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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Sure. We could bake and build a whole lotta sh8t if they paid that 400 year old debt. Resources make it easier to do for self. There's no need for a bank loan when you own a bank. Also, both Elijah Muhammad and Marcus Garvey both understood the importance of meeting with the devil and making demands. It's said that Elijah Muhammad met with the KKK in order to broker a deal for the farmland the NOI used to produce food. BTW, white folks like to say pull yourself up by the bootstraps in order to make it within their system. That's an arrogant mindset for a group of people who stole everything they've ever gotten and continue to do so.
  2. Reparations has to be more than cash payment. In another thread, I've listed some of what a reparations agenda should include. Basically, it comes down to putting an infrastructure in place that solely benefits generations of AfroAmericans into perpetuity. Essentially, AfroAmericans should be as wealthy here in America as our oil-rich Brown brothers and sisters are in the Middle East. Saudi Arabians and Kuwaitis don't have to get a college education in order to get a good job, make money and survive. Their basic human needs are guaranteed. Education is an avocation. Look no further than places like Dubai. These people have so much money they're building hotels and sh8t in the middle of the sea. AfroAmericans should have paradise right here in America. We shouldn't have work for anything. Everything AfroAmericans choose to do should be an avocation. 400 years of free labor deserves nothing less.
  3. Whenever white folks are giving Black folks anything they're taking exponentially more. The biggest problem Black folks face is settling for crumbs instead of demanding and taking if necessary the whole cake. Again, it goes back to fear. Demands might call for action (fight) which might lead to death. Nobody seemingly wants to take that weight. Being mad at another group of people is unproductive. They might appear to thriving under the system of racism white supremacy but they're not and have their own issues with it. We know Black folks all over the planet are purposefully being held down. The question is what are we going to do to get up.
  4. Funny and entertaining on one level but their ignorance is sad and depressing too.
  5. While we're waiting on a miracle, an agenda needs to be codified.
  6. My brotha, AfroAmericans haven't gotten anything from any POTUS and most politicians. Politicians beg AfroAmericans for their vote and deliver nothing. Of course, the main problem is that AfroAmericans haven't presented politicians with a grocery list (agenda) of items we need to which they can be held accountable.
  7. The Titan implosion took up so much airtime because white folks care about it. Black folks would never have been on that sub voluntarily. We're not high-risk thrill seekers. Hurricane Katrina was used to displace Black folks from the city of New Orleans. Look at the white-washing, er, revitalization of the city and how much of its flavor has been lost. I'm certainly my brother's keeper especially when it comes to overthrowing the system of racism white supremacy.
  8. Whenever I refer to Black men getting on code, it's always the few who have the strength and resolve to lead a movement. Elijah Muhammad was a small man but he put a whole lot of Black folks....men and women on code.
  9. She has flirted with the idea. Oprah's success is largely due to support from white women. I doubt that as POTUS she would feel an obligation to deliver tangibles with receipts to AfroAmericans.
  10. Yep. African brother totally on point. We need many more Black bothers like him.
  11. Propaganda through entertainment is but one powerful aspect of racism white supremacy. Black folks need to do a better job of becoming educated in their knowledge of self instead of relying on media and institutions controlled by white folks. It's by design that Black folks all over the planet are being kept disconnected on purpose.
  12. That would be subject matter for a different thread if we really wanted to dive into it. Not really something that concerns Black folks especially when most could not and still cannot afford a ticket to such excursions. Quite frankly, since those slave-ship cruises from Africa killed many of our people en route to enslaving the survivors, Black folks shouldn't be overly anxious to travel across across bodies of water with white folks.
  13. I'd imagine that's one way of looking at it. I see AfroAmericans being encouraged to vote for politicians who consistently fail to deliver anything tangible. To date, every politician for whom AfroAmericans have voted has done nothing in the form of atonement for America's original sins. At least, I haven't seen any receipts.
  14. I doubt the Juneteenth celebration was planned from a religious perspective. Surely, it would it would have been a different show if TD Jakes had been involved and/or consulted. Otherwise, I'd imagine Christians were in attendance. They show up at sporting events, secular concerts, music video shoots, etc. Some actively participate. The religious folks who do not boycott rump-shaking and gyrating events will have some explaining to do at the pearly gates.
  15. Yep. It's true. Right up there with couples watching porn together. The bar on lyrics and dance in music has steadily gotten lower since the late 1980s. From the 1990s and beyond, songs and music videos have become more raunchy and ratchet. Anything related to s8x sells. Then, both on TV and in public, some of the clothing women choose to wear leaves little or nothing to the imagination. They will advertise for free but do not want to be objectified and accuse men of being sexist and sometimes misogynistic. As Black folks we have to get on code both in terms of how we represent ourselves and treat each other.
  16. Unfortunately, the elders and *adults* on the Juneteenth celebration planning committee did nothing to keep every performance classy. Whoever was in charge of booking the performers should have known better as well. Also, I'm sure they had rehearsals leading up to the celebration. Plenty opportunities to speak up. Obviously, it didn't happen. Maybe the committee was not as rigid as it relates to a reasonable and acceptable performance. I would have hired Jazz musicians and old R&B singers like a PBS special begging for pledge donations. I still would have invited Jodeci, SWV and Uncle Charlie Wilson. Thankfully, only a few of the dance routines were a bit ratchet.
  17. The books on this great site might aid in your research but laughing at the dialog on the forum might keep you from getting it done. Otherwise, I certainly wish you all the best with the research and completing your dissertation and becoming a more successful version of yourself.
  18. Black folks cannot prevent him from getting back into the White House. So, if the orange former POTUS is returned to the Oval Office, it means a majority of white folks wanted it and everything that follows even if it means rolling America back 100 years. To me, putting him back in office would be further confirmation that both political parties are two sides of the same anti-Black coin with the primary objective of maintaining the system of racism white supremacy.
  19. Master teacher NF Jr. breaks th8s pathology down very well. But, it's only dysfunctional n8gglets doing that dumb sh8t. Middle-class and affluent AfroAmericans aren't dealing with that kinda foolishness. Gross consumerism is their Achilles heel.
  20. @Pioneer1, Black men have to get on code in order to undo the gender role reversal especially among AfroAmericans. No other culture has this issue with their to the same degree. We don't see or hear any other group of women claiming or having to be the mother & father, breadwinner or boss b8tches. The root causes of dysfunction within the AfroAmerican community are very well known. We're just having a helluva time correcting it.
  21. Some n8gglets will try to claim, defend and protect territory. The problem is that it usually doesn't belong to them. Their neighborhoods, blocks, streets and prisons are owned and/or operated by someone else.
  22. I do not recall writing that Mayor Barry should be lionized. That's not my style. However, I did write that mayor Barry's legacy is cemented in Washington DC. IOW, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about him.
  23. It was a couple of white music producers in Germany who propelled Donna Summer into a star. Thankfully, they treated her fairly. She definitely made her money and got paid.
  24. Donna Summer caught lightning in the bottle and was able to ride the Disco movement into stardom. Love to Love You is still a nice track.
  25. The lion is my favorite animal. Sista @Cynique doesn't think humans should take cues from a creature that hasn't evolved. However, from a social perspective, lions are always on code.
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