot of pain. The country will end up with a bunch of educated people and no real job opportunities. Look no further than self-checkout in stores. It will be commonplace to find folks with degrees working at Starbucks or in some form of retail. Especially those people with degrees that are not math, science, medical or computer related. Computers and AI (artificial intelligence) will be doing most of the work that doesn't require solving problems through critical thinking and/or getting one's hands dirty. Yet, there's no shortage of things that need to be done i.e. jobs in this country. Those individuals who can see the *problems* that need to be solved and/or innovations to be made will be OK. Jeff Bezos is killing the game right now. The folks waving around a meaningless piece of paper might be able to get work as a janitor providing the company hasn't bought a robot to collect trash, sweep and mop floors and clean toilets. The key to survival is being able to meet and fulfill opportunities that exist and/or creating opportunities that do not exist i.e. solving problems. There's no shortage of them. Education is a small piece of the puzzle.
  9. This question has been raised many times from the tone and tenor of your posts. Surely, I've addressed it in some way at least once or twice or more. But, here goes again... 1) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK Jr.), the most popular leader of ADOS (American Descendants of Slaves) aka AfroAmericans in the 20th century, preached non-violent resistance to the system of racism white supremacy. Dr. King knew that a violent resistance would lead to the genocide of the AfroAmerican population. The Afroamerican survivors of a violent resistance and their offspring would have been far worse off into perpetuity. America would resemble Great Britain if AfroAmericans had gone to war and lost a race war. Also, losing a race war between AfroAmericans and whites would have wiped out the debt America owes to ADOS for 400 years of slavery and being marginalized as 2nd class citizens. 2) IMO, the assassination of Dr. MLK Jr. in addition to others, also killed the future of AfroAmerican leadership. For over 50 years and counting, AfroAmericans have been devoid of leadership and rudderless as a community. IMO, it is the 1) fear of racism white supremacy and 2) complacency with the status quo that leaves AfroAmericans in a perpetual holding pattern on several fronts. While many AfroAmericans are enjoying the benefits and perks of middle-class citizenship and gross consumerism, there are rumblings that the system of racism white supremacy needs to be dismantled and replaced. I may not live long enough to see the rising Phoenix of a Black man who will come along and crush the system of racism white supremacy and restore order throughout the planet. But, I do believe it will happen eventually.
  10. I believe this existence is it. I'm satisfied because it's all *I* know. Nothing suggests to me there is more. However, I do believe this existence could be better. Of course, it requires that human beings do a better job of taking care of each other.
  11. Constantly on point bro. As the resident agnostic around here, I approve of this message.
  12. Reads like the start of a civil war. Trying to replace the Star Spangled Banner with the Black National Anthem will definitely bring out the racists and white supremacists with their weapons, ammo, garden tools and torches.
  13. True. I do believe it will take AfroAmerican men specifically to help our Black brothers in Africa and throughout the world in overthrowing the system of racism white supremacy. However, the *problem* is that while AfroAmerican men have the knowledge, skills and abilities to change the word, there isn't enough of a collective desire to do so. Right now, many AfroAmerican men are either 1) intoxicated by the illusion of inclusion in America or 2) disillusioned and disenfranchised under the weight of racism white supremacy. In a couple years, I may be traveling back and forth to Africa in order to sit down with our brothers and try to make some things happen.
  14. The conflict in Sudan is just another example of the saddest truth that Black folks all over the planet are forced to fight each other in one way or another as instigated by the system of racism white supremacy. While I understand how and why it happens, still never ceases to amaze me that the continent of Africa continuously allows on-Black folks to exploit, corrupt and manipulate it. Considering the fact that AfroAmericans are powerless in dismantling the system of racism white supremacy, I guess their prayers and concerns will do about as much for Sudan and every other Black country under attack as it does here in America.
  15. My brothas @Pioneer1 and @frankster, I'm thoroughly enjoying your positive dialog. It is an example of the intellectual curiosity and awareness our people possess.
  16. *Most* and *many* are the words that lead into rabbit holes. Most women all over the planet prefer a man who has the real or perceived *strength* to take of their needs and wants. A thug or gangsgta will never have a problem finding a woman anywhere in the world because many women are attracted to *bad boys*. It's no different from men in the military and law enforcement. They aren't violent in or criminal-minded per se but the fact that they are willing to kill or be killed ; many women do find them attractive too. Many women are attracted to their perception of *strong* men. Thugs and gangstas fall into that category in a warped way.
  17. You're not wrong in your position to ignore the racists. Just as others aren't wrong in calling them out. NF Jr. coined it VGQ.
  18. Awesome. I'm happy for them both. I hope they share a wonderful life together.
  19. For me, the blessing and curse of growing up in a place that was once considered the murder capital of the world, I've never been fearful of my surroundings. Obviously, there are certain precautionary measures taken and instincts one develops in order to avoid becoming a victim or a statistic especially in a *dangerous* environment. The real questions are 1) why NYC law enforcement allows homeless people to congregate near an ATM and 2) why folks would use said ATM if they are afraid. That difference in perception of the environment for that woman and @richardmurray has existed for as long as there have been impoverished communities.
  20. The million dollar rhetorical question then becomes when will the Black man rule the world. As I wrote above, it doesn't really matter because none of us will be around to witness it.
  21. Obviously, the pastor did not think this one through. Churches have tax exempt status. As soon as the church produces something tangible, the government will be knocking at the pulpit. Pastor Bryant needs to stay in his lane and continue getting paid to spin fairy tales.
  22. I would like to know why in modernity that we should care about Cleopatra or Greeks or Romans. I do not see the correlation in how any of this ancient history will move Black folks beyond their present condition under the system of racism white supremacy. In fact, white supremacists use their interpretations of history and religion as a distraction to keep folks dazed and confused while they run the world.
  23. @Pioneer1, it is important for conscience and enlightened and intelligent Black folks to debunk BS especially when it comes from racists and white supremacists. It's not about changing the mind of a racist/white supremacist. But, it is a responsibility to let them know we're hip to their lies and deceptive ways. The reality is that so many of our brothas and sistas are either asleep or oblivious or have chosen to give up on the notion that many white folks are the devil personified. It's really no different from Black preachers spending every Sunday and prayer meeting and retreat trying to teach others about their Lord and Saviour and how to get into heaven. Only a handful of us consider it a waste of time. Silence is not an option especially when the enemy tries to infiltrate the camp. Call them out.
  24. The worst thing for Black folks to do is wait for the system of racism white supremacy to tell them what it's going to do. Look no further than the actions of racists and white supremacists. Nothing they do is a secret. The age of social media has emboldened them even more and shows how they plan to rule the world for a long time.
  25. I don't believe it but the great news is that nobody on this site will be a living witness.
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