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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. IMO, the most monolithic AfroAmericans has ever been is during 1) slavery and 2) civil rights movement. Even during those times, black folks were fragmented in their ideologies. ADOS were taught and thought differently from black folks who were born and raised *free*. Black immigrants allowed into America and white countries in general show up fully prepared to function like *guests* and take advantage of opportunities given to them. So, there's this mix of black folks in America with very different experiences and perspectives. However, the racists figured out a long time ago how to keep ALL non-white folks confused. Every time a black leader rose up who could potentially shepherd a large number of black folks into a collective, that leader was assassinated or discredited. History proves it. Again, since the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, AfroAmericans have not had a voice of leadership. For over a half century and counting, black folks in America have been a bunch of individuals trying to maintain in the system of racism. Not a day goes by that I don't think about what *I* can do to unite black folks and protect us from them. "I'm still learning".
  2. This a very important distinction to make. The refined racists use their ignorant white brethren as overseers, prostitutes and race soldiers. Beyond liquor and legalized dope, many black folks have been anesthetized into a false sense of inclusion and security. The refined racists use *status*, jobs, money and material things to 1) make incarceration more comfortable and 2) put down resistance. Yesterday, the POTUS gave an impassioned speech on gun control. He made a few *feel good* statements fully well knowing there will NEVER be legislation to reshape the 2nd amendment. No amount of mass shootings will force white folks to stop buying assault weapons. In fact, the violence in America reinforces white folks' *right* to bear arms. They have to be able to *protect* themselves. That is code for being prepared for a race war. That's also why it's extremely important to understand that political parties in America are two sides of the same coin. Neither party has ANY desire to undermine the system of racism.
  3. Yep. It's not always easy but we have to stay on code.
  4. Yeah mayne, I think you may recall my position in this regard from an older thread. I've always felt that black folks should have *dealt* with white folks who murder our own a long time ago. None of these mass murders would be happening now if white folks truly *feared* us.
  5. Never engage in arguments. Most are pointless. Nothing constructive comes out of it.
  6. I'm not advocating that we take up arms and start a race war. We're out-numbered in that regard. My position is that we should be armed and ready for anything that might happen.
  7. Agreed. In order to be well informed, it's worth reading and watching *news* from all sides (left, right, center, foreign, etc.). Gathering information (knowledge) is the only way non-white folks can begin to have a clue about what racism white supremacy is and how it works. There is an adage that the best way to hide information from people is putting it in a book i.e. writing it down. Well, that's still true today. A lot of people refuse to read/watch and/or think for themselves. Instead, they rely on their upbringing, environment and a healthy dose of BS coming from whichever side of the media they favor* in order to from their opinions. That's why white folks appear to be divided in their ideologies regarding it but they're not confused and they're totally on the same page when it comes to the maintenance of racism white supremacy.
  8. I still don't *get* what folks find so attractive about her. Then again, I'm from the original chocolate city where beautiful sistas would put Ms. Berry to shame.
  9. The nature of the *crime* and the way it played out does not warrant a pregnant woman getting shot. Unbelievable in the wake of the police response in active shooter situations (Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX) within the past 3 weeks. If there is any confusion between a race soldier and a police officer, those Missouri cops are an example of the former.
  10. @Pioneer1, you've come back batting a thousand. All complaints from white people stem from their resentment of non-white having access to any semblance of welfare, privilege or power. The funniest thing is that poor white folks are perfectly fine with their station in life as long as they feel superior to and non-threatened by non-white folks.
  11. Understood. As someone who grew up in the hood, I *know* most of these wannabe gangstaz are looking for guidance. They want to led. Unfortunately, the strongest black men are either absent or unwilling or incapable of leading these younger folks. I do my part in preaching and teaching them to think and act differently towards each other and especially within the system of white supremacy. It's gonna take another generation or two before it finally clicks that black folks have to do something in order to change the status quo. Otherwise, if we're not going to legally arm and protect ourselves amd each other, black folks might as well line up like ducks and get picked off by race soldiers.
  12. I know. It's wishful thinking on my part. Especially knowing how quickly n8gglets will kill each other. But, that won't stop me from urging them to consider a higher calling. Turn that self-hate into security/protection for each other from white supremacists.
  13. Every now and then, a diehard GOPer will go against the party line. Mitch McConnell does it sometimes. But, those gophers, er, GOPers never go so far as to upset the base. They will soft pedal on the big lie or pretend to have an interest in bipartisanship on an issue i.e. gun control. As soon as possible, those same GOPers will distance themselves from a bipartisan issue and fall right back in line with the GOP program. Politicians are notorious when it comes to lying and flip flopping to suit their political agenda. It's rarely in the interest of every American.
  14. This is especially true in *Mayberry* towns where the police are nothing more than glorified security guards. They never expected to come under heavy fire and/or do any real police work. However, there's no shortage of police officers i.e. race soldiers in the US who would have stormed that school and shot up the place. I believe in the aftermath of the latest school shooting, that police force will be overhauled and/or reinforced with trained killers (race soldiers). Despite the fact that Uvalde, TX will never experience another massacre. But, it's more than enough reason for white supremacists to insure that more race soldiers are in every city, town and hamlet of the US.
  15. Whaddup bro. Glad you've decided to check on the fam. It's gotten thin around here. Of course, as I'm a believer in the system of racism, IMO, ALL violence perpetrated against black folks who are prisoners of war and therefore have no real power, falls squarely on the shoulders of white supremacists. Until black folks replace white supremacy with a system of justice, we're sitting ducks for whenever white folks want to kill us with no repercussions and relative impunity. I can imagine *how* you could suggest other black folks are to blame for the Buffalo shooting situation. Looking forward to reading your thoughts in that regard.
  16. Instead of dealing with the issue of gun control and mental health issues, they are 2nd guessing and critiquing the law enforcement response time to the active shooter situation. They need to focus on fixing that which is broken.
  17. That's it. Considering the foundation on which this country was built, it's probably hard not to be paranoid especially if one believes there is any truth to "the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children".
  18. They talk about gun control whenever there is a mass shooting. The folks who could do something about guns in America choose to plug their ears and roll their eyes until the dust settles from the latest mass shooting. Yet, nobody seems to be asking the real question of "why" Americans are so heavily armed. The majority of the population isn't hunting to survive. Most meat being consumed by Americans is slaughtered in a factory. Besides, there wouldn't be much left of an animal if it were hunted with an AR-15. That weapon is designed specifically to kill people.
  19. I ask the question of gun control rhetorically. There is a reason assault weapons are easily accessible. The US is the most heavily armed country on the planet.
  20. Another mass shooting for the 2nd time in as many weeks. An 18-year-old who cannot buy a pack of cigarettes is allowed to purchase an assault rifle legally. Ridiculous. An AR-15 is not required for deer hunting. It is made specifically to kill people. But, gun lobbyists are a powerful group. Let's see if this latest string of tragedies forces a change in position on assault weapons.
  21. No need for apology. I understand your position and I'm in agreement. It would be great if Native Americans and ADOS got reparations. Just went a step further in lamenting what I see. Guilty as charged. I'm registered as an Independent. The honest truth is that I've voted in every election since I was eligible several decades ago.
  22. The reparations ship for Native Americans and ADOS is sailing further away with each passing generation. They're playing the long game.
  23. I'm among the foolish who feels that black folks should arm themselves. No, I don't think every black person walking the streets should be strapped. That would be reckless. However, I'm in agreement that black folks who are qualified to legally possess and know how to use a firearm should have them. Homeowners should definitely have some kind of home defense. Again, with the proper protocols in place to secure it. I'm not advocating that black folks should provoke white racists. I just believe we should be ready for war if they ever decide to wage it against us. I stay ready to protect mine.
  24. From slavery up through present times, there have always been and will always be black folks who have compassion, sympathy and forgive those who murder and trespass against us. it is a warped mentality.
  25. Most Americans vote for the lesser of two evils depending on their views and agenda. Black folks have it even worse without an agenda. Many Americans are poor, homeless, strapped by student loans, upside down mortgages, facing foreclosure and eviction, runaway gas prices, etc. Then, there is America's crumbling infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels, parks, etc.). Plenty work to be done and jobs to be had if/when they decide to fix everything that is broken and/or that needs to be upgraded. Our elected leaders debate the issues that could enrich American lives. But, they are in total agreement when it comes to sending $40B to a country overseas or starting a war. All of this is aired through a media cycle that is on 24/7/365. Yet, Americans refuse to accept that regardless of party, politicians are two sides of the same coin. Watch their hands. Follow the money.
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