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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. I voted. I don't really have any thoughts on Michael Jordan selling his stake in an NBA franchise. Michael Jordan is a hall of fame basketball player. But, as an AfroAmerican, he has never used his platform or voice to champion social change.
  2. Human beings know a lot about the planet based on information collected over time. They have been stargazing for a long time as well. Yet, considering the fact that humans only use a percentage of their brain, they don't know everything about the Earth and solar system or anything else. Since humans are still limited in what they know about the planet, they definitely cannot fix it. Lake Oroville located in Cali was drying up due to drought. Humans could not refill it like a swimming pool. Mother Nature sent enough storms and rain to bring the lake up to 100% capacity.
  3. No surprise that outside the United States, females have less power and homosexuality isn't similarly accepted. I think it's great that folks are demanding equal rights and protection. As human beings, it should be automatic. Nobody deserves to be exploited, mistreated or harmed for any reason.
  4. Yep. He claims Jewish heritage.
  5. Some African men who work around royal women are castrated too. Don't want those brothas to rise up while bathing the Queen Mother.
  6. In the absence of building major institutions (banks, schools, hospitals, etc.), franchises, companies and corporations, it seems AfroAmericans have found the roads to riches mean working for someone else, playing sports, making music and selling drugs. To varying degrees, it's the same thing for Blacks folks all over the planet. For some strange reason, too many Black people refuse to learn how to be self-sufficient. It's almost as if our people are literally waiting for the rug to be pulled from beneath their feet and force them into building their own sh8t. Right now, many AfroAmericans work for white folks. Chinese people are building the infrastructure in Africa. White folks are running countries that are predominantly Black. More than ignorance and lack of intelligence have left Black folks vulnerable. Fear, insolence and greed play a role as well.
  7. Remember twice impeached. Nothing. J6 investigation. Nothing. Sit back and enjoy the show.
  8. I'll gladly make a donation to AALBC. Brotha @Troy just let me know a preferred payment method. However, I don't write paper checks anymore.
  9. It's hard to keep track as the clown is facing charges in New York, Florida and maybe Georgia too. The only verdict against him so far is the civil suit brought by a woman. He has to pay her about $5 million. The other cases are different. Still pending investigations. That stall tactic will bump up against the election. At that point, they have to fall back.
  10. You're right. They are the dusty dudes, chickenheads, bootlicks and shills. They're not all ignorant or unintelligent. Just lazy azz h8ll in one way or another whether it's mental or physical. Not when it comes to upholding the prison system. Go figure.
  11. Seems the case of unreturned boxes has resulted in 37 criminal charges against former POTUS 45. My money still bets this exercise won't result in prison time. It won't force him to drop out of the race for the GOP nomination either. I don't believe all h8ll will break loose around the courthouse in Miami tomorrow. It could still be a circus. Just to avoid any hassle, hopefully, anyone here who lives in Miami doesn't have any business dealings at the courthouse tomorrow.
  12. @Pioneer1, white folks aren't the most intelligent or organized people on the planet. However, they have proven to be the most destructive. Cue up the world wars. White folks have amassed power through colonization, strategic alliances and a willingness to kill in order to establish and maintain the system of racism white supremacy. As I've written before, I don't believe Black folks are less intelligent than any other group of people either. I do believe fear keeps Black folks paralyzed especially as it relates to doing anything towards dismantling the system of racism white supremacy.
  13. Although brotha Macolm X softened his stance upon his return from Mecca, he did caution that it was unwise and foolish to allow white folks into Black organizations. Especially not in positions of leadership. It only took a handful of white folks to colonize Australia and take over South Africa. White folks cannot br trusted and they are too dangerous. If they are willing to kill and maim each other for little or nothing....imagine what they're willing and capable of doing to non-white folks. Black folks have to be totally on code before they can even think about building strategic alliances with white folks and others. Black folks cannot jump from head start to college that fast.
  14. It would be even easier to do of Black folks owned the business or company instead of working for and/or around white folks.
  15. Most Conservatives are middle- or working-class or poor. A poor Conservative cannot afford to tip any more than poor Liberal. The catch 22 is that both political parties are two sides of the same.
  16. Yeah, it's the 1st thing I question when things happen. Someone just so happens to be recording an incident but they aren't doing a d8mn thing to resolve the situation. I don't believe these are the last and evil days as the old folks used to say but people surely seem to be indifferent as h8ll.
  17. Friendships are built *on* shared common interests and/or emotion. Alliances are built *for* strength, power and protection. There can be overlap only when folks clearly know the difference and have the ability to separate it.
  18. Those Key & Peele skits were hilarious. Black folks would be an unstoppable force *if* we treated each other with that kinda love.
  19. Every state in the union should be able to stand on its own. Federal funds should only required to offset shortfalls in state budgets. Of course, fiscal management is a different kettle.
  20. I think one aspect of Juneteenth should be a moment of reflection and remembrance for the holiday. We should come up with a prayer that every AfroAmerican recites upon awaking on Juneteenth. Otherwise, Juneteenth celebrations should be festive...party, food, drinks, music, etc.
  21. @Pioneer1, I don't see an AfroAmerican movement building up that would be strong enough to force reparations. I believe 50 years from now, any AfroAmerican interests will be totally diluted and absorbed into the fabric of America. The movements of the 1960s, Black Power and Consciousness, etc., have already been relegated to the rearview. The lessons of our master teachers, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yosef Ben, Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, Neely Fuller Jr. to name a few, are only being embraced by a handful of our folks. Maybe a younger generation of AfroAmericans will pick up the information and carry the torch of fighting for reparations. Doubt I'll see it in my lifetime.
  22. I'm proud that our AfroAmerican sista is doing her thing but as she's in a different generation from mine, I have zero connection to her otherwise.
  23. @Pioneer1, the People's Party was started by Nick Brana who formerly worked for Bernie Sanders.
  24. AfroAmericans were on code when it came to respect for elders. As the grandparents are getting younger, I guess it's harder to tell the difference between adults and teenagers: We fittin' to go up to the school and whoop our grandson's teacher's azz.
  25. @richardmurray, while I understand the desire to focus on your own tribe, there is nothing inherently wrong with proselytizing if the overall intent is constructive. Another tribe may very well benefit from your ideas and insight. Your participation in this discussion forum could be exposing you to different ideas too. Ultimately, you will make your decision but it's something to consider before changing courses.
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