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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. ProfD However, the GOP in Congress are demanding that Secretary Austin testify before them to explain his disappearing act. Ridiculous. Now this is the REAL test..... If he tells them to kiss his ass and doesn't go, that's a show of power. However if he SUBMITS himself to their inquiry...he failed. Like you said, Biden appointed him and he reports to BIDEN...not the GOP or Congress. He's not an elected official and has no obligation to explain himself to them outside of an official subpoena for a criminal investigation.
  2. ProfD The conservatives can only take over the nation if they become the majority in getting liberals to flip and/or show their true colors. Lol...and how hard would THAT be? All it takes is a well publicized incident...usually a crime...for a SO-CALLED liberal to all of a sudden switch allegiances and turn into the most right-wing racist. Look at Bill Maher. He was a so-called "liberal" until after 9/11 and he used that incident to express is REAL feelings. Ofcourse you DO have true well meaning fair minded White people. They do exist. But they are few and far in between. Fortunately however, in my observation THOSE type of White folks usually stay true and don't change directions with the wind. Goofy azz Nikki Haley refuses to acknowledge the historical truths about this country and how it was built on racism and continues to present. Well, I'll have to admit that it's not TOTALLY her fault. 1. She's a child of immigrants so the true and racist history of the United States probably wasn't the focal point of her upbringing as a child. Her parents probably worshipped White folks and stressed only the values and history they wanted her to know to get ahead in this society. 2. The educational system in the United States doesn't do a good job of teaching the TRUTH about history or racism. They'll talk about slavery and racism briefly but don't go deep into details like Jim Crow or the various forms of slavery practiced around this hemisphere.
  3. ProfD Bro, you typed that with your chest stuck out as if we own this country. We actually ARE partial owners of this nation, but we too often don't exercise the authority and rights we DO have. There's a lot of sh8t for us to fix around here way before we can deal with immigration. True, however if our people end up REPLACED and homeless on the streets....there won't be an opportunity to fix it. Right now an effort is underway to completely replace Black America with immigrants of different races from around the globe. I'd consider this one of our immediate concerns and one that we can actually fix if we apply ourselves. Two people of the same ethnicity see each other differently. Ridiculous. That's because they are of the same ethnicity but RACIALLY different. Just like the Latinos. Although most of them are of the Hindu ethnicith/religion....most of the so-called "Untouchables" are Asiatic Black descended from the ancient Dravidians; where as most of the other Indians are various racial mixtures between the Black Dravidians and White Aryans who rule the nation.
  4. I've heard the theory that many people who are very anti-gay and go around bashing homosexuals are latent homosexuals themselves. I'm not sure about that because they bash them HARD in Middle Eastern and African nations, yet most of them clearly aren't homosexuals. I think much of it comes from religous indoctrination. Your holy book clearly condemns homosexuality and calls it an abomination. If you are SINCERE and truly believe in it, it follows that you too would be vehemently against it.
  5. Hopefully we can sit back, but......... Like Neely Fuller Jr. said, much of the conflict between White folks is over HOW to treat the people of color they are dominating. If Trump supporters end up taking over the nation, their sites are going to quickly focus on what they're going to do with the Blacks and Latinos in "their" nation.
  6. ProfD Yep. Amazingly, n8gglets on code when it comes to that BS. And the MONEY and other forms of support that the LGBT community often gives Black LGBT members will PUT them on code quickly. The LGBT Agenda is controlled by White people. That's a fact. Being as such, they understand the importance of providing an INCENTIVE for people's loyalty. Most AfroAmericans haven't understood that yet. Too often we expect Black folks to stick together simply because they are Black.
  7. According to some, we already have the answers to atleast 2 if not all of those questions........ It was started by 3 AfroAmerican women whom I believe are Lesbians or atleast one of them are. It is being funded primarily by left-leaning White people and organizations. The purpose of it's existence.....which used to be openly promoted on their website....is to promote the LGBTA agenda in the AfroAmerican community. I knew something was up when I went to a couple of their rallies where they were speaking and everytime me or another Black man stood up to ask a question.....they would OBVIOUSLY ignore us. I mean it was BLATANT. They'd call on White women, Black women, Asian women, even White men....NEXT to us....INFRONT of us...BEHIND us....but not us.
  8. I have a rule...... As long as it's between CONSENTING ADULTS (over 20)......it's between them and GOD. As long as they aren't trying to force themselves on ME. However I do recognize as Tariq Nasheed often points out.....there is clearly an AGENDA. Part of it is for a man to CLAIM to be a woman and if you don't treat him as one and have sex with him then he wants to get you charged with a hate crime.
  9. One of the sad things about people who go to religious anti-homosexual extremes like this is they will go through out much of their lives hurting MANY MANY people with their vitriol......only to usually soften up and change their views and become more tolerant later on in life. Especially if they end up having a child or close loved one who is homosexual. It goes from hating them and wishing death upon them......to claiming "everyone is a sinner" and how they shouldn't be singled out......to loving "everybody" as a child of God. However that doesn't undo the damage they did to innocent people when they were extremist. If they even hurt or killed somebody, their now tolerant attitude doesn't bring those people back. This is one of the reasons I left religion alone years ago.
  10. Lol....both of them got more than YOU got. Can we agree on that???
  11. Looked like a scene out of a Denzel Washington American Gangsta movie....lol. Brutha man marched up the street.....opened the door....and walked in with his head up like, "Alright.....WASSUP!!! Where my money at?????" The only thing missing was the screams and glass breaking.....LOL. Then check out how he was looking at the reporter during the interview...... He was looking at him with one eyebrow raised like Frank Lucas was looking at Nicky Barnes when he came to his club to pay him a visit....lol.
  12. Well at the end of the Bible in the book of Revelations, it clearly warns the read not to add too or take away from the book. So the fact that so many people have added to, redacted from, and mis-translated the Bible shows you how much faith many of them have in the words themselves. It's one thing for an atheist to make oaths and break them, but I wonder what goes through the mind of a devoutly religious person who will sit up and choose to deliberately break an oath to their marriage or one they took for political office. Seems to me that they'd be fearful of the consequences of that action.
  13. Yes, that's one of the first things I noticed....lol....all the X's in the names.
  14. Just another GLARING example that of all peoples....we as AfroAmericans need to be VERY careful and investigate exactly WHO they're letting in this nation. Thoroughly investigate and vet their ass before they even step off the damn plane or ship! Check their FAMILY history too! We already have enough racists to deal with among White folks. We don't need them bringing in more "undercover" and "not so undercover" BACK UP SQUADS and BUFFERS with yellow, brown, and tan faces. When you listen to the comment both Vivek and Nikki Haley have been making lately.....seems to me they're trying to "out White" White folks in their racism. A lot of these Indians feel that they can "prove" their Whiteness. I was listening to one Indian on a podcast the other day talking about the comparison between racism in the U.S. and racism in historic India with the caste system. He said that that White folks in the U.S. were so "nice" to us! He said that during slavery White folks had Black folks in the house washing their clothes, cooking their food, and even sleeping with them. He said they would NEVER do that with those "dirty people" in India. He said they keep the Untouchables OUTSIDE and consider it a sin to so much as LOOK at them.
  15. Well..... After Trump's major victory in Iowa..... I'd say that regardless of party or political lines, the momentum for him is MUCH stronger than it is for Biden. I'll keep it real....... There's a lot of opinions online but on the street and in the workplace, I haven't heard of ANY Black folks rocking for Biden. Infact, most Black folks are like me and don't trust EITHER ONE. However of those who DO....nearly all of them are for Trump. And most of the White men I know who are for Trump are VEHEMENTLY for Trump. They are already balling their mouths up and looking crazy in the eyes about how Trump "better" win and how they "better not" tamper with the elections again. If Trump GETS in office.....the nation is in trouble. But if Trump DOESN'T get back in office.....it could get SUPER ugly.
  16. -What kind of deformed Negro talks like THAT??? I ain't heard NOBODY pronounce reparations as "repo-raisins" !!!!! What kind of Black folks have YOU been hanging around....lol????? The ones in your Special Education class or something??? Matter of fact....... Just about very Black person I've heard.....even those with the most broken English....can say THAT word properly.....lol. "Look heah mayne.... They can sit up and talk all the shit they want to but I done already figu'd out what ahm go do with mah REPARATIONS MONEY when ah git it!" Brutha might fuck up a lot of words, but when it comes to money....he's going to get it RIGHT. But on a more serious note....... Isn't it strange how they have to do a "panel" and "study" when it comes to giving Black Americans something but when it comes to these illegal immigrants arriving in New York by the bus loads....by the train loads.....by airplane.....dropping them off way over in New Jersey so they sneak across the damn river.....they don't need a damn "panel" or "study" for THEM. Washington and Albany and Springfield IMMEDIATELY sends in the cash and benefits for THEM and even houses them up in hotel rooms. Arsenio Hall said, "Things that make you go - hmmmmmmm."
  17. What most AfroAmericans want today is SEPARATION....not Segregation. There's a difference........... 50 or 60 years ago most AfroAmericans didn't want Separations. Some did...a minority...but most wanted full integration into White society because they felt it would make us better off collectively. Now 50 and 60 years later, we realize that it did not. While SOME Black folks benefited....MOST of our people are worse off today than most of their grand parents were back during the Jim Crow era. Personally.....I want BOTH: SEPARATION with the option to INTEGRATE as needed or desired, lol.
  18. Let me guess, lol. Was it this quote on page 13: "African Psychology, with full and grateful acknowledgment to the Messenger of Allah, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad - who was the first to raise and answer this question of origins"
  19. Every brutha has seen a sista like her in highschool....lol. Fine but smart sista who sits in class and keeps quiet and focuses on doing her studies so she can bounce out of there, into some HBCU and then on to either an Ivy League school or government job. I didn't even do any research on her but I bet she was involved in all kinds of "student this" and "student that" in highschool and college preparing herself for a leadership role later on.
  20. ProfD I can't blame him too much because she wasn't a bad looking woman at all. I like older women period, but this one was in her late 60s and with a huge round butt and a warm "Latino" accent and attitude. However she was still for the most part White....Caucasian. I don't consider her a "sista" and kept trying to get this over to my manz....lol. Being Latino, or Arab, or any other ethnicity doesn't change your race. I've met many White Latinos and White Arabs who were just as racist as the typical White Anglo Saxon American. Hell, the White Spanish were enslaving Black folks before the White English.....and this pop-eyed gravel bearded nicca can't even hold a conversation without hopping up every 5 minutes running over to the White Latina woman trying to almost drag her back to where we were sitting to involve HER into the conversation, lol.
  21. I meant send the military down there to confront the Texas "troops" or National Guardsmen or whatever the hell they are that Abbott is using to intimidate the Border Patrol. Border Patrol are federal officers. How in the hell can a Governor order his state police or even his national guard to challenge them and keep them away from international borders? Biden and the others in Washington are simply ALLOWING him to do this...because he certainly doesn't have the authority or manpower to usurp Federal authority. Again, just another reasons I stopped supporting the Democrats. Just weak for the sake of being weak.
  22. Man....sounds like something I'd definitely be interested in! Come on man, you KNOW we're curious.....lol.....exactly WHAT as the "one statement" made that lost you?
  23. .....well, if they're "missing" and "hidden".....why do so many people know about them? The Catholic Bible has books that the King James Version (most used by Protestants) don't have; so she can start with that....lol. There seems to be 2 Books of Enoch. One is from Ethiopia and the other from either Armenia or Albania, forgot exactly which nation. The Book of Enoch like much of the Bible itself isn't authentic but is a book of ALLEGORY that tells history in symbolic form. Much of it really is about the Black soldiers stationed on the Caucasus mountains to keep guard (watchers) over the Caucasians who were banished there. If she was the more scholarly type who loves to read religious doctrine and legalism and not a lot of fluffy fairytales....then she should read a collection of books called the Babylonian Talmud. But again, this is for the more serious minded.
  24. Troy ??? I didn't know his channel has even been AROUND for 6 months. I thought it was only a few months old. I started watching him when he was on another channel right before he got kicked off. He's not the smartest dude in the world but he reminds me so much of a couple of cats I grew up around. Infact, I have a cousin who acts and sounds like him....lol. His religious devotion, mixed with his huge size, almost juvenile emotionalism and quick temper is very charismatic and will suck you in to just watching the brutha for entertainment.....lol. I believe he said he's from Harlem too.
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