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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. ProfD It is commonly known in the occult that vampires can't come into your home unless you INVITE them. Haiti won their independence from slavery. They didn't conquer those nations. True. Perhaps they should have....lol. Maybe Haitians should have chased Napoleon and 'em all the way to France and see if the other European nations would have gotten involved. Hell, they got involved ANYWAY. Maybe Haiti...with the help of Voodoo...could have taken the entire continent. Lol....but a serous "what if" at the same time. Sudan and Somalia are examples of what happens to isolated countries. Both Sudan and Somalia are strongly Islamic nations. Even though they aren't colonized by European Caucasians...the Arab Caucasians still have strong influences on them, their culture, and their economy. Strong militaries allows the US and other leading nations to keep a thumb on Black countries. One of the reasons....yes. But the question is why can't those strong militaries do the same to China and North Korea and little Vietnam and other Asian nations? They aren't White....nor do they have the military might of the West. And White folks are woven all through those nations like they are in Africa....yet these nations don't look like African nations. One reason is that the people in Asia are busy working and working and grinding to support their own economy along with allowing White folks in it. But they aren't the main players driving it.
  2. Has anyone else noticed something that seems to be more and more common when you talk to a lot of people at home lately? It seems that a lot of people are simply letting their smoke alarms beep and chirp. They aren't changing the batteries. They are just letting them chirp and ignoring them and if you say something about it they will either act like they didn't notice or get annoyed that you even mentioned it. It's like going over someone's house with roaches. They are all over the place but you're supposed to "pretend" that you don't see them...lol. I started noticing this 10 of 11 years ago and then started noticing it online when people were doing videos from their homes. People are just chatting away with a timed "beep" in the background that you'd think they didn't hear because they seem to talk right over it without so much as an eye twitch. I don't know if it's the fact weed or some people are just biologically programmed to "tune out" certain things or have trained themselves to do so but the trend is disturbing. Not because the sound is annoying...but because so many people have chosen to ignore or "tune out" something so easily fixable such as replacing the battery in their alarm. The "disturbing" part is what this says about them and their psychological state.
  3. I thought you weren't Black anymore? You lost all privileges to use nigga.....uh....the "n" word....lol. Now you gotta re-apply for it.
  4. ProfD Beyond religion and voodoo, historical perspective and facts provide context too In Haiti, the religious and Voodoo factors ARE part of the facts and history because they are woven into what happened and not only how the Black folks got enslaved but also how they got their freedom. Right. Since 1825, the US and France agreed that Haiti owed the equivalent of $4 billion per year for the country's freedom. Sounds like ransom or extortion money....lol. I thought Haiti FOUGHT for it's freedom. If they whooped France...and not just France but England and Spain and the other White nations...then as the Bible said they were FREE INDEED. So how the hell they end up "owing" money? If you are in school and a bully has been taking your lunch money and you finally whoop his ass and run him down the block, what does it look like for you to start "paying" him again next week to keep him off you back? If you really whooped him once...you could do it again. Haitian leaders have been selected by foreigners. I wonder when did this start. For a long time Haiti was truly independent from Western/European powers. The Haitian elites have been stealing money and using it to enrich themselves. I can believe that. I wonder if those elites are mixed raced as well as foreigners who come in to exploit the local population. It hasn't worked out too well over the past half-century and counting. It hasn't worked out for the same reason Integration and Affirmative Action hasn't worked out too well for AfroAmericans..... Because so many of our people are too lazy to MAKE it work. Just like what Farrakhan told Black men at the Million Man March....the message is fine....it's the EXECUTION of the message that was delivered that is the problem. Did we follow the instructions? Just like Integration and Affirmative Action COULD have just been the icing on top of a healthy cake of Black independent businesses and farms that were already thriving PRE- Integration and Affirmative Action ....if the niccaz would have kept working on their own businesses and farms instead of quitting them to go work for White folks thinking they'd get more money, we'd probably be on top by now. The same PROBABLY could have been said for Caribbean and African nations who gained their independence from their former European colonizers. Once independent, they COULD have cut off ALL ties and decided to get out in the fields and work for themselves to farm, build, ect... Some would say if they cut off contact with Europe then they wouldn't have gotten the technology they get like cars, tractors, and construction equipment....but look at what they're doing with it now? I really wonder what would have happened to Haiti and some of these African nations if they decided to quite White folks cold turkey and live totally isolated (except for trading among eachother) from the West. I think our creativity would have excelled and the nations probably would be MORE advanced than they are today. Correct. It's hard to build an infrastructure when greed and corruption has people working against themselves. Much of the greed and corruption comes from 2 major reasons: 1. Not being TRULY independent which means generating their own economy complete with their OWN currency. Instead they rely too much on White folks (and now Asians and Arabs) to give them money and run their economy. You wouldn't NEED to beg France for money if you didn't start relying on it and basing your economy around in in the first place. 2. Trying to operate and live by Caucasian moral standards instead of their own. This leads to confusion and disagreement on what is "right" and what is "wrong". For example.... Taking bribes is considered "corruption" and "wrong" when in most cases it is justified and correct and nothing morally wrong with it except maybe for a breach of the "oath" of office.
  5. Troy and frankster I need you two to help me out on something......... My understanding of evil (based on the religious concept) was that evil involves both behavior AND INTENT. For example..... If you kill an innocent person by ACCIDENT it's not "evil" however if you kill an innocent person with the INTENT to kill them...it is. So now if all actions are PRE-DETERMINED and it was already part of the script TO kill someone, then the killer is acting BEYOND their will right? If every action is already PRE-DETERMINED then how can any action actually be "evil" since they are simply just acting out what they were programmed to do? If this is the case even your "intentions" were programmed and pre-determined in every action. So how can "evil" truly exist? As Gi-Ants. Lol...pretty crafty play on words.
  6. ProfD I STILL blame Obama for Trump being in the WhiteHouse for 4 years and probably getting back into it for 4 more years. That man committed so many crimes ON TELEVISION live before a studio audience...and the Obama Administration did absolutely nothing. Didn't even investigate the bum. Just LET him dance on up into the WhiteHouse and as soon as he got in he turned around and tried to prosecute Obama! Reminds me of that old African fable about the snake and....something....lol. Anyway, as soon as he helped the snake out the snake turned around and bit his ass and told him "You knew I was a snake and how I was. It's in my nature to bite you fool."....lol. Trump and the other White folks are doing what White folks do....seek power so they can dominate and mistreat. No surprises there. I think the only surprises are on the part of the White racists supporting Trump. I think THEY are surprised that instead of fighting and opposing them....so many Black folks are actually SIDING with them and seeking to JOIN them! You see more niccaz walking around with red MAGA caps than a little bit.
  7. I guess the explanation I gave earlier in this thread as to why Haiti is in the condition it's currently in is too simplistic to be accepted by most...lol. ProfD Haiti successfully gained its independence from France. But, it has always been indebted. If they were truly liberated from France they wouldn't be indebted to them or owe them money. Haitian money and French money would be totally different and couldn't match eachother. I believe they WERE truly liberated from France and from the global White system entirely right after the 1804 Revolution; however some of the later leaders of Haiti brought the nation BACK to White folks begging them for help and acceptance back into the "global system" and as a requitement for membership again.....the White powers have been punishing them and keeping them in turmoil since. Foreign governments including our own has insured the long-standing suffering of Haiti. Haitian leaders have also helped them by SUBMITTING themselves to these governments for the suffering. As I said before, it's a tropical nation with plenty of sea food, plenty of vegetation, all types of rocks, metals, and timber to feed and cloth themselves and build their infrastructure. If it were 1 person or 100 people or even 1000 people on that island....I could easily understand why they wouldn't want to be isolated and would want to seek help from the world. But not when you have nearly 10 MILLION Black folks! That's WAY more than enough brilliant Black brains to come up with inventions and plans to build the infrastructure of that nation and keep it independent and self sufficient. No amount of aid the West sends will be enough to bring peace and "order" to Haiti because of the internal conflicts they have that I've mentioned earlier. The extortion and exploitation of Haiti has served as a warning to other Black countries who refuse to cooperate with the system of racism white supremacy Back in the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam taught Black people something so profound. Instead of working for White folks AND crying and complaining about how they are treating you....LEAVE them and DO FOR SELF. Haiti and many of these other Caribbean and African nations are WILLINGLY participating in a White man's system and literally BEGGING them to be apart of it....yet at the same time complaining about their poor and abusive treatment within it. Most of these people do NOT want to work and build their own nation. They want White Daddy to swoop down, come in, and GIVE them money and build their nation for them while they stand on the side looking.
  8. richardmurray Where in humanity do adults not get into altercations? And where else on the planet do women pull out knives and start attacking strange men when they are in a fight with someone else? And where else on the planet do men who get into fights casually walk over to their jackets to pull out gats? These things are pretty much an uniquely urban American phenomena...lol. But I find it strange for all of this to be happening when you supposedly have: 1. NYPD 2. NYPD Transit Police 3. National Guard 4. Guardian Angels??? ....."protecting" the subways. It makes me question the effectiveness of all 4 organizations or what they're really there for. If I go out in the street with a knife and start waving it wildly yelling babble , even though cameras are everywhere in nyc, and I am not harming anyone. People like pioneer in my local offline populace will say, "that boy crazy , where are the cops" and will call the cops , Absolutely. You know how you can predict that so easily? Because we still live in a pretty civil society and this is what MOST responsible adults would do. Now you can do that down in Haiti right now and NOBODY would call anyone on you....probably because there's nobody to call, lol. You can't even call GHOST BUSTERS down there at this moment...lol. Is THAT what you want for New York? People running around with metal poles and sticks in their hands setting piles of tires and trash on fire and running off grinning, for no reason? the media will say an endangerment to the community. Mayor adams will say, another example of mental health decay. A single black man angry , waving a knife , yelling is the great symbol of crime. ANY angry man with a knife screaming and yelling is enough to alarm and scare the average citizen. You don't know WHAT his mental state is or what he might do WITH that knife. What if he was angry at YOU or staring at your WIFE or KIDS while yelling and babbling with the knife in his hand? We can discuss how the police should respond to it but the police SHOULD be armed and able to quickly take that angry sucka down if they have to. And when i think about it, i remember how a black teenager was killed by law enforcement for doing just that. Two law enforcers , both carrying guns i might add, had no recourse but to shoot a teenage boy with a kitchen knife, said boy was not holding a hostage, wasn't attacking anyone directly, he was in his anger on the street, and yes, someone like pioneer had called the cops to the scene in the first place. Several points.......... 1. Can teenage boys KILL people with knives? 2. What the hell was that teenage boy DOING with the damn knife in the first place? 3. When the police arrived on the scene, did they tell him to drop the knife? 4. If the boy was Black, hasn't he been hearing since the time he was a little child that Black males have been targeted by some racist cops so he should be careful? You must ask all of these questions to figure out how that boy ended up getting shot. In Columbus Ohio several years ago there was a situation where police killed a Black teenage girl/woman who ran out of the house with a knife to attack another one. When they shot her people were jumping up and down over how terrible and unjustified it was and how they could have talked to her. Some people you CAN talk to...other's are moving so quick and so angry you have only time to make a move. That girl/woman ran out of the house to chop the shit out of that other girl she was fighting with. We should interview and ask THAT Black girl she was about to stab, should the police have used deadly force. The police probably saved HER life! If you want a society where the cops don't exist, go down to Haiti and spend a few weeks down there and when you come back let's see if your position is the same....lol. Let's build a society and try to govern it OURSELVES first before nominating ourselves "experts" on law enforcement procedures.
  9. I used to think the Democrats were just plain old wimps who refused to fight. About a decade ago I realized that this probably applies to most of the Democrats of COLOR, but the White Democrats PURPOSELY remain passive and submissive to their Republican counterparts. They are playing "good cop bad cop" and letting the Republicans be the bad abusive cop who does the dirty work of racism why they PRETEND to be helpless. Their real job (White Democrats) is to spy on the Black politicians and see what they're up to as well as suppress and check their actions and keep them from making REAL change.
  10. What are Black militants actually DOING that they need cooperation with? The root of the word cooperation is "operation"....which means to execute or carry out action. What actions are the so-called Black militants in the U.S. carrying out?
  11. Lol...is this one of the reasons why you're an agnostic?
  12. Here's an article NBC News did on the incident if anyone is interested: No charges filed after NYC subway rider shot as passengers took cover and screamed there were babies onboard (msn.com)
  13. What is needed is a SUPERIOR Black group who can come among them and squash the conflicts full stop. Take their weapons away, put tools in their hands, and put them to work cleaning up and rebuilding their respective nations.
  14. richardmurray Maybe the people in that video acted the way people "should" when facing such a situation, but it was HIGHLY unusual in my community and in most I've seen for people to duck down and behave so calmly. It looked almost rehearsed to me. Most people are full of emotion and you don't always take time to think things through or map out a plan in a situation like that where you're not expecting that type of violence. Your emotions tend to take over and you want to get the hell out of the area ASAP. Troy “Stupidly” is a very harsh description of the behavior. I guess you’ve never been in a situation were there was gun fire. I was going to mention the same thing a while back... Based on some of our exchanges, I get the same impression that perhaps he hasn't seen or been around too much street violence. Again, I find that very hard to believe coming from New York and being of ANY age. You don't have to participate in it.....but you're still likely to witness things. ProfD Right. It is a normal reaction that most folks will try to run away from gunfire. Man...that scene looked staged to me, lol. I haven't seen people that calm and quite during a STREET FIGHT. Unfortunately, someone could get crushed as folks are rushing to get away from danger. You know that, but most folks aren't thinking about that when the bullets are flying. I wonder when did this occur. I head the governor sent national guard troops down there to prevent things like this from happening.
  15. Delano Or it could be a being outside of time and space. Humans were created as a project to see what they will do in various situations. Most people...such as myself....who believe in The SUPREME BEING or Who most call "God", tend to automatically believe that this BEING is beyond time and pace. I won't say "outside" of times and spaces but rather inside AND outside would be more accurate. If I built the house.... I can walk in it, enter any room, and out of it...whenever I like. And I can do this with MULTIPLE buildings. Troy No one, who said they had to be some being behind this? Your common sense...lol. Why is that an assumption, or prequiste? Because "Determination"....pre or post...requires thought...intelligence.
  16. ProfD I think it's more of our people being our people. Like I said, all this week me and a few Haitian and African co-workers have been making General Bar-b-que jokes and discussing the situation going on down there. Most of the Haitians say the same thing....just groups of Black youth with gats roaming around and being manipulated by older Black men to fight for them. The same thing you see going on in parts of Africa. They all suspect the White racists are behind it a few tell me that the foreigners come in and give them weapons and drugs. However, who is MAKING them take the drugs or pick up the weapons? They tell me how poor Haiti is....however it's a TROPICAL nation. You can grow nearly every type of food there and plenty of animal run wild (or used to) there and on top of that it's nearly surrounded by the sea so all types of fish and sea food is available. Why are the people starving? Because many of the men would rather pick up weapons and FIGHT eachother over what resources still exist, instead of rolling up their sleeves and working. Many of them don't even give a fuck about the women and children....THEIR OWN. They leave them to starve or to be fed and taken advantage of by White missionary workers....why they are off somewhere bouncing up and down a dirt road in an old jeep full of other young men with weapons looking for somebody to harm. It almost brings tears to ones eyes thinking about it. You call about nothing in the middle? Middle classes are the LABOR classes......skilled and unskilled. How can you have a middle class when no one wants to WORK.....but just wants to kill and take? From what I've heard, the closest you come to a middle class down there is the Arab and Indian merchants who make up a tiny minority of some secluded business class with a monopoly on certain industries.
  17. I'm not sure but I think most death row inmates are automatically put on some sort of "suicide watch" where any item they can use to kill themselves is confiscated and they are constantly monitored. I person should atleast maintain the right to kill themselves if they are living under suffering conditions. However if a person committed a heinous crime and has been condemned to death as a punishment, I can understand the argument of preventing them from "getting out" of what's coming to them. What's even more demonic is in some prisons you can't even go on a hunger strike and starve yourself to death. They'll put a feeding tube down your throat and force you to stay alive. Demonic.
  18. ProfD The generations who received their teachings and messages figured AfroAmericans were better off with integration and civil rights and affirmative action. Well, to be honest brutha I'm having THIRD thoughts about those programs now. I had SECOND thoughts about them years ago when I thought that they were really used to trick Black folks and make our people think they were really being accepted into society. Now, that's not my focus. Perhaps they were, but I look at how many OTHER groups of color have benefited from integration and the Civil Rights movement and Affirmative Action programs and am beginning to wonder if THEY are the problem or some of our people the real problem as to why they haven't benefited much. The fact is SOME of our people...many...actually have benefited from these programs. So I wouldn't reverse them or get rid of them. Integration (so-called) didn't FORCE Black folks to give up their land and businesses. Many of them CHOSE to....and support White businesses. I can't blame integration for that because nobody forced them to shut down their own hotels and grocery stores. White women benefited more from Affirmative Action than our people because they HELPED EACHOTHER when they got into positions from it. Did we do the same? So now I can't even get angry over Affirmative Action because it did what it was supposed to do....did we? Over the several decades, there's been no shortage of brilliant AfroAmericans who have matriculated through institutions of higher learning and they've pursued all types of careers. True. We have a lot of brilliant minds. Many of them are working for White folks because our people don't have enough institutions ourselves to provide them with decent well beneficial employment. IMO, AfroAmericans do not lack intelligence or work ethic. There's no vision plan or design for what we need. Theres no champion or leadership. Some do....some don't. Those are just the facts. Some of our people are just plain stupid...dumb. No way of getting around this. In my opinion, the best strategy is to make a way for them to sustain themselves or sustain them if they are to the point of intellectual disability. But the intelligent of our people MUST take charge of the community. AfroAmericans can cover every position on the team. We just need motivation and incentive. Most smart people tend to ALREADY be motivated and driven based on the needs they see around them. Why does a community with failing schools where the ceiling and walls are crumbling and their is no toilet paper in the stalls need MORE of an incentive to roll up their sleeves and build their own schools and educate their own children? You can't motivate a ZOMBIE. Don't even waste your time. At some point we MUST organize the few among us and move on. I bet we could get a whole bunch of those same lazy people to work on building that hospital or school just by dangling a lucrative hourly rate. You dangle money infront of the WRONG nicca and that hospital you want built will be needed sooner than you think....lol. That's why I keep telling richardmurray that the police are NEEDED in our community. Preferably a Black police force but if Black men don't want to stand up....WHO'S gonna do it???? Somebody has to keep order in the community and atleast PRETEND like they're protecting the children. It's a damn shame White men have to do it so often when we know they aren't sincere about keeping it safe. But to your point about paying them a good wage............ Some....yes. But most of them wouldn't work if you paid them $100 an hour. Put them on the site and some tools in their hand and promise them $100 an hour plus bonuses for completing the project early and...... Come back next week the tools are gone, blood is all over the construction site, and the police has the entire place taped off. We gotta leave dead weight behind bro......
  19. Establishing and maintaining chaos and instability has been one of the oldest and most effective tricks that the Racists have used to maintain power in this world. You can read it in the writing of Machiavelli as one of the strategies of domination. Ofcourse it doesn't hurt when the people you are trying to subjugate are ALREADY divided and a little dimwitted to begin with. Makes it just that much easier.
  20. The psychological torture of death row is not having an exact date of your execution. It could be 20 years away or 20 months....the inmate simply doesn't know and doesn't get much advanced notification.
  21. ProfD I work with quite a few Haitians and we've been making jokes with eachother about this all week. Talking about "General Barbeque".....lol. While what's going on down there is sad, this is PROBABLY one of the consequences of mixing up your worship and loyalty to the Deities. Black Haitians gained their independence and defeated the BEST military White folks had on this planet...Napoleon's military...calling on God and their Ancestors and using Voodoo to protect them AND REJECTING White folks "gods" who were imposed on them during slavery. They were doing fine. They not only liberated Sainte Dominque and changed the name to Haiti...but they started going from island to island liberating OTHER enslaved Black folks! The moment some of those mixed breed and half-baked mixed allegiance niggas started sneaking Catholicism and that White Jesus back into the culture and wanting to be more and more French like....that's when Haitians started becoming subjugated to White people again. Experiencing poverty, diseases, Earthquakes, and other calamities. You can't serve two masters. Either you're going to serve God and your Ancestors and use the power of Voodoo to defend yourself....OR join White folks religion and serve their White Jesus and rely on the weapons and technology that THEY make. Turning strictly to Catholicism and putting your faith totally in White Jesus may be bad enough, but to MIX the two together may infact be worse.
  22. ProfD Well, whatever the case may be..... If a man IS in prison and has little chance of getting out it would seem that he'd be pre-occupied with trying to make his stay as comfortable as possible any way he can OR contemplating a solid suicide plan to exit this Reality.
  23. ProfD I'm inclined to think AfroAmericans don't see the necessity of having our own sh8t. Either way, it's a sad reality. I'm not sure why. Our leaders from Marcus Garvey to Elijah Muhammad have been preaching this to our people for over 100 years now...lol. It's no longer sad to me because I understand, many of our people simply aren't smart enough to realize what's in our best interests. When we realize and accept this, then we can embark on an intelligent course that WILL work. I don't understand why anybody enables or communicates with lazy azz men or women. I have zero bandwidth for useless people. I understand why....lol....OTHER lazy people. Lazy people tend to hang around eachother and scheme up together to find people who are NOT lazy to mooch off of, lol.
  24. Maybe our brother Neely Fuller Jr. will add it to his Compensatory Word Guide....lol.
  25. Troy punishing them is following the script. Then is it really "punishment"? And when those who do wrong and are NOT "punished" and get away with it, should we also presume that this is too is part of the script? Is "injustice" part of the script? i’m not gonna try to extend the argument to the Soul, as I don’t no what you think it is, whether it adheres to the laws of physics. Well, my understanding is that the Soul IS me and you. We don't simply "have" Souls, we ARE Souls. Our Souls are what is moving in and out of different Realities...not our meat suits....lol. That is one way to view a dream. Sure there are other explanations for what dreams are, but do any of them make MORE SENSE than what I just wrote? Your eyes are closed and you're laying bed...yet you're laughing and talking with someone you knew 20 years ago, as clear as a bell. Make it make sense...outside of what I just said. Of course, we don’t experience those realities. Just this one I have to point to dreams again as just ONE example of different Realities. Cynique Sorry to hear about your knee. Get better soon and get one of those electric carts to ride around in next time....lol. That or get a walker with one of those seats on it even if you can walk just so you can keep your balance and rest when you need to. I wonder if in a parallel world I decided not to go grocery shopping, and my knee is fine. In a parallel world you DID go to the store but in that other Reality your argumentative ass is so sweet and gentle that when you stumbled, your 80 year old boy-toy was there to catch you. Standing with one of his arms around your waist, he asked, "Is you alright honey???" Very Important Question In This Discussion If everything is already pre-determined WHO PRE-DETERMINED THEM TO HAPPEN? Theoretically, there has/had to be an Intelligent Force planning all events.
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