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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. Sure. I believe that had the murder of our beautiful sista sparked worldwide protests over race soldiers killing innocent black folks, she would have been the face of the movement. Otherwise, unlike Rodney KIng's azz whuppin' video, George Floyd's last 8:46 of life and the images extracted from it repulsed and riveted the world.
  2. @Pioneer1, you're right...Andrew Gillum could have done things a lot differently. Unfortunately, despite his promising run for Governor, his lifestyle would have become a liability either way. As a black man, it would have been hard for Gillum to hide his other side had he become Governor. IMO, these charges are just icing on the cake to insure that Gillum never makes another run for anything else. He may have checkmated himself.
  3. George Floyd could not have ingested a massive amount of Fentanyl because it would have killed him immediately. Many black folks are considered overweight according to the body mass index chart white folks developed back in the 1940s. Otherwise, George Floyd was murdered by a racist cop because he was a *big* black man. A white man would not have been arrested or detained for a similar crime. The same race soldiers would have given a white man $20 and a ride home.
  4. Andrew Gillum is just another example that black folks cannot do the same thing their white counterparts do and get away with it. Trace the money given to most politicians and there will be some form of impropriety or fraudulent activity in their fundraising. Just a matter of not getting caught.
  5. I blame white supremacists and those who help them maintain it by any means necessary. Recently, a two-faced n8gglet down in Georgia, Vernon Jones got trounced in his bid for the 10th congressional district. Turncoat Jones was a Democrat who switched sides and was endorsed by the former POTUS. The agents of white supremacy aren't all white.
  6. @Stefan, I know this was in response to @Troy . While I understand your sentiment, there is a fly in the ointment. IMO, neither major political party is truly interested in black advancement. Two sides of the same coin. Also IMO, one party ignores black folks while the other party treats us with benign neglect. It reminds me of how slaves were utilized during American wars. They were promised freedom for their service. Most of them didn't get it when the smoke cleared and dust settled.
  7. There would be no white supremacy if violent black folks were a real threat to this country. There would be no black folks in this country if the threat of violence was real. Scared white folks would have exterminated us already.
  8. Regardless of how the media tried to criminalize the victim, George Floyd did not deserve to be murdered. While George Floyd may not have set out to become a martyr, his murder put a bullseye on American police brutality. In fact, I think George Floyd's execution date should be another federal holiday to commemorate all of our brothas and sistas wrongfully murdered by race soldiers.
  9. @Stefan, it's all good. We may not agree on everything or much of anything. It's all about the discussion. I'm not the person who disparages our 1st black POTUS. I was extremely proud of him. I also applauded his effort in trying to get things done while sitting in the seat. But, I also know how governments work around the globe from democracies to dictatorships and everything in between. It's a well-oiled machine. It's not about believing in super secret cabals and societies. Just a matter of paying attention to how things transpire around the world. Again, white supremacy is the most powerful force on the planet right now. A failure to understand what it is and how it works, everything else will only lead to confusion. Mass media is definitely an opiate that either has people shaken, stirred and agitated or comfortably numb. Then, there's the distractions of gross consumerism and entertainment to keep folks anesthetized too. Collectively, white folks aren't dumb at all. Thinking decades ahead, they know exactly what they're doing to maintain power. If this wasn't true, white supremacy would have been dismantled a long time ago.
  10. Jews in America were instrumental in manipulating, er, convincing white folks to help establish, protect and defend the state of Israel back in 1948.
  11. Black folks have nothing to do with Israel receiving about $12 billion per year from the US. Israel has received a cumulative of $146 billion from the US since World War II.
  12. Someone posted this sign in the window of an insurance agency in Millinocket, Maine. With those feelings it seems to me they should not have taken the day off.
  13. @richardmurray, surely miscegenation isn't a new concept. Also, most rich black athletes, entertainers and individuals will marry and/or procreate with their own kind. But, it cannot be skirted over that white supremacists will do whatever it takes to get their money back from black folks faster than they give it to them. Otherwise, the media parading black men and white women is just another way to stir the proverbial pot. They know it's going to ruffle a lot of feathers on both sides of the aisle.
  14. Between @Troy coming up with Uncle Ruckus and now your comment, there is no is no shortage of hilarity on the forum.
  15. @richardmurray, black men do not truly believe white women are a better prize. White women are more easily accessible and less complicated. When black athletes are recruited to a college or university, the tour includes a visit of the campus, training facilities and dormitories, a hearty breakfast, lunch and dinner and no shortage of white women to satisfy their physical needs. Athletes get used to this treatment and carry it over into their professional lives. Of course, it's a set up. White women are forbidden fruit. But, white men will prostitute their women in order to make money and destroy black men. Sure enough, black men will make a ton of money only to give it right back to white folks by way of gross consumerism and taking care of white women and their offspring either voluntarily or involuntarily. Lamar Odom and now Kanye West should be case studies in why it's not a good idea for black men to entangle themselves with white women. But, this BS has been ongoing since Jack Johnson won the World Heavyweight boxing title back in 1908.
  16. Critical thinking is absolutely necessary when it comes to solving problems especially in environments filled with them. IMO, curiosity and creativity brings balance and peace. That's what makes art and music so important to humanity. It calms and soothes the soul.
  17. As I mentioned in another thread, handsome and beautiful are synonymous when it comes to black women describing black men. Some black men transcend handsome. The artist, our dearly departed brotha, Prince comes to mind.
  18. Europeans amassed their wealth by colonizing other countries and pillaging their natural resources. AfroAmericans were not born in Africa so it's nonsensical and an insult to believe or suggest we can go back there.
  19. Jews do not feel the need to lead from the front. They use their resources, power and influence to select leaders to execute their agenda.
  20. White folks worldwide including places with a less than 1% black population protested against the murder of George Floyd. Regardless of those white folks' reason for joining the protests, it was a great display of humanity in the wake of a tragedy.
  21. One white man started World War II. One white man started the dust-up that is the Russian/Ukrainian conflict. Seems *dumb* that millions of white men cannot stop one of their own from destabilizing world peace and/or wreaking havoc on another country. I would not brag on the intelligence and bravery of white men who run around killing millions of people for no reason.
  22. Thankfully, there are plenty TV channels that do not have black commercials. In order to avoid TV commercials altogether, I would recommend this DVD box set:. They might show a black person but their screen time is minimal and they're totally harmless.
  23. White Christians were the some of biggest slaveholders in America. Bible thumping Sunday morning and whipping black folks the same afternoon. POTUS Abraham Lincoln knew slavery was wrong on several levels and untenable. Nor did Lincoln want slavery to spread further west. The institution of slavery as practiced in America was *good* business for the country economically but bad business on every other front. Lincoln had to stop it. Still, it took a whole Civil War for white folks including their Christians to give up slavery. They were still reluctant about it. That's why we have Juneteenth.
  24. @Pioneer1, check out Katt William's latest stand-up special "World War III".
  25. @Pioneer1, when referring to a black man, our women often use the terms handsome and beautiful/gorgeous synonymously. I don't believe our women use the alternative terms (beautiful, gorgeous) to emasculate a black man especially when he trancends handsome. For example, there have been a few black men for whom handsome wasn't enough. Prince comes to mind as a brotha who women thought was beautiful/gorgeous. By all accounts, despite the way he *looked*, Prince was strictly a ladies man.
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