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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. The saddest part is that he's smart enough to know better. Drunk from the kool-aid of fame and celebrity and money, he let his mouth write a check that his azz cash. The Alt-Right is having a field day using him as lighter fluid for their racist BS. But, I knew that slavery was a choice sh8t wasn't the end of his stupidity.
  2. @Cynique and @Pioneer1, I always get a chuckle out your back and forth. Only you two could have turned this thread into something.
  3. That's how I see time in a nutshell. Just a measurement of life events.
  4. Supposedly, they have a call or meeting of some kind lined up. Don't count Orange Julius out just yet.
  5. It just gets worse with Kanye and not being able to keep his pie-hole shut. He has stirred up the hornets nest of antisemitism. Adidas, Gap, Balenciaga, JPMorgan Chase and others are distancing themselves from Kanye. While Kanye insisted on being called a (multi) billionaire, almost overnight, his net worth has dropped to less than half a billion. Falsely, some folks equate money to power. Money is merely an instrument that we use to buy things (products, goods and services). Power makes things happen. Power creates systems and institutions that control human beings. Therein lies the difference. Kanye is learning in real-time that money alone doesn't make one powerful.
  6. Great win for the Bears. Considering they are a young team and rebuilding, I'm surprised they won. Also, they played very differently against my Commanders over a week ago. The Bears still need to do a lot of work in order to protect QB Justin Fields. He's a talented athlete. I would hate for his career to be shortened by mismanagement and injuries.
  7. Agreed. Very well done. I totally enjoyed it.
  8. Yep. There are males being raised in such a way that they don't know how to be men. Then, there's the males who have no desire to be men. That's part of reason some of them go back and forth to prison. IMO, AfroAmerican males do not have enough positive role models that they can readily see and/or access within their community or in the media. Kanye West doesn't count.
  9. It does. But, we never seem to be as prepared for it as places up north. No matter how much advanced notice we get that snow is coming, more than 6 inches of it will shut everything down for a day. A foot or more of snow and folks end up on a mini-stay-cation...no school or work except the most essential workers. We haven't gotten a significant snow fall in about 2 years. I predict this winter we'll get some type of blizzard.
  10. Someone like her could be an asset in getting through the Lake effect during those Michigan winters.
  11. NF Jr.s belief is not a revelation because 1) lesbianism has been around for a long time and 2) women have been signing up for military service for several decades. There's already plenty active duty women who choose to become soldiers. Many of them are lesbians too. If AfroAmerican men cannot take care of AfroAmerican women financially and physically, they're going to find an alternative. College degrees, professional careers, military service and lesbianism give AfroAmerican women another path.
  12. Yes indeed. Natural Black beauty is a welcomed sight as opposed to the eyelashes, hair weave, silicone and heavily made-up sistas running around out in these streets.
  13. The potential for misinterpretation is high on a public forum where we rely on written words. We do not have the benefit of being able to hear or see body language. But, we get through it by clarification if necessary. If anyone misunderstands anything I write, upon request, I'm willing to clarify my position within reason. Otherwise, I think we fundamentally agree on Lupita's position.
  14. Interesting thread topic but I don't believe this particular forum has enough participation or bandwidth to discuss it.
  15. Unfortunately, this movie will not move the needle of indifference AfroAmericans seem to have to our history nor complacency with the status quo. Like Hidden Figures, Just Mercy, Black KkKlansman and other movies, Till will be more entertainment than education or motivation to insure history doesn't repeat itself.
  16. I wonder if he's going to use Windex and a squeegee or a mop and bucket. I'm not sure mumble-mouth Herschel is qualified to use any supplies.
  17. My word choice isn't dangerous unless you read something different into it. There's nothing inherently wrong with whatever Lupita *chooses* to do. Sista Viola Davis doesn't need an apology either. She's a smart woman who was well aware of any potential backlash when she took on the project. There is no smoke or fire here.
  18. Reads like Lupita Nyong'o is managing her career in such a way to be 1) proud of her body of work and 2) successful. Despite the variety of roles Denzel Washington has played, he's selective about what he does too.
  19. That absolutely works in many cases. As a musician (creative), I can compose and play music for many hours to my contentment without an audience. Yet, when it's time to gig, there's a sense of satisfaction that comes with being able share and having people hear, dig, nod their heads and dance to the music too.
  20. There is no reason except that human beings are social creatures who want to be seen and heard to some degree.
  21. Truth. Revolutionaries, visionaries and creative types will encounter a lot of opposition because most people are wired to go along with the status quo. The average person cannot see a vision that has not been validated or codified. Also, most critical people tend to be successful failures in their own right. In some weird way, being unaccomplished (critics) gives bitter people license to be the biggest haters. Avoid them like a plague. As a revolutionary, visionary or creative person, keep pressing toward the mark of a higher calling.
  22. Well bro, considering Kanye's latest foray into antisemitism and questioning the death of George Floyd, there's some Black stupidity that reinforces white supremacy. It's not a mental problem with that dude.
  23. Well, they debated last Friday. No surprise that Warnock was the most articulate. But, typical Democrat, he didn't go hard in the paint on issues that could have buried his opponent. Meanwhile, mumble-mouth Herschel Walker played the "I'm just a country boy" card to excuse his ignorance. Someone prepped him relatively well. But, he pulled out a honorary badge claiming he was down with law enforcement. Props are prohibited. More than likely, the debate won't lead voters to change course. Still, it's a d8mn shame that in 2022 mumble-mouth is one of their choices and folks are riding with him.
  24. I'd be slightly curious to know how many AfroAmericans voted for those racists. Then, it took for someone else to encourage them to resign. If this thing hadn't blown up, they'd still be sitting in meetings and talking sh8t about the people they swore to serve.
  25. Bittersweet that yesterday our sista Brittney Griner spent her 32nd birthday in a Russian prison. I still do not believe Brittney will be over there this time next year. The pony express is on the way. Hang in there sista.
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