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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Unfortunately, gun violence will be a recurring them in America until people 1) find a better way to solve problems and 2) deal with mental health issues. Also, over a couple decades now, there has been a gradual decline in the respect for human life. Now, some folks don't think twice when it comes to killing others and/or themselves for whatever reason. People want to blame violent movies and video games and a proliferation of guns for de-sensitized Americans. I don't believe that's it. People who hate others and/or themselves to the point of killing either 1) have a mental problem or 2) lack love or 3) some combination of both.
  2. Agreed. Dr. West did exactly what we're supposed to do when it comes to elected officials. Hold them accountable especially as it relates to getting things done within our interests. Maintaining the status quo doesn't serve us well.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I enjoy bringing levity to the discussion forum. Life is short. Yep. Smog from the Canadian wildfires is in the air where I live. This too shall pass.
  4. @Troy, thanks for linking the video interview. As I've already known from listening to Dr. West many times over the years, he will probably need an interpreter to break down what he's taking about for the intellectually challenged. However, there's no doubt that a Dr. West State of the Union speeches would be lit. He would probably have some type of music playing in the background for punctuation. To be clear...I would vote for Dr. West in a NY minute but I realistically know he cannot win. Getting on the ballot will be a major feat.
  5. Drugs have always been used to criminalize Black folks and enrich white folks. There is a whole economy and prison industrial complex built on drug enforcement laws. From elected officials to civil servants and everyone else, the real question is what have Black folks done to correct an ill that most adversely affects us. The short answer is nothing. Instead, Black politicians, judges, lawyers, police officers, correctional officers, social workers, etc., are getting paid a salary to enforce the drug laws that enable them to buy houses, vehicles, groceries, education and vacation, etc. Many Black folks are complicit in the maintenance of the system of racism white supremacy.
  6. IMO, there is no need to reinvent the wheel for everything and/or start at a grassroots level. Starting a political party is an example. It only takes a few people with a vision/goal/agenda and a significant amount of money behind them to start a movement. To date, most 3rd political parties have rolled up into the main 2 political parties. That's because of money. Former POTUS 45 had zero political experience at any level prior to joining the GOP and tossing his hat into the ring. His accomplishments up to that point had been shady businessman and reality TV personality. The qualifications to be POTUS are 1) natural-born citizen of the United States (US), 2) be at least 35 years old and 3) have been a US resident for 14 years. Dr. Cornel West is over-qualified for the job regardless of what he says or does. Sen. Bernie Sanders had lofty ideas that haven't been implemented in his home state of Vermont or anywhere else. The measurement of a politician is what they can do to secure the interests of their donors and constituents...in that order. The history of the United States is well documented. It would be a tall order for anyone to make America a more perfect union. That's *if* America even wanted it. Dr. West's concepts and ideas could be building blocks to a better society and shaped into policy *if* Americans wanted it. There's no shortage of *smart* people in America both inside and outside government capable of bringing a vision to fruition *if* America wants it. The reality is that America is a divided country with a sordid past. Regardless of politics, it will take more than one person to begin to right the wrongs and clean her up. But, I think it will take a non-politician to put America on the *right* track. Along with his intellect, knowledge and wisdom, Dr. West at least brings that voice to the table.
  7. Of all the people who have died and/or NDEs (near death experiences), I never hear about them enjoying it so much that they expedite their exit from this existence. In other words, they aren't in a hurry to do anything to get back to that peaceful, beautiful place and make death permanent. There must be some good in being alive.
  8. Dr. Cornel West may not be as Samsonite-free as former POTUS Obama in terms of baggage but I doubt that a closet full of skeletons will spill out either. Unless they try to tie him to Bill Cosby or R. Kelly, at 70 years old, I don't think Dr. West has any past transgressions that will come back to haunt him. However, it will be interesting to see if they try to round up dirty laundry bags on Dr. West especially considering the cast of characters in the wannabe POTUS field. The former POTUS has more dirt on him than a graveyard but white folks are content with allowing the clown's elephant to trample over everything in the house.
  9. Dr. Cornel West has tossed his hat into the POTUS race on the People's Party ticket. https://www.newsweek.com/cornel-west-2024-presidential-bid-peoples-party-ukraine-russia-war-1804730 Of course, Democrats will be upset with Dr. West for taking votes away from their base. Neither Democrats nor the GOP has a candidate capable of holding a candle up to Dr. West intellectually. Unfortunately, politics is about raising money and BSing people. Intelligence is not a prerequisite or requirement. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to hear Dr. West outline his agenda for getting America ro pay its debt to AfroAmericans and becoming a more perfect union.
  10. Surely, there has to be a better way to protest corrupted courts instead of throwing rocks at the police and getting shot.
  11. Fair enough. I've heard that faith changes things. Absolutely. IMO, the demand for reparations has not been made with a solid outline/plan nor followed up with enforcement i.e. actions
  12. IMO, most AfroAmericans have not thought much about reparations. It's impossible to fathom. There's only been a handful of AfroAmericans advocating for reparations throughout our history. Neither Black leaders nor politicians have attempted to seriously frame and/or tackle the issue of reparations. Most of them have either been manufactured by and/or co-opted by white supremacists. The idea of reparations is like asking one's parents for 1 million dollars. The majority of folks wouldn't even bother full well knowing that it's just not going to happen. America is definitely indebted to AfroAmericans but it will never pay. Mainly because there is no way to enforce collection of it.
  13. As the resident agnostic around here, I don't *believe* too much of anything man has to say about anything. As human beings, our knowledge is severely limited in the grand scheme of all things. Self-preservation is a primary concern of human beings. Very few people want to die. Yet, in one way or another, it is inevitable. No one escapes leaving this existence. Beyond saving the planet, think about everything human beings do on a daily basis that compromises lives. Again, natural disasters is the Earth's way of purging itself. Dinosaurs didn't leave voluntarily nor did they f8ck up the environment.
  14. Bingo. Russia doesn't want to break up the (countries falling under sphere of influence) and the US by way of NATO being in their back yard.
  15. The young folks in Senegal are acting a fool in protest to because candidate Osumane Sonko who is very popular among them has been charged with crimes. The high road for Sonko to take would be telling his supporters not to clash with police. They don't need to get caught up in his issues.
  16. They're always on code. It's all about self-preservation when it comes to white folks. They want to enjoy the planet for themselves. No different from religion telling folks to be obedient and suffer on Earth because their riches and rewards are in heaven. Milk and Kool-Aid, er, mind control was a popular drink and it still is apparently.
  17. It's being reported that billionaire Elon Musk inflated the price of dodgecoin using Tw8tter (he owns the platform) and cashed out for $124 million. I doubt that any Black folks were in on the deal.
  18. @Pioneer1, you nailed it. 8 billion people on the planet right now. Projected to be 9.7 billion in 2050. There's a whole lot of f8ckin going on as we type. Some folks will be in the mix if a big azz asteroid or meteor hits this b8tch (Earth).
  19. AfroAmerican men are specifically being emasculated from the biggest athlete to artists/entertainers to street thugs. Meanwhile, no other group of men on the planet are playing the back when it comes to their women. Look no further than the silence of white women as the former POTUS throws shade at them every chance he gets. The most white women will say is "boys will be boys". White women vote the way their husbands do. They're willing to stay at home and live off whatever income the husband brings. Last point....we never hear any other group of women profess to be strong. AfroAmerican men and women are under attack to further divide us from each other.
  20. Surely you already know this by now but confidence is a man's most attractive feature. Failure and rejection sharpens iron. It happens to the best, brightest and most beautiful human beings. Nobody gets everything they want.
  21. No worries. I edited my post but the tangent remains the same.
  22. @Pioneer1, n8gglets have been doing dysfunctional sh8t for many decades. Even Malcolm Little got locked up in the 1940s. The names and faces have changed but otherwise there is nothing new under the sun.
  23. Black folks have the same problem all over the planet. They have to decide whether they're going to serve their own greed and self-interest under the system of racism white supremacy or work to overthrow and replace it. Africans aren't exempt. In fact, they might be worse having a whole continent and not controlling it from top to bottom. Instead, a handful of them are *selling out*. They're being oppressed by remote control. Look no further than a country like Nigeria where a handful of dudes brag about being rich but they're driving luxury cars and trucks on pothole-filled streets and spraying money from helicopters. N8gglets just can't get right nowhere.
  24. True that. Unfortunately, some folks would rather focus on his transgressions. Thankfully, those people are in the minority. Definitely won't find too many if any in Washington DC.
  25. As I have mentioned before, the Earth has been around for 5 billion years. It is on schedule to be around for 5 billion years. However, human beings (Homo Sapiens) have only been around about 190,000 years. Our time on the planet is a blip in the grand scheme of things. Enjoy the ride. Planet Earth will take care of itself even if it means getting rid of mankind.
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