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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy 1. How do we know that another Reality we enter into is also pre-determined? It could be totally random or just PARTIALLY pre-determined. 2. But if EVERYTHING is predetermined as you suggest, then there ARE NO actions that haven't been pre-determined. If all behavior has been planned and controlled beyond the individual, then they are not responsible FOR their behavior and thus shouldn't be punished....any more than an actor who plays a killer should be punished for his role. Infact....in a PRE-DETERMINED Reality, does "evil" really exist?
  2. It would seem that way....yes. I would say really from the 70s up to the present because heroine did a great job fucking a lot of our people up. Especially in the cities. But Crack went ALL OVER....lol. It's tentacles reached way out into the boon docks...lol. Baby Boomers? Well........yeeaaaaah man....to a certain extent but, I can't lay all this at the feet of the boomers. The White racists are first and foremost the blame for bringing the dope into the communities to begin with and setting the policies. That's established. Outside of them..... The boomers were the youth of the Civil Rights movement and they were the drive of the Black Power movement of the 60s and 70s. They did their part. Now the CHILDREN of those boomers.....born in 1965 and later...failed to carry the torch. Dr.Dre and Eazy E were born around that time in the mid 60s, lol. Tupac was born in 72. Cube and 'em born in 69. I was born in 69. That Generation X has to take responsibility for it's failures.
  3. Troy When my mother said when she moved into the housing project it was beautiful. There were flowers growing on the lawns, and the whole property was well-maintained back then I believe it was only opened to married people, and someone had to have a job. I believe these rules changed, and as a result, the class of people changed. I heard similar from my older relatives who came up from down South and moved up to Detroit. I didn't hear the part about having to be married, or having to have a job, but they told me single men could get a place in the projects back in the 50s and 60s. At some point, that changed to where only women with children could get a place. They also said that the projects were nice and considered a STEP UP from the rat infested tenements and slums that dominated so much of the city until much of it was torn down. NYCHA also failed to maintain the properties very well. I read recently that the projects were in such a state of this repair that the city could no longer afford to maintain them, and are now looking at options to allow private ownership. That too. What I found interesting when I went to Europe and when I used to go to Canada a lot was that those nations had public housing projects too but unlike in the United States, they MAINTAINED them and kept them repaired and clean for their residents. I went to Europe about 20 years ago. I've heard that today Western Europe has let IT'S public housing collapse too as well as Canada. No doubt the demographic shift from mostly White residents to mostly Black and Arab residents has contributed to them allowing their public housing to deteriorate the same as the U.S. has. They say in Eastern Europe where there is far less immigration from Africa the public housing is still in great shape and well maintained. Another major thing that happened was Section 8. The purpose of Government housing projects was to provide a place for poor people to live because private land owners were charging too much for rent and property. Section 8....where you take government money and put it in the hands of private land owners was the very OPPOSITE of why Public Housing was established in the first place. richardmurray I have no idea who are the decent blacks. Black people who are fair, peaceful, and don't engage in reckless criminal behavior. Black people who respect property, personal space, and other people...with good social manners. Not to say that a decent Black person wouldn't break the law for a GOOD reason, but they generally don't go around being criminals and thugs for the hell of it. .....in other word, the OPPOSITE of niggaz, lol. What is the largest percentage of black people that you think owned land in the south from the end of the war between the states to the 1960s? Not sure, but a pretty large percentage. My family owned a lot of land that they received after the Civil War and most other Black Americans I know have said the same thing so it must have been a pretty good chunk. I'm talking MILLIONS of acres. But a lot of our people sold the land because they didn't want to work it or be farmers. They'd rather move up to bigger cities and go work for other people in jobs they THOUGHT would be easier. I will speak for NYC, the nyc government controlled plus run by whites made sure all the black regions in nycare used for for projects which damage the black populac ein said regions. When the harlem empowerment zone led by bill clinton happened , many black owned businesses in harlem applied, but only one was granted. no black business was given up but per the law you say you respect so much or feel is so badly needed the black busniness were legally pushed out of existence and the black populaces Were there not Black politicians in New York positions to stop or reverse these policies? Did you know the black populace of chicago si deemed 230,000 while the black populace of nyc is two million. that is a significant difference. nyc's black populace could cut away a parallel count from the black populaces of boston/detroit/chicago230,000/atlanta 190,000/new orleans and quite a few other cities and still have half of its size. Yes, pioneer, you talked with your offline peers. Ok, very true, but you plus troy's lives or connections doesn't mean nyc's black populace is too small to include mine. Lol...not sure where you get your numbers from. Detroit has a little over 500,000 Black people living in the city itself and almost that many scattered across the vast metropolitan area. In all, the Detroit area has over 1 million Black people. Chicago itself has a little over 1 million Black people in the city and probably about a million in it's suburbs too...making the Chicago area about 2 million. It may not be as big as New Yorks, but percentage wise it takes up a much bigger chunk since New York has a much larger White and Asian population to offset the Black population.
  4. frankster Neither am I....But since it's Indian - it is Black. Just because it's Indian, doesn't necessarily mean it's Black, though. Remember India is primarily a product of TWO major races: The Black Dravidians and the White Aryans. And many many combinations of those two. Aryans are from present day Iran/Iraq originally called Sumeria.... No, Aryans are from the Caucasus mountains BY WAY of Iran and Afghanistan which would be the modern names of the Persian Empire. But they didn't originate from there. They were passing through. Which can be interpreted as the "Black Headed Ones" - I think that means they were or some of them were Black. The Black Headed ones are the Sag-Gig people or the ORIGINAL people of Iraq and northern Iran. Yes, they were Black...but they are not the Aryans. As I said, the Aryans passed through there and SOME of them settled in the land while others continued Eastward until they got to India. Part of ancient Persia was colonized by Aryans and this is where the name "Iran" comes from. Nimrod son of Cush.... Mighty in Shinar(Sumer) Uhhhhhh....that's...the Bible. That's a different story all together. Cush wasn't Black and neither was Nimrod...these were Caucasians who invaded the area but...that's a different story all together. Sure...While more English words are from Latin than Germanic. Anglo-Saxons are Germanic I'm not sure about the balance of it, but English itself is a Germanic language. As you just pointed out it comes from the Anglos who were a Germanic tribe who migrated from that area across the channel into England after killing and displacing the original inhabitants of that land. Indians to me are mostly Black. Indians today are mostly MIXED. Some are Black....especially in the South and East, but most are mixed and many are actually still White. Leading to the Idea that all Languages come from One Proto-language(Babel). Now see brother.....you're dealing with the Bible again. Babel and that story in Genesis is dealing with the Caucasians, not with all of humanity. When the Caucasians were coming down out of the mountains a group of them settled in the Bab-El region of Iraq and had to be dealt with, but that too is a long story.
  5. richardmurray What do you find distasteful in most musicals you have experienced? I find most of them corny and boring. I like singing, but I'd rather it be in a song or music video than as part of a movie or play. Perhaps it's the fact that somebody would stop in the middle of a scene and face the audience and start singing....seems strange or weird to me. Do you give musicals a chance or is the advertised concept of most musicals a negative for you? I've been to several musicals a a child, especially ones given in church and on school field trips. I didn't like them then...lol. I've seen less but still a few as an adult, and STILL didn't like them...lol. Maybe I just haven't seen the "right" one to capture my interest. Troy I remember this very well. I can remember when the Jackson 5 came on the Ed Sullivan show it was just so surprising and I was so excited I ran through the house telling everybody. That was 1969. The show Julia was on by then, but Black people were still largely under represented. Yeah, I heard about them and another very popular Black show from the 60s I heard people going crazy over was the Flip Wilson Show. I was born in the very late 60s and don't remember it when it came on but I heard older people talking about how folks would stop what they're doing where ever they were to watch the Flip Wilson Show. People calling off from their jobs or setting up television in the laundry mat or barbershops just to watch it. You HAD to catch it when it came on. There were no VCRS or DVDS in those days so if you missed it you MISSED it...until it came back on as a rerun, lol.
  6. LOL....I'd like to hear more about it too.
  7. ProfD 1) Black communities had been flooded with drugs since the late 1960s. Drugs were a poison pill to destroy Black folks in more ways than one. Absolutely! 2) The 1994 crime bill did lead to mass incarceration of Black folks. The majority of whom were non-violent offenders. Absolutely! AfroAmerican youth were already being mass incarcerated since the late 70s but that crime bill EXCELLERATED it. However, another FACT is....while the majority of those locked up were non-violent offenders- *or more specifically, those who weren't CONVINCTED and SENTENCED for violent crimes; because most of those "non-violent" offenders were sentenced under the mandatory Crack laws and many if not most dope dealers and pushers DO engage in various levels of violence and exploitation in their line of work whether they are actually caught and arrested FOR that violence or not* -many of those who were locked up WERE violent offenders who were raising hell up in the hood and needed to be snatched up off the streets anyway. So that "drag net" laws got a lot of thugs off the streets. A mix of both pain and joy. You have to admit that there was a NOTICEABLE difference between the violence in the hood PRIOR to the mid-90s and AFTER the mid-90s right up to the year 2020. That 1,2 punch combo did exactly what white folks intended since the days of POTUS Nixon. Yes....however many BLACK FOLKS intended for that to happen too because I remember when a lot of Black leaders and politicians were ASKING Clinton and the government to do something about the dope and violence plaguing the communities. Even some of the preachers were getting up in the pulpit and having mass rallies demanding that the government do something about it. Infact, one of the points Clinton promised if elected president was to add 100,000 more police on the streets to stop the crime and killing....and a lot of Black folks voted for him FOR THAT. At that time crime and fighting crime wasn't necessarily SEEN as code words for "incarcerating Black folks". Black folks who were stressing that someone be "tough on crime" truly meant it. I remember some Black folks were even calling for the National Guard to patrol some areas. Crystal meth has never been criminalized as harshly as marijuana and cocaine. Fentanyl and opioid addiction are supposedly a huge problem for white folks but there's no harsh punishments being handed down on them for trafficking in it. Facts. But is there as much VIOLENCE associated with crystal meth and fentanyl as there was and still is with crack and cocaine? Most White folks I've seen who do that shit just walk around in some dirty shitty pants sitting on the sidewalk or at a park staring or chewing and babbling. ...or begging for money and calling you "brother" every other word, lol. Don't get me wrong....there IS a level of violence involved. However when you go to these trailer parks dominated by White folks or even on that famous street in Philadelphia...Kensington Ave..lol...you see THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of White folks on heroine and meth, but are they rolling around with rags on their head doing drive-by's and running eachother off corners with AK's??? Most of them shoot up, ball up into a corner, and start crying about some shit that happened to them in the past. But when cousin Deonte takes a hit of that Crack does HE ball up in a corner and start crying....lol??? No....YOUR ass better stay away from him before he has YOU in a corner crying....lol. Some of that mess going on in the hood ain't got a damn thing to do with drugs but just youth being crazy. If there were NO drugs involved, some of them would be fighting and killing eachother....just because. Which is why I said we need to police OURSELVES. White folks have always been the biggest drug dealers in the world through the pharmaceutical industry and illegal drugs too. Facts. And I personally don't have a problem with people dealing drugs to those who want them as long as the activity and the behavior of the drugs being used are CONFINED to the sellers and users. I take issue when: 1. You start pushing the shit on children who don't even know what it is. 2. You start shooting up the neighborhood and robbing people because you're in a fight with a rival crew OR you need money to feed your habit. That's when I say....get the police involved or take care of it ourselves. But again, SOMETHING had to be done and something HAS to be done. Ain't nobody trying to live in a fucking jungle where you're hold up in your house afraid to look out the window. I'm not going to blame ALL of that on White racists. There's no shortage of crime and violence in death on the hands of white folks. Yet, they aren't being punished as harshly. Keep it real bro.... White folks wouldn't allow a FRACTION of the shit we allow go on in THEIR communities before they take action. Yes they kill eachother. They kill....much more than our people...but when it gets to levels that's happening in many AfroAmerican communities and higher then its called WARFARE. If White folks start killing like that, they usually declare war, put on uniforms, and go all out like you see in Russia and Ukraine. But when it comes to regular residential society...I don't know of any White community that would allow teenagers with gats to just "take over" the block. White men would get together and burn every damn dope house in the neighborhood and drag the White teenagers engaging in it outside and do a public lynching before they allowed things to get that bad in their communities. Some of these niccaz are just shooting and killing with no clear objective besides personal beefs. It needs to be ENDED....not made excuses for or pointing to others doing it as if that somehow justifies it. The main trick of the enemy i.e. white folks is getting Black folks to hate and destroy themselves by any means necessary. You're correct. But how is that trick or demonic plan countered? I say you must have a COUNTER PLAN to raising up an army of strong and intelligent Black men who will police our community ourselves and keep our society on the right course. Letting shit go to hell in a handbasket and then saying *cough* *cough* "Well.....ALL of it is the fault of White folks anyway. You know THEY brought the shit in to the hood in the first place so....so fuck it. Nothing we can do about it" ....ain't a viable "plan" in my opinion, lol.
  8. Seeing "Furious Styles" with grey hair is starting to make me feel my age a little...lol.
  9. richardmurray I have always opposed that positon. You want people to be happy, then you have to help them be happy. 1. You've always opposed WHICH position? The position that we should prevent crime from escalating? 2. I want DECENT AfroAmericans to be happy. I don't necessarily want thugs, criminals, and psychopaths to be happy. Part of their happiness involves living in peace and being able to walk the streets safely. Wealth is the key, money is the key. In some cases. In other cases SECURITY is the key to happiness. What good is having a lot of money but you're constantly worried about getting robbed or kidnapped for it? But of course, this goes back to another simple prolbem in the black populace in the usa. All black people know whites run things so black empowerment or improvement will not happen easily and moreover, black people haven't been able to have access to the financial betterment that genocide to natives or enslaving a people who don't look like us brings. We HAVE had access to SOME financial betterment but a lot of poor decision making has taken place over the decades. Like selling a lot of the land we had down South to move to larger cities or move up North. Also giving up much of the businesses that we owned during Segregation. The national urban league suggest 200 years to equity and I think of james baldwin, whenone of his last speeches he said, when will it happen, for my children or their grandchildren. The goal shouldn't be mere "equity" with Whites but generating as much wealth as our potential allows. Which would theoretically mean FAR MORE than Whites or any other group outside of ourselves. We should be trying to generate as much wealth as we can...not simple trying to be "equal" with people who aren't worthy of being equal to. That rate is slow but it makes sense to me as black wealth in the usa has never been through financially opportune scenarios, again, let black people in the usa have access to the financial wealth garnered from slavery + genocide and we will jump up quick. That is how white people did it. They were not working the land or working their own land. White people generated their wealth in a NUMBER of ways...Slavery was just one. well, in my experience the phenotypical association of latinos isn't a simple generaliztion witin the latin american popualce in the usa or outside of it. True. However based on my observations, unlike most of the United States...in New York City most Latinos that I've met and others that I've presumed were Latino were either Black or Mulatto. from my view, you want to discount my real life because my real life is different than yours. I don't want to discount it. However I do QUESTION it and find it someone odd that you were raised in a city where most others that I've talked to have observed and experienced high crime but somehow most of it has escaped YOUR radar and those you grew up around....lol. but you said you wanted 0% so the truth is, you know 0% is unachievable but you want to reach it, Let's be clear.... I said 0% is the only ACCEPTABLE percentage of people who are victims of violent crime for me not to CARE or feel that NYPD should be involved. In other words... If ANYONE is a victim of a violent crime, we should care and get the authorities involved in it's solution and future prevention. Maybe where you live or lived most illegal drug dealers want to hang out with children but not where I live. Where I lived....some of the drug pushers WERE children, lol. And, will i be ok with an illegal drug dealer trying to get a child? no. But if 99% of drug dealers are not trying to get children I can accept it. Again, 100% is impossible. And As the latino illegal drug dealing covers where children recently died in NYC showed, latinos didn't suggest the same as you to their populace when a child was found dead by their drug dealers negligence or uncaring. why? it isn't a common thing. Or perhaps among some Latinos, dead children in drug infested areas are TOO COMMON so they no longer care or see the need for restrictions and laws to combat it. this issue we have gone back and forth with proves media not actions matter. It doesnt matter who commits a crime it matters how media present it. True to a certain extent. So wouldn't that mean WE should be trying to control the media also? The real estate industry burned the bronx to the ground, a public secret all in harlem or the bornx knew, the law enforcement knew, the fire department knew, but the media said it was black people, black people who share your views said the wild criminal blacks, and that is that. Why didn't the BLACK MEDIA oppose that narrative with the truth? but why should most black people be happy in the usa, historically at the least? You may as well ask why should most people PERIOD be happy..lol. Human beings generally find ways to be happy and dance, sing, and have sex regardless as to what they're going through.
  10. For the most part.....no. The only musical that I've liked so far would be Grease....the movie.
  11. I'll be honest with you...... It SEEMS to me that the Black community today as a whole is LESS violent than what I remember back as a kid growing up. You have POCKETS of our community that are intensely violent, but it just seems back in the 80s and 90s the community was more violent and more crowded. It seems that really, the violence I used to see and hear about in the hood back in the 80s and 90s has SPREAD to the suburban areas and the hood is more quiet...lol. It's more quiet because it's less crowded....or gentrified with middle class people of all races. ....that is...right up until 2020. It seems that after the Summer of 2020....the hood got violent again, especially for little children. Trump actually let a lot of VIOLENT offenders out and back on the streets after the Civil Unrest of 2020. I don't think ProfD or richardmurray will like what I'm about to say next but..... I think the '94 Crime Bill the Biden and Clinton got passed did a lot to lock up a lot of violent offenders and keep them off the streets. I don't support it as a whole, but I understood SOME of why it was passed. Unlike a lot of younger Black folks who are believing the hype...I REMEMBER the 90s and how violent it was and how so many Black leaders in the cities were begging the government to actually come in and do something to stop the violence! So the White racists used that as an opportunity to enforce the ZERO TOLERANCE policies you see around the nation in schools and other institutions. I didn't agree with the unfair sentencing of Crack possessors vs powdered cocaine possessors. It was obviously racist. However a lot of them violent ass niccaz who were wreaking havoc on the block NEEDED to be locked the hell up. If Black folks want to play games and not assume the responsibility of protecting our neighborhoods from these clowns and criminals....SOMEBODY has to do something. Bodies falling left and right and instead of DOING something about it....Negroes standing around in suits with their ties swinging from side to side as they yell and point fingers at eachother. "Yall young folks need to stop killing eachother" "Yall old negroes should have left us more resources" "Listen yall, we need the police around here" "Man, STFU....you a sell out for saying some weak shit like that. We don't need no police around here...protect yourself!" Just confusion from right to left. So back in the 90s White folks stepped in and said, "Ok....we're locking ALL of you up"
  12. My older relatives told me of a time that ANYTIME a Black person appeared on television even if it was for a brief moment......whoever was watching television would shout: "It's some Colored folks on! Colored folks is on the TV!" Everybody in the house would stop what they're doing and run to the living room to check it out. If somebody was sitting on the toilet they'd hurry up and run out the bathroom...lol. If a man was shaving, he'd put the razor down and run out with shaving cream on half his face....lol.
  13. Troy You don't believe the Willie Lynch Letter was authentic, but you believe an ex-slave and his master became pen pals....lol. The first thing that got me about this presentation was wondering when enslaved people learned how to read and write. I know A FEW did, but it wasn't very common. The second thing was, presuming that the Col. was an officer in the Confederate Military.....why would he dignify his ex-slave by actually writing him a letter? Me personally, once I got away from that devil I'd have broken off ALL contact with him....except if I planned on sneaking back down to take care of unfinished "business". Other than that, I wouldn't be sending him mail and receiving letters from him so he could potentially track me down.
  14. richardmurray So , if those that are harmed in NYC is a fraction of one percent, the question to you is... what percentage is acceptable for you to not feel crime is an issue that needs the nypd? 100%? 0% Because if just ONE person is a victim of a violent crime, that's one person too many and we should focus on ways to prevent it from happening again. The key is to prevent violent crime WITHOUT taking away people's rights and oppressing them. If YOU were a victim, you'd want someone to address it and not brush it off as just another miniscule statistic of such unimportance that it's not worth the attention. You can say 100% and I totally accept it and oppose your position. But, For me, NYC can go to 95% Five percent of people in NYC being harmed is a negative but with so many people I don't comprehend how that speaks emergency, or need of grand law enforcement. And from people who lived in NYC far longer than me, nyc was never the cesspool of violence suggested in media. Well, even if you believe ONLY 5% of New Yorkers are affected by crime... a ridiculously low amount but we'll go with that number for the sake of the discussion ...then my argument to you would be: If you want to prevent that 5% from escalating to 15% and then to 50% of the population...then you better make sure you have effective law enforcement on the streets to keep the crime and violence in check and subdued. well strangified, the people coming in aren't betters just different. You have to comprehend, cost of living in nyc is too high. Many people laughed at the black POAJ guy but he was right, the rent is too high. But the real estate industry is very powerful. To break their influence isn't simple. NYC has such a multracial populace, which is not congruent on any racial quality outside human that no matter who you get, they can always finance another communities elected officials to protect them I was looking at the various latest demographic statistics of Harlem and it seems that some DECEPTION is going on. As you said, most of them routinely list Harlem as about HALF Black. However they say about 30% or about 1/3rd "Hispanic". But most of those statistics fail to mention that the vast majority of Harlem's Latinos are actually Black themselves! They seem to be only counting Black Americans as "Black" and counting Black Latinos and quite possibly Black Caribbeans and Africans as "other". From elementary to college i walked home from school every day. 99% of the time, no problems whatsoever. through parks, various avenues, in some regions may be not majority black. always some guys out in the street all over. What about the other 1%? Within that 1% of the time a person could lose their life! There are 365 days in a year. You can see a person get shot 3 days out of the year which would be less than 1% of what you see through out the year....but it would have a TREMENDOUS effect on your life and peace of mind! As Troy mentioned, boys fought way more in the 70s, 80s, and even 90s than they do now. But if I counted all the fights I got in as a kid...it would definitely be less than 20. If I threw in all of the violence I witnessed in Detroit from shootings, to stabbings, to beat downs....that too would be far less than 1% of EVERYTHING I witnessed growing up as a kid. However I still remember much of it and it influences how I view society and human nature. You're focused on stats and I'm focused on real life and the effects certain events have on people and society in general. Well, let's reverse it. NYC, doesn't list how many children happily go to school every day and come back home smiling. Because that's what's SUPPOSED to happen! That's nothing new. When they get home from school and their parents ask them what happened, they usually say NOTHING. Why? Because it's routine and they don't consider it new. It doesn't have nearly the same impact on a child as seeing his friend get ran up on and stabbed to death in front of him. Trauma and violence is meant to get your attention so that you can PREVENT it. It seems to me, people like you clearly control media in NYC cause media in NYC don't see anything of value with those who are not robbed, not killed, not harmed, having fun, enjoying their lives in their populace. Lol... If people "like me" controlled the media in New York you'd have less violence and more nudity. It seems to me, people like you in NYC are willing to keep walking or don't want any attention drawn , when a black child is happy to and from school , playing outside , with black men shirtless selling drugs hanging on a corner. So you want to see school kids hanging out with and smiling with niccaz on the corner slanging dope? How about when one of those pushers try to push some of that dope on ONE OF those smiling children??? Would that be ok with you too? Maybe get some 5th graders strung out on crack or heroin at an early age so he can have a customer for years??? How long do you think the smile would last on those kids faces after a RIVAL dope pusher from other block pulls up to challenge the ones on the current corner? Real excitement, huh???? I will accept in NYC drawing attention to those robbed or killed in the local media if the quantity of those who are not gets an equal rate of NYC media's time. Which if course has never happened in NYC. So if less than one percent of the kids in NYC are getting killed then less than one percent of NYC media's time should be to them. It's called NEWS for a reason. It's not called OLDS....or NORMALS...but NEWS. People are interested in things BEYOND the events they see every day. Who wants to turn on television and see an old lady sitting on the toilet with her cell phone in her hand texting? It happens far more than people getting killed. According to you, THAT should be featured on television more so than heinous crimes.....lol. "Geez.... The Mexicans are pouring across the border and we STILL haven't solved our negro problem. Can't wait for Trump to hurry up and get back in" And your later prose proves my earlier guess correct. It is unfortunate when someone gets hurt, but "But" nothing.....the violence should be reduced and ideally ended. Realistically you're not likely to completely end violence in this world as we know it, BUT you can do things to reduce it. Ignoring it isn't one of those things however. well, not just lost, but I have an offline friend , went to school together. we are still friends I might add, he lost a family member of his. I am not going to give personal details. But, I told him that it was unfortunate, i am saddened for his lose as a friend, but it didn't warrant what his quite vocal support for the NYPD or various law scenarios. But did you tell him that his loss was just another statistic and that he shouldn't focus on the friend he lost but rather the dozens and maybe hundreds of other friends he still has? Remember, the black populace in nyc is large. IT is the largest of any city in the usa. and with that comes the reality that, you and me and our different circles isn't some impossibility. It isn't a longshot. It is arithmetically very possible. If you were born and raised in New York and claim that 95% of your Black friends and associates have never witnessed or been a victim of crime...not only do you live in a different "circle" than most New Yorkers but you live in a different reality, lol. Almost like the Twilight Zone or an Alternate Reality where certain things are reversed. I see things that could definitely be constituted as crimes on the streets every time I VISIT New York...lol. But you claim you were born and raised there and rarely see it, lol. And this goes to the larger issue in the black populace in NYC. I have said for a while, too many black people put on other black people in nyc their experience and again that is where it all goes wrong. Just because everybody died in your family from street violence side other black people, which has happened to some black people in nyc, doesn't mean the existence of a black person in the same city where everybody in their family simply died of old age is impossible It's possible...but I'd have to ask what neighborhood did you grow up in where you did NOT witness street violence? Park Avenue? Some part of Queens near Long Island? The media is slowly criminalizing the illegal immigrant more and more. I think they criminalized themselves when they came here illegally. Poverty is just poverty. Yeah is it on the corner. Outside the store. Yeah it drinks, does some crack, meth. yeah it's loud. Sometimes harasses. But usually it doesn't harm. Usually is the operative term. But what about the impact...and future consequences that result...when it finally DOES harm? People USUALLY don't get robbed or shot....but it only takes one time to have long lasting effects not only on their bodies but their minds. A man lives his life 30 years and never gets shot. But ONE DAY...out of 30 X 365....he finally does. Should he simply ignore THAT day he got shot and sweep it under the rug and focus on the other days, while he's being hauled away in the ambulance? You seem to be more focused on numbers than on practicality.
  15. Troy I know @Pioneer1 was feening over the sister with the red hair and the white dress who greeted Kamala. Not a bad sista at all...lol. She seems intelligent and obviously know HOW to act, lol. Even if you're with a hood rat, you can still take her places if she atleast knows HOW to act and carry herself. I think Harris spent so much time talking about Gaza because the perception is Black people don’t like the US funding Israel’s bombardment over Gaza. So her speech was an attempt to create a counter narrative. Well..... Among those AfroAmericans who are aware and keen on global politics, no most DON'T like it at all. However they make up a minority of most AfroAmericans. The reality is, most AfroAmericans don't care what's going on overthere. They are too preoccupied with trying to live their day to day lives in an increasingly stressful society and workplace in the United States. And a smaller but growing minority of AfroAmericans....as exemplified by Professor Black Truth....KNOW what's going on overthere but feel that we shouldn't focus our attention on it but on other matters more pertinent to us and our needs. Especially given the racism Black people have historically faced from both Jews and Arabs.
  16. I'm not sure why it has to be ONE or the OTHER. I personally believe that some things are pre-determined and destined to happen and others are left to chance. I also believe that there are Entities (not just One) who DO know the future and aspects of it but still aren't directly involved in manipulating it. They are just in a position to know more because of their higher plane of existence. Hypothetically, if everything indeed WAS pre-determined then that means people shouldn't be Divinely punished for bad behavior because it was already determined that they would behave as such so they were "programmed" to or essentially forced to do the deed. Infact.... Perhaps NOBODY should be punished at all for their behavior if all of it were hypothetically pre-ordained.
  17. They left too much out in the original Color Purple movie. I actually read Alice Walker's book and it was much more interesting than the movie itself. I don't know about the 2023 version, I haven't seen it and don't plan on to because I don't care too much for sitting through musicals.
  18. I really felt this post. All jokes aside, these experiences and being able to not only survive but come out and thrive is just ONE of the reasons I admire and rocks with you bro. You are living proof that some things....as you suggest in your other thread...may be PRE-DETERMINED and meant to be. BTW...... While both are from down South, my Father decided to come to Detroit while one of his brothers/my uncle decided to move to New York. Even back in the 80s he said the SAME THING about having money in several spots so that you can have SOMETHING to give to the muggers and junkies on the street if they accost you, lol.
  19. ProfD I said we COULD...I didn't say we WOULD, lol. However, for what it's worth.....I have just as much confidence that Black politicians will get us Reparations as you have that Black folks will somehow "codify"...lol
  20. Troy Do you mean Determined or Known? I'm not sure if EVERYTHING is pre-determined....meaning designed and forced to occur exactly the way it's played out. Perhaps some things are, but I don't believe all things are. However I DO believe all things....including future events...are known by The Divine. Even those events that aren't being influenced or designed to happen are atleast known about. The police can monitor criminals and know when and exactly how a drug deal went down without actually participating in or influencing it in any way. frankster It is a dream that Persist ....from which we awake exclusively at Death - Only to realize that we are not the Dreamer.....But Imaginal creatures of the Dreamer Or perhaps, some people will die and enter another "dream" in which they will continue their experiences.
  21. ProfD I was referring to throwing the whole weight of the NOI into getting Black folks to stop making negative music and movies. Perhaps they are doing as YOU suggest by trying to clean up and prevent the conditions that INFLUENCE the negative music and movies to begin with. In fact, I remember Minister Farrakhan embracing and supporting rappers. Sure, and so do I....positive ones. Actor Hill Harper went to Harvard Law school with POTUS Obama. It appears that he's following in Obama's political footsteps by adopting a major city to call his own and launch his base from.
  22. Shout out to Professor Black Truth...lol
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