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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Mind control would be the end game. I believe the objective is for AI to replace the human workforce. Similar to outsourcing jobs overseas. Unemployment will be off the chain in 20 years. I see the handwriting on the wall so clearly that I refuse to use self-checkout.
  2. Reparations is a very necessary conversation and endeavor to undertake. In the meantime, it's par for the course that there's no shortage of folks who will profiteer from hustling our issues.
  3. Cowardly white men enslaved, tortured and mistreated black folks for 400 years. Adding insult to injury, white men of a similar mentality stole ideas and inventions from black folks and sold them as their own. White men start world wars against each other. Anyone and anything else in their path is collateral damage.
  4. D8mn. Those arrows are center mass. No need to check the target.
  5. There will be a rise in the number of babies among poor unwed white women if/when abortion becomes illegal.
  6. In a hypersensitive society where there are no losers, not important might seem harsh. While the sentiment is true, the politically correct response is lower priority.
  7. Greg, it's obvious that you're disappointed in and disgusted with black folks. Hopefully, you've been able to set your family up in a safe and healthy environment that you all will never come across the black folks you despise. There are plenty places in America with a less than 1% black population. Check out the great state of Wyoming.
  8. Right now, as I type, thousands of Russians and Ukrainians are killing each other. Looking at them, it's hard to see their differences.
  9. Again, in the same way Jews hold on to the holocaust, therein lies the reason it's extremely important for AfroAmericans to learn, teach and never forget our own history in this country. AfroAmericans knowing our history is not to use it as a crutch or an excuse but in order to fully understand the system under which we live and how it works. At the same time, AfroAmericans knowing where we come from should instill a sense of pride for how far we've come and push for an even brighter future in a system of justice.
  10. https://www.roadandtrack.com/news/a40310705/why-are-gas-prices-so-high/ No surprise that oil companies are posting record profits as Americans pay record prices for a gallon of gas. Meanwhile, the gov't muses over whether or not it should place a higher tax on oil company profits. I seriously doubt politicians have a real desire to agitate their paymasters and shareholders.
  11. @Troy, I know you got this in terms of figuring out the legitimate versus BS. The behavior you seek to understand is just an extension of racism within America. Whether it's a white person pretending to be black or a self-hating black person, they eventually *reveal* themselves and/or they disappear. Trolls and bots are like flies and mosquitoes at a cookout.
  12. Bro, I know and you're 100% correct. I cannot help but to acknowledge that we have challenges. But, also articulate that black folks are so diverse and dynamic that we can moonwalk, chew bubblegum, braid hair, cut fades, build sh8t (engineering and computer science), create art and music, athletically gifted, bring flava to everything we touch and the list goes on just to name a few things. i know haters are gonna hate regardless. I don't mind putting Chess moves on a sucker playing Checkers.
  13. There are millions of black fathers who are positive role models to their children, families and within their communities. These black men are unsung heroes who are chipping away at the system of racism one brick at a time.
  14. Yeah. When I read "between 175 and 200 years ago our own people sold us into slavery to european slave traders" my first thought was...nah, the Transatlantic sale was prohibited by law in 1808. Somebody needs to brush up their history.
  15. My sense of humor is slightly curious to see how long this parrot will continue to cut and paste the same BS before tapping out. Otherwise, I'd defer to your better judgement.
  16. While we definitely have some issues within our ranks, black folks do not have a monopoly on dysfunction compared to any other group of people throughout the world. Folks would have no reason to immigrate from their home countries to the US if they were so responsible, structured and resourceful. The reason many immigrants cannot build a better life at in their home countries is dysfunction ( poverty, violence, political instability, poor infrastructure, etc.).
  17. Bro, I respect it but I do appreciate your presence and contribution.
  18. Just like drugs, illegal guns are poured into the AfroAmerican community. If a record number of AfroAmericans started buying legal fireams, gun laws would be changed overnight.
  19. As history books are being white-washed, holidays might be the only way Americans have a reason to learn about and/or remember events of historical significance to AfroAmericans. I hope we keep Black History Month too.
  20. There is no reasonable justification for it but hate is definitely not the reason black folks commit crimes against each other.
  21. IMO, no POTUS to date has really done anything specifically to help black folks anywhere around the world. There's always a catch. From "ending" slavery to passing Civil Rights legislation, those actions made the POTUS look good from a moral perspective. Otherwise, most everything a POTUS does directly enriches shareholders i.e. benefits he wealthy and indirectly trickles down to the people. That's why the American people are being overcharged for loans, prescription drugs, food, gas, etc., Follow the money.
  22. Wait a minute...you've gone from one extreme to another my brotha: 1) There is no Life After Death...just ask Biggie Smalls 2) Space Fantasy...It only applies to the folks who want to escape the Earth i.e. get away from people of color. 3) Interesting movies---Seem to be fewer and far between as I get older. However, while cable TV is kinda stale when it comes to movies, streaming services Netflix, Hulu, etc. come up with decent content sometimes. I haven't gone to a theater since before the pandemic. 4) Good natured humor--I'm always here it. IOW, there's no limit to the variety of discussion topics we can open up. Of course, it's a double-edged sword because other topics either reinforce or distract from the bigger issue of tackling the system of racism. But, I'm confident that we can walk and chew at the same time.
  23. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/16/1105445493/keisha-lance-bottoms-biden-administration-position-role-atlanta-mayor I knew it was just a matter of time before former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms made her way to DC. Sista Bottoms will be replacing brotha Cedric Richmond as a White House Senior Adviser to POTUS Biden. This appointment will add more experience to Keisha Lance Bottoms' resume for whatever aspirations she may have in the future. Proud of her moving on up.
  24. Hmm...I reckon an elderly black could make some real good French fried potaters.
  25. I'm keenly aware of US history on many fronts. I used the word tested figuratively during the time when it was actually used to kill people. Sure, Japan awakened the US and forced us to enter WWII. IMO, the Japanese weren't powerful enough to conquer the Pacific and/or Asia. @Stefan...relax mayne. Also, It might be helpful to read what *I* write with a grain of humor too. There is no need to read everything so literally and/or hold folks accountable for what they write. We know your background and experience but we're not your students. Enjoy retirement and the discussions. Relax.
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