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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. I guess when we say "necessary" we have to qualify it with a description of "necessay for what". If you want to talk about what is absolutely necessary for survival as humans, then you're talking: Food Water Want to extend your life a little further: ...on top of that add Shelter ...and depending on the climate, Clothing...lol. Want to live even longer: ...add First Aid and some form of Healthcare I think you get my point....LOL. If you want a relatively modern and functioning society, at this point wifi internet is a basic necessity. Take that away, the nation won't last long because it will fall into chaos and be conquered.
  2. ProfD Today's Africans cannot reclaim their land and resources without going to war against white folks. In it's entirety, I believe you're right. However in small increments and individual cases....it can happen. Look at how the Chinese and non-White Arabs are buying so much land and property in Africa and White folks are allowing it. I believe there's a tipping point or critical mass that White folks will allow. We should at least get ourselves acquainted with it. The easy way out for most people seems to be 1) selling out and taking whatever white folks are willing to give or 2) leave the country and try to build a better life being an Uber driver in a white country. Well, if they aren't going to organize and lead a concerted effort to reclaim their land (and it doesn't look like they're planning to do so anytime soon) then I think option #1 is a little more honorable than option #2. A coup is the way some folks try to fight back and reclaim their country. Yes, but they're not actually reclaiming the land from the White folks who control it. They're reclaiming the POSITION of "go between" and HNIC from other Black folks in that position that they personally don't like. One group of niccaz get jealous of those in power because they're closer to "White Massa" than they are....so they round up a gang of armed niccaz and storm the capital to drive them out and then THEY sit in the seat and make the calls to "White Massa". After years of sitting in office stealing money and begging White folks....another generation of young niccaz who get jealous of and tired of THEM form a gang and do the same thing. Happening over and over again. It's only a matter of time before white folks con and arm the next wannabe leader to stage a coup. Rinse and repeat. Exactly. As just mentioned above. Which tells me more about THEM than it does about the White folks who are conning them. As I mentioned in another thread, Muammar Gaddafi was the last African leader who fully understood the problem. He wanted to unite Africa. We know that outcome. I don't think he should have been killed...especially in the manner that he did. However I don't think he should have lead any Black African coalition or movement. He wasn't a Black African. I'd consider him a friend and ally of Black people, but not to be followed for a number of reasons. One of them was because we have to get out of the habit of needing a White "savior" or atleast some non-Black person to unite us and rally us together. Again, it's that "Jim Jones" mentality of somebody who doesn't look like us who will come down to the 'hood and stand us up on our feet and do for us what we should be doing for ourselves. Gaddafi or Castro or any other non-Black person leading an African coalition...even if it was successful....would simply re-enforce the racist belief that Black folks need a "White savior" because they don't have sense enough to do it by themselves. Even at work I see this often. Black folks from different background and nations often have issues working with eachother and getting along and having respect for eachother...but some soft mild mannered White man will come along and they all fall in line and work in harmony UNDER him.
  3. Most intelligent Black folks already have........... The time has come to stop going in circles and preaching the same common sense to the walking dead. If they didn't have sense enough to "get it" after 60 years or preaching the same things over and over to them, it's time to pack our things and move on.
  4. I've read and heard numerous stories about how Africans and Native Americans were warned ahead of time about the coming of Caucasians but they didn't heed the warnings. Then I heard SOME heeded the warnings while some others....especially the leaders...did sell their people out for trinkets and bottles of beer or salt or out of fear of superior weapons. I'm not sure if these things are true or false.....or a mixture of both. I'm very analytical in my thinking so I don't condemn entire groups of people nor do I praise them. I take the actions of each individual and the circumstances surrounding those actions into consideration....and weigh them. It's easy to say "stand strong and don't let the White man take your land and women"....when you don't have 1000 muskets pointed at you, lol. If you notice, except for the religious aspect....most of my criticism of Africans are of the Africans of TODAY because it's based on the behavior that I've actually witnessed myself. Some of it is absolutely uncalled for and has no excuse. You're over in the Congo sitting on all types of gold and diamonds....diamonds tumbling out of mountains by themselves.....all you have to do is stick your hand out and you'll catch one. But you'll leave THAT because you don't want to do the digging....instead you fly over to America just to drive a damn cab in Washington D.C.
  5. .....unless you grew up with it, lol. Now a days, the internet IS considered a basic necessity. Governments and most individuals (except for survivalists) can't function in society without it.
  6. ProfD To avoid imperialism, Castro probably meant well all things considered. His shortcoming was a failure to grow his island nation. I think he did the best he could given the cards he was dealt. He was leading a nation of....as I said before...mostly Black and Mulatto people. So as a well educated White man who came from a prosperous family, he knew the White world wasn't going to allow them but to get so far. Also, he was pushing a Communist program in the middle of a Capitalistic and Christian Western Hemisphere. His only friends and allies were thousands of miles away and weren't true friends at that (Russia). Cuba probably could have developed more technology if they were left alone. But with the embargo and constant harassment, it was enough to survive. Despite displays of violence, Black folks aren't barbaric enough to take over their own sh8t and run it like a well-oiled machine. Well, some may agree. Because on the scale of civility....Barbarism is a STEP UP from Savagery...lol. A lot of our people are in such savage condition that barbaric would be an improvement.
  7. Well the issue is......if this IS it...we wouldn't know it, lol.
  8. ProfD Fear of mortality. People are afraid to die. They've been programmed into believing their soul could spend eternity in h8ll. Nearly every African religion before Christianity or Islam not only taught that Life existed after death and that their Ancestors lived in that After-life, they also had rituals and herbs they used that allowed certain medicine men to ENTER those Realms and communicate with Entities in them! Now whether they could do this or not is obviously questioned by some, but the fact that they certainly BELIEVED in it isn't up for questioning. All Africans believed in Higher Beings and Life after physical death. Neither Islam or Christianity introduced these concepts to them. So how a bunch of European Caucasians or Arab Caucasians could come along with other religions and SINCERELY convince them to stop believing in that and believe in a bunch of words written down in a book that THEY didn't write and couldn't even understand the language of is - Come on bro. Jim Jones. People's Temple. Jonestown Guyana. A 47-year old clown convinced 909 people to commit suicide. Great example. And Jim Jones was a WHITE man! And most of those who followed that fool down there were BLACK folks! Look at that. Like the wino on Good Times would say: "Now what does that tell you? Huh? Huh??"
  9. ProfD Yeah, got quite a few friends with sleep apnea and even have to use the machine. You must be heavy. A lot of people who are heavy in weight tend to have sleep apnea. Another issue could be arthritis in the spine that affects the structure of the wind pipe when you lay down. As I get older I often imagine different ways I'd like to die also....lol. Simply dying in my sleep....during a nice and lovely dream...is ideal. However a very quick violent death in which I lose consciousness quickly would be far more ideal than going through months or years of some disease. This is one of the reasons I'm so angry at some of the teachings of many religions. I was promised that "the end" would come before the year 2000...lol. One religion says that Jesus would come back. Another said the world would end. Another said that a Savior would return and make the world better. Here we are in 2024....decades later... and the world is still shitty and there are wars and disease on top of war and disease. I have lady friends, but no children....by choice. Unlike you, I actually do believe in Life after physical death so I really have no reason to hang around in this Reality if the bad outweighed the good.
  10. What else besides low intelligence would allow a grown man to change religions SIMPLY because an outsider comes to his community and tells him he's worshipping the wrong "god" that they've been worshipping since time immemorial? Some would tell me: "Well, Pioneer....it's not that simple. You have to understand the history behind it and how they did it." Understand what? I understand how people with superior weapons can over power you and take your land and women. I don't agree with it...but it makes sense. You were physically forced into it....it was beyond your control. But here you've been worshipping the same religion for THOUSANDS of years and some other group of men come over on a camel or horse....get off...tell you they have a book that came from "heaven" and it was given to them to give to you. And you start stretching your eyes and grinning and actually believe it with no proof or strong evidence but ONLY that man telling you about it. .....that actually says a lot about YOU more so than the colonizer!
  11. ProfD The current leader of Cuba looks mixed race. I can already imagine what that means for the darker people there. Well Castro and much of his family were pretty much White. They may have gotten along well with the Black and Mulatto people of Cuba and around the planet, but there's something "Jim Jonesish" about a White man who has to lead and direct Black folks around and keep them organized and industrious. No shade of Castro though....he did many great works. Cuba is pretty much a Black and Mulatto nation with a White minority. Black folks should be ruling it....but.
  12. richardmurray Now if you are asking why haven't wealthy blacks in NYC started a similar organization in NYC, well why don't you go ask them. Why would I ask a question I already know the answers to...lol. For the same reasons the poor and middle class Black New Yorkers aren't starting one. You think the white, financially wealthy historically , smaller in quantity, jewish populace in nyc is comparable to the black, financially poorer historically, far larger in quantity , black populace in NYC? Why not? They're both human beings. Both have brains and the ability to think ahead and plan.
  13. ProfD Don't confuse a few Black folks running killing each other in the streets over the full scale wars white folks execute leading to millions of deaths. I'm not talking about just in the U.S.....or in Haiti right now....but look at what has been going on in parts of Africa over the past 40 years or so. The violence is off the chain in a lot of nations to the point there is no police. Nothing but bands of young men roaming around the country side with AK's on pick-up trucks looking for villages to raid. The only reason some of them AREN'T engaging in full scale wars is because they can't get their hands on the weapons to wage them. So it's not from goodness and lack of desire to commit harm...it's from the INABILITY to do so. Don't think some of these clowns wouldn't use NUKES on fellow Africans of a different ethnicity if they had access to them! Christianity has been sold to Africans just as it has been sold to AfroAmericans. Amazing that even the most seemingly intelligent Black folks would buy into the BS white folks sell. Especially in the form of a savior that just so happens to look white. Europeans bringing one religion.....Arabs bringing another. And if Africans aren't fighting eachother over foreign religions they are fighting eachother over next to nothing. Ask some of the Africans at work (because you have mostly Christians but some Muslims too) that if Africans were to go up to Arabia or Europe with THEIR traditional African religion, would they be able to convert the Europeans or Arabs to it like they were able to convert them?
  14. I was going to say it but ProfD beat me to it about Kevin dying in bed with some woman. I heard she was non-Black and many years younger than him too. Well...... If you're going to die anyway, dying on top of a woman you're banging certainly wouldn't be one of the worse ways to go out.
  15. What the Cuban people didn't understand....was that just like blood is thicker than water...."White racism" is thicker than blood! ....or the Communist doctrine, lol. White Russia will NOT take sides against their own White brothers in the West just to side with Brown Cubans or even Yellow Chinese and Koreans and Vietnamese. So Russia slowly stopped supporting Cuba and allowed it to drift into isolation. Cuba may be behind technologically but their Spirit is still strong. They have a history of sending soldiers as well as medicine and medical aid to African nations so they have a lot of Karmic Credit built up.
  16. Poverty and systemic oppression are great examples. I was born and raised in a lower middle class environment and BRIEFLY experienced poverty in the form of homelessness years ago.....and mentally could barely tolerate it. My "intolerance" for it forced me to do thing I wouldn't have ordinarily done to raise myself out of that situation. I wasn't trying to "get used" to it or "make the best" of that situation without trying to get out of it.
  17. Troy I can understand how a limited few who are very young and have low intelligence would. However when you have fully grown intelligent adults with Master's degrees and have traveled the world yet they STILL will go to a church with a big picture of a blonde Jesus with blue eyes on the wall and they just clap and sing away at it, it's hard to really understand their logic. I understand SOME of it. They think getting closer to THAT "Jesus" will bring them closer to White folks. If I'm working and living around White folks every day and if I truly deep down believed that White folks are the actual saviors...... My reasoning would tell me why go through a mythical white Jesus when I can just go directly to them....lol.
  18. Troy These things were explained @Pioneer1, perhaps not to your satisfaction. The reason you are having difficulty understanding is you keep shoehorning ideas that have no relevance like “evil” and “obeying.” The reasons I'm having difficulty understanding is either due to one of two things: 1. My comprehension skills or 2. Your so-called "explanation" was faulty. ....and although I'm no PhD..I've never had a special education nor an academic problem, lol. if you touch something that is unexpectedly very hot, your hand will recoil. It’s not a decision that you made, it’s not good or evil, you weren’t obeying anyone, you just reacted. The decision to recoil wasn't necessarily yours but the decision to touch it (which falls under "everything" by the way) WAS your decision. Do you disagree?
  19. I knew Cuba was no Paradise, however I'm a little surprised to hear about Cubans being hungry. I thought they had their act together over there, especially under Castro.
  20. Hmmmm..... First time I've even heard of her. Based on the above pictures, she seems to be an attractive sister too. I'm sure this will come off as sexist to many but I can't help but to notice an attractive woman's attractiveness even when the subject has next to nothing to do with that, lol. It seems that she passed away from Covid. People are still dying from that. Well, may our sister....who is now an ancestor....rest in peace and power!
  21. Lol....I didn't know Kevin said that, but it makes sense. To be honest I didn't pay too much attention to the sex of the people who's houses these alarms were going off in but come to think of it, seems like it happens with more women than men. One woman told me that it was her "landlord's job" to change the batteries in the smoke detector...not hers, lol. I said, even if it's keeping you and your kids up at night with that beeping and chirping???
  22. ProfD Asians seem to be docile and subservient. Because they were not enslaved by white folks, they don't seem to mind being a cheap labor force to white countries. They weren't enslaved like our people were but they were subjected to White racism just like other people of color. The West colonized China, the Koreas, and Japan to various degrees. They SEEM docile and subservient when they want to be or need to be, but can be aggressive when they need to be to. They aren't docile when it comes to whooping up on Black women who get out of pocket up in their hair and nail salons...lol. In turn, the Chinese are using their money and labor to do business in and develop certain parts of Africa. China is enriching itself by extracting resources from Africa. Facts. My question...OUR QUESTION...is why aren't Africans or even AfroAmericans extracting resources from Africa ourselves? Black countries can see the game being played against them. Unfortunately, being naturally peaceful is a curse more than a blessing. Exactly who is being peaceful? If Black countries got on code and built strategic alliances among themselves, they could end white domination in a matter of years. You might as well say if birds had thumbs they wouldn't be trapped in cages...lol. The *problem* is Black folks have been brainwashed into waiting on a white savior to deliver them the evils of this world. Go figure. Facts. I'm constantly going back and forth with many of these Africans over this vary issue. Many of them are completely in love with White Jesus. And are patiently waiting on his "return".
  23. richardmurray For me, none of your four questions has any role to his murder by law enforcement who supposedly are trained to handle situations to reach non violent conclusions. Police are trained to handle a myriad of situations, both non-violently OR violently if they have to. That's why they carry weapons like gats, mace, and batons. Sometimes violence is necessary to prevent a situation from getting out of hand. If two of said supposedly trained, while armed with guns, law enforcements have no other recourse than to shoot to kill, that is an indictment on the entire development of law enforcers in the nypd. Not really. It depends on the situation. A person with a knife....especially if they are on drugs...can do a lot of harm. I'm not saying that all NYPD killings are justified. However again.... It's easy for those who aren't trained in law enforcement and aren't charged with the responsibility to keep THE PUBLIC (not just themselves where they can just keep walking past a fool they see on the street and go home) safe to "arm chair quarter back" the situation and say what the police should or shouldn't have done. Especially from AfroAmericans, when we don't have a RECENT history of protecting our own communities and keeping them safe ourselves...but want to jump up and down screaming over how other folks are doing it. The NYPD must not be THAT damn bad if Black folks in New York aren't starting their own police force to police their own communities like the Hasidic in New York do. Again and again....I'm NOT saying the NYPD are saints. What I AM saying is let's start policing OUR OWN communities first and then we will look more intelligent and have a more educated critique over what should or shouldn't be done in given situations.
  24. frankster Yes........Religiously Evil is foremost a matter of Disobedience If that's the case....and for the most part I agree...then how can those who believe in "pre-determination" believe that "evil" exists? It can't exist in a world where everything was pre-determined to happen and the individual had no control over their actions. According to the pre-determinists..... They didn't "disobey". They DID obey They obeyed what they were programmed to do already. I don't believe everything is "predetermined" and I don't think you do either. Those in this thread who DO believe in it should be trying to explain these things....lol
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