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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Interesting information...... I have a few questions. Are you suggesting that the Chaldeans were "Black" people? I ask because I grew up in a section of Detroit that had a HUGE Chaldean population and I know quite a bit about them. Also, you're saying Baal and Bel are two different Beings. I was under the impression that the word "Bel" was just the Aramaic rendering of the Canaanite "Baal" but referred to the same Being. Also, are you also suggesting that Chaldeans were different than Assyrians? It was my understanding that both of them were referred to as "Assurians" in the original scriptures.
  2. I'm not sure if they were targeting Black Americans so much as they were just targeting Americans in general. It's one of those things that makes you think. Like it or not...we ARE Americans and tend to be treated as such around the world despite our being Black. This is why I say we might as well take advantage of it. Regardless of your race, when you come from the United States people assume you have money anyway. I'll be honest with you........ As I get older, more mature, and wiser and see more things and experience more people....especially from around the world......the more I appreciate the United States. It has a lot of problems, but if we think that many of these other cultures are "better" for Black folks, we may be in for a big surprise. Many of those Arab countries are far more racist than the United States. .....openly atleast. The United States was born, had legalized slavery for decades.....and eventually got rid off it (or transformed it). Well, in a lot of those Arab nations slavery has been around for HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of years and it STILL exists...out in the open. I know America causes a lot of problems around the world, but if I have to choose between her and some of these other despotic, racist, and oppressive nations.... Like Ice Berg Slim used to tell his girls: "Don't make me choose! You may not like my choice!"
  3. Well..... Here he is talking about almost being tempted into engaging in gay sex in prison. Make of the interview what you will.....lol.
  4. Yeah..... I don't smell any type of "conspiracy" in this one, but man.....what are the chances of all 3 of them being Black?
  5. Oh nooooooo......lol....man I forgot about Herchel Walker!!!!!
  6. Mel Thanks for highlighting the differences between matriarchal and matrilineal. Most people don't understand or even acknowledge that there IS a difference. A culture or religion can certainly be matrilineal without being matriarchal. Modern Judaism is an excellent example. It's actually patriarchal but the family bloodline is traced through the mother which makes it matrilineal. Actually matrilineal is a smart method to trace onces ancestry because of the old saying, "Mama's baby....Papa's....MAYBE" You always KNOW who the mother is because she's the one having the baby, but you don't always KNOW who the actual father is....especially when there are other men around.
  7. ....but what you and I DON'T have in common, is our LITERACY RATES.
  8. Well.... If you think she may be going to prison, maybe you should give her tips on how to survive based on your many years of experience.
  9. I have a series of questions for you @Chevdove concerning your research on the worship of Baal and how it has impacted people and societies around the world through out history. First of all let me state clearly that I ONLY worship The SUPREME BEING. I worship no other Deities. I offer honor and respect and other positive attributes to some other Higher Beings, however my worship and ultimate Honor and Respect goes to The CREATOR of all Existence. Having said that...... You've done an excellent job following and detailing the various forms of "Baal Worship", so a couple questions right from the start are: 1. Is worshipping Baal actually WRONG to do? 2. If it IS wrong to do, how so? Meaning....why? What are the negative consequences that result from the worship of Baal?
  10. Chev Festi-VAL and Canni-BAL are words also derived from the word Baal.
  11. Hey young lady! Well you should have spent more time hanging out on AALBC; I could have taught you most of the stuff in the video....lol. If the knowledge in that video was enough to made you cry, I could have had you bawling like a baby...........kicking and screaming, with some of the science I could drop on the subject....lol. In reality, the civilization of Kemet was the TAIL END of our Original civilization. It was developed during a time when our Ancestors were actually DECLINING from a much higher state of science. We buried MOST of the knowledge and science we developed before the coming of Caucasians. I have to admit that the lighting and visual quality of this video is excellent. It's wonderful to look at some of those paintings and statues and medu-neter (hieroglyphs) up close with such clarity.
  12. Then you should learn a lesson from them and CLAM UP......
  13. It would seem to me that Baal and the Anti-Christ are two different Beings. Baal was and is one of the Eloah from the Canaanite/Hebrew pantheon of Deities. The Anti-Christ is supposedly some figure who is supposed to come at the end of this Dispensation claiming to be Christ to deceive the world. Actually, there is some question as to whether the Anti-Christ itself would even exists because you really don't read about the Anti-Christ in the book of Revelations. When you read the book itself....it speaks of "The Beast" and the "Image of The Beast". Many of the attributes of The Beast are attributed to this mythical "Anti-Christ" figure through the ages.
  14. Chev I'm referencing that man from Kemet (Ancient Egypt), who along with a group was commissioned to go up to the mountains of Central Asia and bring civility and culture and the arts of humanity to the wild tribes of Caucasians who had been banished there for thousands of years and went savage. I believe the story of Moses in the Bible was LOOSELY based on him and his efforts. Notice that Moses and the Israelites were forced to wander around in the desert for 40 years and then when it finally was time to go into the "promised land" Moses wasn't allowed to go in with them? That story was allegorical. When Musa went up to the mountains to civilize the Caucasians, later on he died but his books and his story lived on. So when the Caucasians roamed around in the desert and went to invade the land of Canaan....when people asked where was this "Moses" who led them they had to explain it as he wasn't "allowed" into the promise land.
  15. When I read about these Deities in the Old Testament like Baal, several questions come to mind; among them........... 1. They must have had SOME sort of Reality to Them or else the Israelites wouldn't have kept on worshipping Them and it wouldn't have been so hard for Them to stay away. Think about it...... If They were ONLY stone statues or pieces of wood, why would you have entire priesthoods and armies dedicated to Them? That doesn't makes sense for human beings to do even back in those ancient days. These had to be powerful and intelligent Beings who really existed and most likely still exist. Which brings me to my next point..... 2. Where is Baal and Ashtaroth and many of those other Deities TODAY? Did they just disappear? Did they come from another planet and decided to fly back? Are they still alive? If not, where are they buried? I have to ask, how can Beings so powerful and influential at that time just "disappear" and drop off the map by the time the New Testament roles around?
  16. Not just in the so-called Middle East, but all over the planet. White people sailed to different ancient civilizations and societies and along with conquering them....would systematically remove all of their ancient religious, scientific, and historical books, scrolls, and other documents and take them back to Europe. They didn't rip them up or burn them as so many claim. White folks weren't THAT stupid to burn up ancient wisdom so that it disappeared and was lost. They took it and HID it and kept it among themselves.....and then gave those people they conquered FAKE religions and scriptures as a replacement. The Torah that Moses gave White folks up in the mountains is REAL. But you don't have the real one....not in the Bible. They have it locked away somewhere and can access it when THEY want to.
  17. Indiscretions like that ARE the show! That's what a lot of people come to church for today. The drama and the scandal. If there was no cheating or controversy or conflict....they'd get bored and move on to another church, lol.
  18. What's with all this THEY THEY THEY ????? If YOU are one of "the blacks" then you should be saying WE....lol
  19. That's why I said there was a difference between SEGREGATION and SEPARATION. Under SEGREGATION.....the races are kept apart but only one of them controls the economies and politics of both. Under SEPARATION....the races are apart but they each control their own economies and politics.
  20. Mr. Bo Jangles HIMSELF could pull up a seat and take notes on how to scratch, bow, and buck-dance from this clown......lol.
  21. Ok, thanks! I was thinking he may have been related to David Ruffin of the Temptations.
  22. The "Book of Jasher" is a legitimate "missing book" because it's actually mentioned IN the Bible itself. Also there is a "Book of The Wars Of Yahweh (The Lord)" mentioned in the Bible too that is missing from the current cannon. Those are legitimate books that have been hidden. Not MISSING so much as HIDDEN. But some of the others were just simply made up by some old White men with long beards by the candle light. People have to understand that many of the scriptures of the Bible itself was re-copied and re-translated back in Babylon from OTHER OLDER books that were in circulation around back then around 500 B.C.
  23. Yeah, I see a resemblance.....they both have noses. Where are they from? I'm guessing EARTH...lol. Welcome back Tipsy. I see you're still obsessed with those racially ambiguous people....lol. Atleast you're not posting those fruity looking pictures of androgenous people like you used to.
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