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Everything posted by ProfD

  1. @Stefan, I would contend that a troll cannot destroy a forum that has well-informed and intelligent folks capable of articulating and defending their position on topics. Trolls or folks incapable of logical thoughts and/or holding a conversation won't stick around for too long. While it would be easier to let a troll thread fall off the main page, we can also use them for target practice. Here is a *paper trail* of consistency in calling out ignorance and providing truth, facts and reasonable thought. From a positive perspective...our written words is proof that we can and do communicate effectively.
  2. White folks have more than enough firearms to distribute to every member of their communities. Thugs are not the immediate concern of white folks. Race soldiers and the criminal system will sort that out. White folks are armed to the teeth because they're more concerned with being able to protect and defend themselves in the event of a race war or an alien invasion whichever comes first.
  3. It would be hilarious if folks are looking for aliens to come from outer space when they are either already living among us or underground or underwater or in ice. IMO, space exploration isn't about looking for life elsewhere. They are building a place for a select group of people to live as an alternative to Earth.
  4. Admission...the most uncomfortable thing to me as an AfroAmerican is when it's so d8mn hot outside, I start sweating as soon as I step outta the shower.
  5. Overturning Roe v Wade is an attempt to preserve the white population. Most poverty stricken folks aren't scraping up abortion money. They just add another mouth to their WIC file.
  6. White folks aren't even *papered* for most of the petty crimes and misdemeanors they commit. Police might take white folks to the precinct mainly if they're drunk or high and/or belligerent. They're usually released on personal recognizance if they promise to appear in court. Once white folks show up in court for a petty crime or misdemeanor, the judge will thank them for being a good citizen and showing up and apologize for the inconvenience.
  7. I figure it's like pouring water on a gremlin. Eventually they will shrivel up and disappear.
  8. @Pioneer1, while running for POTUS, as Senator John McCain told the white woman who was disparaging future POTUS Barack Obama..."I'm not gonna let you do that...he's a good man." In the grand scheme of things, white women know their place especially within the system of racism. They're always on code. The reason white women aligned their movement with AfroAmerican Civil Rights movement is because white men were vulnerable and listening. White men used the white women's movement as a way to put another layer between themselves and AfroAmericans. That's why white women earn more than black folks. White men got a 2 for 1 deal. They were able to calm down the home front and add another income to the household. IMO, white women weren't betrayed by black men during the Civil Rights struggle. They used it to their benefit. While it may never happen, if there was a race war, rest assured that white women would do as Dolly Parton instructed when she sang...stand by your man. Yep. Lilly will be locked and loaded with an AR-15 or Smith & Wesson busting shots just like her daddy taught her as a teenager. She might even be wearing a p8ssy hat.
  9. The gov't had 50 years to codify Roe v Wade into law. It could have been taken out of the hands of SCOTUS. Rhetorically, I wonder why neither party pursued codification. Now, the politicians want to do what they always do...spend more time *talking* about it.
  10. Black folks are less than 1% of the population in several states. Those are sanctuaries for people who'd rather not have anything to do with us.
  11. The current Governor of Florida is a complete fool. Even scarier to think he's considered a strong GOP candidate for POTUS. America could be going down faster than the Hindenburg if we keep electing these clowns and idiots.
  12. That was my attempt at censorship and keeping porn bots off the site.
  13. Depends on the state in which one lives and how that state chooses to deal with it. Thirteen (13) states have trigger laws that went into effect as soon as the SCOTUS decision came down. It will be interesting to see how America plans to raise and take care of these children especially if the biological parents have no desire to do it.
  14. See, that's just it. These folks can either find the *illegal* funds and/or plant them in order to bring someone down. They are dirty. That's why I type we cannot do what they do. Also, that's what I respected and admired about POTUS Barack Obama. Not only was he intelligent and smart enough to detail his life in his books. They could not find a dirty pair of underwear while rummaging through his laundry. That dude was squeaky clean. Brotha Gillum clearly didn't get the memo. The crazy part is that he was a rising star while at Florida A&M University. Congressional Black Caucus named him an emerging leader. I don't know how it went off the rails to him passing out on a yacht with the family jewels hanging out.
  15. @Stefan, It's all good. I didn't realize we hijacked a different thread. Sista @Mel Hopkins, let me know if you'd prefer I move my diatribe about the dust up over to the appropriate thread.
  16. Handkerchief head n8gglets like Herschel Walker, Vernon Jones, Larry Elders, etc., have always been around. A few laughs, white women and pats on the back will be just enough to sway some folks. The white man's colder ice lures many too. The blessing and curse of mass media allows us to see and hear more of them. They are hiding in plain sight.
  17. As I alluded to in another thread, there are layers to white folks and their BS. The conflict could be a diversion to starve millions of people elsewhere in the world and fleece millions of people out of their money paying for overpriced gas and inflation. We just don't know their end game. But, it's best to watch their hands and follow the money.
  18. The Russian/Ukrainian conflict had been ongoing and has only intensified because Putin doesn't want them to join NATO. Putin knows how the current US leadership thinks. Putin doesn't want NATO on his border. The G7/8 and G20 Summits are held for select countries to collectively make decisions and plans for the present and future as far out as decades ahead. IMO, Putin or nobody else will be using nukes at any time. It remains to be seen how long he will be allowed to smack Ukraine around like an under-performing trick. It could last for years. Some white folks believe there are too many non-white people in the world. In their warped minds, directly or indirectly starving millions in Africa, India and elsewhere is a form of population control. Neither China nor the US wants any smoke with the other. China is the US labor force. America does not want to pay its own labor force a decent living wage to produce goods. The most wealthy folks are happy with the arrangement. Every conflict around the world does a few things...1) destabilize government, 2) reduce population and 3) sell more weapons, goods and services. Most military personnel don't really think about what they have signed up to do. To kill or be killed for national interests doesn't dawn on most people until they enter a war zone and/or before they retire. Geopolitics is a dirty business. It's all fun and games until the fighting and killing starts.
  19. Sure. There is a governor on their madness. Let's see how long it takes current leaders to make Vlady Putin stop killing folks.
  20. Uncle Clarence Thomas took a break from his coloring books to write the majority opinion. New York will not become any worse. Most criminals are not going to apply for an open carry license. However, this decision will probably open the floodgate of states in favor of open carry. Also, the decision will potentially undermine the gun control legislation a bipartisan group of senators plan to introduce this week.
  21. We've never been in disagreement in that regard. Nat Turner was undermined by a turncoat. Boot-licking n8gglets have been around forever.
  22. Nah. But Katt hilariously handles your concern about that whole situation especially if the female's c-spot is big enough to make you question your manhood.
  23. Brotha @Troy, you're running a legit business and providing a space for us. I've noticed the absence of the Google ads. Handle your BI as you best see fit and that is most conducive to your bottom line. You have my admiration and support. Keep it up mayne.
  24. No knock warrants are a by-product of the War on Drugs started by POTUS Nixon in the 1970s and brought to full bear by POTUS Reagan in the 1980s and mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines under POTUS Clinton in the 1990s. Drugs were dumped into black communities. The whole War on Drugs was an effort aimed at incarcerating and killing black folks. Interestingly, there was no such thing as a no knock warrant during Prohibition and/or the height of organized crime in America.
  25. Well, you already know that it is out of code either way and should not be happening at all.
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