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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I've been meaning to ask you for quite some time, what do you think of the Hebrew Israelites who stand around on the corners in purple and yellow preaching the Bible and shouting at folks who walk by????
  2. Listen to Jeronimex's beloved pastor.............. That silly ass nicca stood up there and said "Egypt ain't Africa"....and nobody in his congregation such much as batted an eyelash, lol.
  3. @Troy You said you were curious to know who Jeromex's reverend was? Well, here he is. He's preaching now....let's take a listen........ Pastor Manning
  4. frankster Did you read the quote i gave above... Yes. Help me out please. Show me the part of your quote that stated: "life can ONLY be transformed or transmuted." Nature and God is the Same....Pantheism I'm not sure but that statement sounds like CONFUSION-ISM to me. Simply....Everything is subject to change - hence the reason we keep Re-confirming our theories thereby growing our understanding.1 That's the thing....you're not "re-confirming" theories. A theory is only confirmed ONCE and after that it's no longer a theory but a fact/law.
  5. ProfD Regardless of age, a *man* of God has zero business at a Puffy party. They don't? Not that I believe a "man of God" has to necessarily follow the Bible, but what part of the Bible commands you not to go to parties? Women are attracted to men with power because it appears to be an extension of a man being a provider and protector (strength). Facts. And it makes sense. Why would a woman want to hook up and make babies with a loser? You want to get with someone who can help you and your children in this world. Power enables men to get women who may not be interested in them otherwise. More facts! Just like a pretty woman who may not have anything else going for herself can use her GOOD LOOKS to attract men and be successful. Black men never have a problem expressing theielr desires and getting s8x. Maybe not in OUR generation, but a lot of these younger brothers coming up in their 20s and even some in their 30s are having a lot of problems with women. Attracting them, sleeping with them, etc.... A lot of them are sexually confused themselves and if they aren't a lot of the women they're dealing with are sexually confused. A lot of the times we're thinking of how it was back in the day where all a Black man had to be was able bodied with a job and he could pretty much get 90% of the women he approached. Things have changed now.
  6. ProfD Yes....both of them were strong "old school" Black men who would cuss out the racists to their faces. They had respect not only from other Black elected officials but from the streets, because the people knew they weren't cowards and would fight for them.
  7. ProfD As usual....I can't argue with what you've just said.
  8. Well...... -Do you smoke a lot of that fake weed????? Lol...if you do, that might be the problem.
  9. Sure..... But euthanasia wasn't initially offered as an alternative. I think a highly advanced and civil society would have an abundance of euthanasia clinics where seemingly terminal people could go and end it peacefully if they so chose.
  10. Break Dancing is one of the best and entertaining forms of dance this world has seen yet....and WE AfroAmericans invented it. It should have been codified as our "national" dance. Just like Greeks, Italians, Russians, and other ethnic groups have their own ethnic dances that they pass down from generation to generation.....Pop-lockin', Break Dancing, The Prep, and other dances from the 1900s and 2000s should be protected and codified as officially part of OUR culture. So that every time people see those dances they think of us and our greatness.
  11. frankster Where you see death...I see The Transmutation of The Tree. You can SEE what you like. The question you should ask yourself from time to time is does YOUR sight line up with THE reality? Yes there is a lot we do not know.....Death is a Transition. I repeat.... I know of no African Spiritual system that says life can ONLY be transformed or transmuted. I see no difference....Nature Created God or God created Nature - Nature = God According to the Bible YOU believe in, God created the Heavens and Earth (nature) in 6 days. Is that correct? How can He create nature if He already is nature? Change is the Only Constant....Theories Laws and Facts are subject to Change Men and women change clothes, change ages, and change their hair styles too.....but they still aren't the same as eachother. Not sure what point you're trying to make here.....lol.
  12. TD Jakes addressed the issue not to long ago and said how ridiculous it was to think that a 66 year old man would have enough time to go to freak parties with Puff Daddy...lol. He said maybe if a man were 36.....lol....but not 66. I don't know if the rumors are true or false but what's even more disturbing is how easily so many of our people believe rumors, inuendo, and other crap and will even get into fights with eachother over baseless shit with next to no evidence to back it up. Nearly everyone has a cellphone. Seems to me if TD Jakes were at so many of these parties....we'd have a video of him there. Women have always been attracted to men with power.....I think it's part of their genetic make-up. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with using your power to get sex as long as it's consensual on both sides. From a personal point of view, what good is attaining wealth and power if you're not going to use them to your benefit? It feels good to know that even in a man is old and ugly, he could still be attractive enough to get coochie as long as he has money and power....lol. Having worked with Black men for years and years from jobs to community organizing, I've learned that one of the keys to our unity with eachother is BEING REAL. Not parroting what White men say or their values...but being real about OUR values and what WE want. Most of us like sex and women and we're going to get it....period. We need to establish a culture that INCORPORATES that reality instead of trying to imitate the hypocritical culture of White men where sex is considered taboo and it's desire ist disguised.
  13. Man, I think you guys are starting to learn from ME to counter these racists with WWI and WW2 casualty counts....lol. Really, we don't even have to go back THAT far now. All you have to do is point at what's going on over there in Ukraine and how White folks....PURE White folks...with not a drop of any other race in them to point to as an excuse for their behavior.....are slaughtering each other up by the hundreds of thousands. "Stop it guys.....STOP IT RIGHT NOW! You're acting like........ Well....just like those crazy Negroids in Chicago we used to see on Fox News when we had internet and electricity!"
  14. Are you sure THAT would be a better alternative to a violent but relatively quick death that ends their suffereing?
  15. Troy There are MULTIPLE factors, weed is just one of the top contenders....lol. Another factor that I've been hearing a lot lately from school teachers in Michigan (not sure if it's all over the nation) is how children are being taught now a days. They're saying that for the past 10 or 15 years children aren't being taught phonics and the actual sound of each letter, but are rather taught the entire word itself.....only. For example instead of being shown the letters B-O-O-K and asking the children to say the name of the letters and the sounds they make like when we were kids, they are just show the word BOOK and told to recite. Ofcourse this is coming from public school teachers. Private and parochial schools have different methods.
  16. An even bigger problem that needs to be addressed is how so many White folks are using the police as their own personal security service to deal with Black people. Not just out in public but even on jobs, so many times White managers and supervisors end up calling the police on Black employees simply because they refuse to leave the property or act in a way that makes THEM feel intimidated. In the old days, you had private security that would escort you off the property if need be. The police didn't even get involved. Now the FIRST thing many of them do is call the cops and start exaggerating the circumstances. One of these days these White folks are going to call the police on the WRONG Black man and will find out that he TOO is the police. ......a Federal Officer. ....and has back-up. ....and whoever called the local cops as well as the cops themselves will find themselves in a Federal Building 'splainin what happened. "Well......I'm sooooorry....I I thought he was homeless....he....he looked like... He just kept asking for a public restroom and I...... I assumed that.....a lot of homeless people...well....I'm sorry. I didn't know he was a U.S. Marshall...I thought..... I'm so so sooooorry.....can I just be released and go home???"
  17. Well......... I found it rather disappointing that you both ( @Troy & @Delano ) got so easily offended the friction between them that yall decided not to finish listening to the exchange. Quite a few names and groups that I certainly hadn't even heard of were dropped during the dialog. What you two and Colon were saying about Puerto Ricans being major contributors to the early rise of Hiphop makes a lot of sense. But to Tariq's point and the point that he and many others have been making for years and something I too have noticed is that when you start giving SOME credit to Latinos or non-Blacks for a particular art or invention....it opens the door for several years down the line for them getting ALL of the credit for it and the Black presence get's erased. You already have a lot of people running around trying to claim that Eminem is the "best" rapper of all time......completely forgetting about Ice Cube, LL Cool J, Rakim, and others. Some want to make Justin Timberlake the best "soul" singer or R-n-B singer. We need to "own" and "codify" our inventions and culture.
  18. How can Americans focus on reading when so many of them can barely focus PERIOD after smoking all of that fake ass dispensary Marijuana? Nearly a quarter of the adult Americans that I know are full blown WEED addicts. They don't give a damn about books, exercise, walking through the park, going to a museum, or any thing else civil and cultivating. Their entire focus is on getting enough money to smoke that genetically modified shit they're selling at the dispensary, and many of them will go STONE crazy if they can't get it.
  19. I haven't followed the story too closely but it's clear that the right-wing wanted her out of her position. For over a week I had been seeing stories pop up on my news feed every day from right-wing outlets targeting her over this and that. To be honest with you, I kept seeing the word "gay" and thought it was just another ploy to promote the LGBT agenda and use a Black face to do it....lol. And that short natural she was rocking didn't really help clarify things....lol. I hadn't realized that it was her last name until I stopped to read a few articles.
  20. ProfD By design, most Black mayors are limited in what they can do for other Black folks within their communities. I would say ALL mayors are. Some, more than others. But as I've said before, all of them have a bully pulpit they can freely preach from to get their voices heard and views promoted. If they choose not to use it, that's on them. richardmurray You want to change things, pioneer. ....and I have. We still need a lot more changes made. where do you live? don't tell me. IF you live in a big city , it has a black populace. Find what city council member seat exist in a region that has majority black votes. Start a party of governance with the pure purpose of promoting legislation to that region's black populace. You only say yes when your region gets something, you push laws to advance the black populace in your district. Simple. I live in a smaller city outside of Grand Rapids. It's a mid-sized city of about half a million people and a pretty sizeable Black population. It's no Detroit or Chicago, but the Black community here has some size to it....and it's growing tremendously. Infact, the Black and Latino populations are racing eachother here in West Michigan. Black elected officials need a black party of governance in the usa to aid the black populace in the usa more. Agree with you 100%. Can a black party of governance happen in the usa? of course. Yes, but we shouldn't CALL it that. The Republican Party is a defacto "White" party with some Black folks in it, but it's smart enough not to call itself such. Black people need to be more discreet when naming organizations founded for us. Will a black party of governance have challenges from in the black populace as well as the non black ? of course. Can a white party, the donkeys or elephants, allow for a black elected officials to aid black people more than a black party of governance? never. It can happen MORE than it's happening now if the Black folks INSIDE the Party demanded it. Both A lot of this "powerless" talk is describing Black officials who aren't even TRYING to buck back and flex their strength. It's one thing if Black mayors got on television and had an aggressive discussion about racism in this nation and then DEMANDED criminal justice reform and Reparations....only to be directly removed from office in response. That clearly means they were powerless and when they didn't tow the line they were put RIGHT in check. But that's not going to happen. Because the White folks who run the two parties just would NEVER do that to them???? Not necessarily.... I say it's not going to happen because a lot of these selfish niggas are too scared to even ASK let alone DEMAND anything of tangible benefit specifically for AfroAmericans. Infact, many of them would rather STEAL money and EMBEZZLE it on the sneak...then come right out and DEMAND a fair share of their wealth.
  21. ProfD Voting for the lesser of two stinkers seems to be par for the course during POTUS elections. I used to be that dude who went around preaching AGAINST voting the "lesser of 2 evils" because ofcourse you don't want anyone evil in office. However as I've matured and realized, some evils ARE worse than others. Jeromex Trump did much more for blacks in one term than Onama did in two by far. Not sure who "Onama" is but yeah Trump DID help Black folks in an INDIRECT way. He emboldened the White racists to fuck with Black folks to the point that we got fed up and many Black folks took to the streets and started riots. Trump's hatred helps generate Black unity. Ramaswamy would also be good for blacks by promoting meritocracy. How, when even HE doesn't believe in it? He's a practicing Hindu. Do you even know what Hindus believe?
  22. Which one of us is constantly pushing the Bible and Scripture/scriptures......lol. Although I must say, I've been checking out that Bigga dude. .....pretty interesting character with an interesting background.
  23. Interesting debate I came across between Tariq Nasheed and a Puerto Rican urban historian on the origins of Hiphop. Perhaps @Troy and/or @Delano being from The Bronx may find this interesting given his presence there during the birth of Hiphop.
  24. frankster I have seen no such Proof Then I'll make it PLAIN to you and then I'll let it go..... You said Nature is ALWAYS life giving/supporting. I gave you examples of how lightning can kill a tree, and there are other examples like a lion killing a deer, or the sea drowing a person....examples of nature KILLING and TAKING life. Whether you acknowledge your error is up to you. African Spirituality I don't know of any African Spiritual system that said life can ONLY be Transformed or Transmuted. God = Nature So you clearly don't believe in the Bible if you believe that, lol. According to the Bible, God CREATED nature. No...You are confirming what was said by him. No, I'm confirming that it WAS said...not WHAT was said. You quoted Hawkins: Each time new experiments are observed to agree with the predictions the theory survives, and our confidence in it is increased; Yes, the THEORY survives. But it remains a THEORY....not a scientifically proven FACT. In the sense that it is not final. Whatever the case may be, it's still just THEORY and not FACT. It's a scientific THEORY not a scientific LAW.
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