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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. What you're talking about is boycotting....which does work in many cases. And even that doesn't work like it used to because White folks really don't need our money like that. Some of the small businesses might, but the major corporations could care less about Negroes keeping their little money in their pocket. Hell, the White folks in charge PRINT all the money they want out of thin air.....you ain't hurting them. I'm talking about this so-called protesting where people are just getting in the streets by the thousands making a lot of noise acting crazy and twerking until the police roll out and break it up. Call themselves trying to bring "attention" to police brutality....as if it NEEDS attention. Everybody knows these racist cops are killing unarmed Black folks. So who's "attention" are they trying to get? Who's living under a rock and doesn't know what's going on at this point? The real question is what they going to DO about it....besides wearing out their damn shoes marching up and down busy streets and pissing off the traffic while chanting slogans? A lot of people MIGHT be on your side if you didn't block off the damn streets and intersections yelling and carrying on....as if acting crazy as hell is supposed to stop these demonic bastids from killing Black folks. They don't give a damn about folks "protesting". What's that supposed to do???? Obviously protesting ISN'T working because the killing is continuing. Which is why White folks keep encouraging it and lately they've even been PARTICIPATING in it in mass numbers......because it DOESN'T work. Hell, most of these protests and marches have more White folks up in there grinning than anyone else..lol. Just like so many people were encouraging Colin Kapernick and other football players to take a knee in protest. Because they knew it WOULDN'T work or stop the police killings. Just a silly ass statement and waste of time....and they knew it. We'll know when something DOES work...... Because most White folks won't participate in it, fund it, or give it any publicity. They'll hope it goes away and if it doesn't....they'll try to make it illegal or try to stop it by other methods. Now you know you're on to something....lol
  2. I agree. It's NOT common sense to the average Negro. Which is why so many of our people are constantly on the LOSING side politically, economically, socially, legally, etc.... What IS common sense for other groups, like sticking together, helping your own, pooling your resources together to buy land and gain political power......the typical Negro has to be TAUGHT and ENCOURAGED and in some cases TRICKED into doing it. A damn shame.
  3. I'm not advocating that we do away with Black History month. People should be free to celebrate it if they choose. We can also have an FBA/ADOS/DOS month also. Why limit it to ONE month? Why not 2? or 4? Spread them out around the year and have one for every season. Same with television channels. BET isn't enough....have the FBA Channel to compliment it. At the end of the day, as long as we don't consider ourselves Americans or citizens or significant members of this society....simply see ourselves as "outsiders" constantly trying to win over the approval of other people....the "real Americans"....the problems will persist. We need to start controlling the narratives of this society instead of marginalizing ourselves and acting as if THIS isn't our land and we're just waiting to go to some other land waiting to welcome us.
  4. Polygamous marriages doesn't increase your chances of contracting an STD any more than a monogamous one does. If your partner is out there cheating and sleeping with multiple people.....it doesn't matter if they vow to be with you alone or you and another. A cheater is a cheater and "titles" don't stop them.
  5. No, both are about the same distance. I knew New York had a bunch of them, but they really weren't events I had a desire to attend....lol. Toronto has the diversity of New York without (or atleast a lesser amount of) the negatives. Crime, filth, racial/ethnic hostilities, etc..... See..... I want to take a beautiful Haitian or Belize sista back to my hotel room without worrying whether or not she's trying to set a brutha up and do him in....lol. I want to be able to simply TALK to a Caribbean sista without 4 or 6 Caribbean dudes standing back staring at us raising their shirts and flashing guns...lol. YOU can have the New York street festivals....thanks for the offer...lol
  6. richardmurray I guess it depends on what you're looking for when you go there. When I went there, I was going there to snag a few of the women and look at the rest.....lol. I wasn't interested in all of that so-called "partying" so many people do. Getting drunk, high, dancing around, and acting crazy........ To be honest, I haven't been to Mardi Gras much less the Carnivals in other countries so I really can't speak on them too much. But I've heard from those who've been there that a lot of those places aren't too safe for Americans, especially when you're drunk and got money. Caribbean women are Caribbean women. The ones up in Canada are just as sexy as the ones in the Caribbean or Brazil as far as I'm concerned, without the risk of being kidnapped...lol
  7. La Fiesta De Carne.....lol. A lot of people know about Carnival....but how many know about Caribana up in Toronto? Much nicer, cleaner, and safer.
  8. Oh now see...... I thought Richard was being a bit HYPERBOLIC by saying "favorite" love songs; but Mel wanna get all technical....lol. To make it clear, those songs aren't exactly my "favorites" in the sense of there being no songs better than them. They're just a FEW of my favorites. I could list about 30 or 40 songs in each category that I enjoy just as much.
  9. Problem is they aren't even TRYING to do it. It's one thing if there was a collective effort to throw off the shackles of Caucasian colonialism piece by piece and reform their culture. But I don't see any major effort on the part of any nation in Asia, Africa, or Latin America to do this right now. The closest we came to this so far was during the various Communist revolutions of China and Cuba but that was basically replacing one White ideology with another.
  10. richardmurray Well, for one thing they don't call it "White History" they chop it up into ETHNIC groups so that it will be more acceptable to the public. "Irish Pride" sounds more palatable than "White Pride"....lol. But, I think it LIMITS us to pull out a week or month and set it aside to focus on our history when we SHOULD be doing it all year round. Why do we need a "month" to focus on Black History? Why do we need a special class to do it? Why don't we just DO IT all year round in every class we have the opportunity to do it in? That makes us more UNIVERSAL and takes away limits.
  11. There's a whole lot of Black folks down in Florida. What are THEY doing about this racist autocratic Governor? Plenty of Black folks with money in Florida. Plenty of Black folks with power in Florida. If they just sit back and let a Nazi like that take over and do whatever the hell his mind desires....besides the racists, I'll have to blame THEM TOO. Just like I blame that sissy ass buck-broken clown (I don't have respect for that punk) who all but won the Governor's race but sat up there and LET DeSantis and the Republicans CHEAT him out of the election through their usual racist fraud and suppression tactics. Listening to those racist White Democrats advising him -the nigga didn't even fight back. He just took it up the ass (literally I guess) and conceded without so much as a challenge. .....tired of letting these sorry ass negroes off the hook. Actually THEY are more to blame that the White folks. I can't blame White folks for trying to secure as much power and authority as they can. That's COMMON SENSE. At some point I'm going ot have to look at my own people and wonder why so many of US aren't even interested in trying to do the same thing!
  12. Yes Funny you mentioned that. Not only am I in a Union but I'm also being nominated to get a spot on the bargaining committee because of my outspokenness. We're supposed to get some training pretty soon on how to negotiate contracts. A lot of workers today don't understand the importance....actually the NECESSITY....of collective bargaining. At my job, the majority of the low level workers are Black but the majority of management are White and Latino. Too many of them just want a quick paycheck and don't plan on being on a job long enough to reap benefits from it anyway, so many of them don't give a damn. But constantly walking around crying and complaining about how "they" ain't treating them right and how "they" ain't paying them enough or how "they" didn't give them the time off they wanted. Too many of our people have an "outsider" mentality.
  13. The diversity and range of artists is interesting. Infact, I find it delightfully interesting for some reason. Kind of like wanting to get into the minds of some of you to find out why you choose the particular songs you did and what that background was behind the reasons you liked them. I'm convinced that if we were doing "something" that brought us intense joy, love, happiness at the time a particular song was playing....it would seal that song in our minds as a favorite even if otherwise hearing it would wouldn't have cared too much for it.
  14. I personally don't celebrate Black History month...I celebrate Black History all year round. Similarly...... I wish the schools would stop calling it "Black Studies" or "Black History" and just call it the TRUTH. Merge the accomplishments made by our people in with the mainstream and just teach it like it is instead of leaving half of it out. I blame Black teachers and professors for this entire CRT fiasco. They don't have to go around arguing with White folks, principles, school boards, and announcing to the world that they want to teach Black history and racial studies. Don't even ask for permission. Just DO IT and make it part or the normal curriculum. Hell, that's what White folks do. You don't see White folks carving out a special month for themselves or begging for special classes to celebrate their accomplishments. They STANDARDIZE it so that their history becomes THE history. It's up to us to break that cycle and standardize our history and accomplishments.
  15. When I heard that the military shot them down...I knew they weren't aliens. Had to be some man-made objects.
  16. Kenneth Slang and Ebonics if that's really a thing are fine in certain situations, but not everywhere all the time among ourselves or dealing with whites. We are more than capable of speaking standard English. Why get into some kind of symbolic struggle over making Ebonics standard? It's a distraction from bigger more important issues. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. The only distractions are focusing on issues that are of no benefit to us. Further...... It's not about whether we are capable of speaking "standard" English. It's about RESPECT. ..and who controls the narrative. Who decides what "standard English" is? As AfroAmericans this is OUR nation as well, so we should have a say so in what standard English is....not just a handful of middle aged White men sitting around with their legs crossed in argyle socks at some conference. Establishing the way AfroAmericans speak as THEE standard in this nation goes a long way toward improving the self esteem and success of our future generations.
  17. Atleast the cop got arrested for it this time. That's a good thing. If some of these cops actually start getting arrested and serving prison time and possibly even receive the death penalty for their crimes, I think that MAY slow down some of their savagery.
  18. I think all of this "protesting" has played out. Protest for what? What the hell is it supposed to accomplish? It clearly isn't stopping these race-soldiers from murdering people. It makes no sense to keep on doing something that clearly does NOT work.
  19. Maine has a low crime rate because it HAS NO PEOPLE....lol. Now let's go to the Ukraine where it's damn near ALL White. How's the murder/crime rate THERE? "Boy...I'm sure glad there are no niggers around to mess up the good thing we got goin' here!"
  20. Different people commit mass murder suicide for different reasons, but based on my observations the MAIN causes are White men trying to maintain power and control over their families and communities. Most demographics have been known to commit mass murder suicides from time to time but White males in the U.S. take the lead by far. The vast majority of cases consist of middle aged White men who end killing their wife, kids, family pets, and finally themselves. That's probably over 90% of the mass murder-suicides in the U.S. Many White men in America feel they have a divine right to rule over other people, including other White women and children. If their wife files for divorce or he discovers she's fucking a Black man....he'll often flip and be ready to take the entire family out and go with them...rather than live with the "humiliation" of not being able to maintain "control" as a White man. Now what I just said is an absolute FACT that many people of color...especially many Black folks....have no concept of. They'll ignore it and bounce down the street with their minds of something else thinking police brutality or housing discrimination is the main problem despite several times a week what I just described fills the headlines of most local news stories.
  21. Good example: Why are so many judges and other government officials in many African nations still not only wearing suits and ties but damn BLONDE WIGS???? As the photo says, it's a symbol of their colonized minds that they inherited from generations past. As long as so many Africans believe that European culture and values are supreme they will continue to ascribe to them, which means their own self esteem will end up paying the price.
  22. Well, I'm glad to see that it is. That site has to be almost as old as the internet itself....lol. I'd like to see it become an institution....like AALBC.
  23. Time out: Is Black Planet still functioning??????? Is Polygamy a sin? Only if you're LYING about it. Like I said in another thread, Negroes need to grow a pair of balls and stop waiting on White mommy or White daddy to give them permission to do what they have a NATURAL RIGHT to do anyway. These folks don't give a damn about what's sinful. They legalize gambling, drugs, prostitution, MMA fighting where people are bashing eachother's heads in....NOW all of sudden they're moral? No. The only reason Polygamy is illegal is because White men haven't figured out how to ensure that while THEY would be able to marry as many White, Black, and Brown women as they'd like...they don't want Black men to be able to do the same. They know a lot of bruthas would be laying up with DOZENS of women and getting paid from a lot of them simply for sexual pleasure. White men KNOW this....so they have to work on a few things before legalizing it. Except in places with extremely low Black populations like Utah and Wyoming. Most laws in this nation are designed with RACE or SEX in mind. Either directly or indirectly....but it's there if you look at it deep enough. Most laws on the books are designed to either oppress the AfroAmerican population or limit the amount of sex everybody except White men are having with eachother....or both. That's the truth.
  24. Proposed by whom....and rejected by whom? Should we be surprised when an enemy....especially a historic one...rejects something that benefits us? There are nearly 50 million (or more) AfroAmericans in the United States and most speak some form of Ebonics or another. Who in the hell has the power to reject it if WE say it should be codified and established as an official language or dialect? Negroes need to grow a pair and stop waiting on White mommy or daddy to give them permission to be human beings.
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